Statistical Analysis of Network Data
In the past decade, the study of networks has increased dramatically. Researchers from across the sciences—including biology and bioinformatics, computer science, economics, engineering, mathematics, physics, sociology, and statistics—are more and more involved with the collection and statistical analysis of network-indexed data. As a result, statistical methods and models are being developed in this area at a furious pace, with contributions coming from a wide spectrum of disciplines. This book provides an up-to-date treatment of the foundations common to the statistical analysis of network data across the disciplines. The material is organized according to a statistical taxonomy, although the presentation entails a conscious balance of concepts versus mathematics. In addition, the examples—including extended cases studies—are drawn widely from the literature. This book should be of substantial interest both to statisticians and to anyone else working in the area of ‘network science.’ The coverage of topics in this book is broad, but unfolds in a systematic manner, moving from descriptive (or exploratory) methods, to sampling, to modeling and inference. Specific topics include network mapping, characterization of network structure, network sampling, and the modeling, inference, and prediction of networks, network processes, and network flows. This book is the first such resource to present material on all of these core topics in one place. -
这本书是美国统计专家达莱尔·哈夫的传世之作,该书引发的“编造虚假信息”话题受到美国社会持续普遍的关注和美国权威媒体的激烈争论。书里面大胆地揭露了至今仍然被销售员、广告撰稿人、记者甚至专家频频使用的大量的统计操纵技巧,同时还配有别具一格的风趣插图以及众多幽默的案例。神秘的统计学在这里被哈夫像讲故事一样一一道来,莞尔一笑中让你知晓深奥的统计学基本原理,掌握揭露“虚假数据”的最有力武器…… 自50年代出版以来,此书不断再版,并被翻译成多种文字,在世界的影响力持久不衰,被誉为美国商业人士、研修人员的重要入门必修书之一。 -
《统计学习方法》是计算机及其应用领域的一门重要的学科。《统计学习方法》全面系统地介绍了统计学习的主要方法,特别是监督学习方法,包括感知机、k近邻法、朴素贝叶斯法、决策树、逻辑斯谛回归与最大熵模型、支持向量机、提升方法、EM算法、隐马尔可夫模型和条件随机场等。除第1章概论和最后一章总结外,每章介绍一种方法。叙述从具体问题或实例入手,由浅入深,阐明思路,给出必要的数学推导,便于读者掌握统计学习方法的实质,学会运用。为满足读者进一步学习的需要,书中还介绍了一些相关研究,给出了少量习题,列出了主要参考文献。 -
社会研究的统计应用,ISBN:9787801494313,作者:李沛良著 -
雷奥奇·卡塞拉、罗杰L.贝耶编著的《统计推断(英文版原书第2版)》从概率论的基础开始,通过例子与习题的旁征博引,引进了大量近代统计处理的新技术和一些国内同类教材中不能见而广为使用的分布。其内容包括工科概率论入门、经典统计和现代统计的基础,又加进了不少近代统计中数据处理的实用方法和思想,例如:Bootstrap再抽样法、刀切(Jackknife)估计、EM算法、Logistic回归、稳健(Robust)回归、Markov链、Monte Carlo方法等。它的统计内容与国内流行的教材相比,理论较深,模型较多,案例的涉及面要广,理论的应用面要丰富,统计思想的阐述与算法更为具体。《统计推断(英文版原书第2版)》可作为工科、管理类学科专业本科生、研究生的教材或参考书,也可供教师、工程技术人员自学之用。 -
Applied Linear Statistical Models
"Applied Linear Statistical Models, 5e" is the long established leading authoritative text and reference on statistical modeling. The text includes brief introductory and review material, and then proceeds through regression and modeling for the first half, and through ANOVA and Experimental Design in the second half. All topics are presented in a precise and clear style supported with solved examples, numbered formulae, graphic illustrations, and "Notes" to provide depth and statistical accuracy and precision. The Fifth edition provides an increased use of computing and graphical analysis throughout, without sacrificing concepts or rigor. In general, the 5e uses larger data sets in examples and exercises, and where methods can be automated within software without loss of understanding, it is so done.