Words of Radiance
The Stormlight Archive sequence began in 2010 with the New York Times bestseller The Way of Kings. Now, the eagerly anticipated Words of Radiance continues the epic story and answers many of your questions. Six years ago, the Assassin in White, a hireling of the inscrutable Parshendi, assassinated the Alethi king on the very night a treaty between men and Parshendi was being celebrated. So began the Vengeance Pact among the highprinces of Alethkar and the War of Reckoning against the Parshendi. Now the Assassin is active again, murdering rulers all over the world of Roshar, using his baffling powers to thwart every bodyguard and elude all pursuers. Among his prime targets is Highprince Dalinar, widely considered the power behind the Alethi throne. His leading role in the war would seem reason enough, but the Assassin’s master has much deeper motives. Expected by his enemies to die the miserable death of a military slave, Kaladin survived to be given command of the royal bodyguards, a controversial first for a low-status "darkeyes." Now he must protect the king and Dalinar from every common peril as well as the distinctly uncommon threat of the Assassin, all while secretly struggling to master remarkable new powers that are somehow linked to his honorspren, Syl. Brilliant but troubled Shallan strives along a parallel path. Despite being broken in ways she refuses to acknowledge, she bears a terrible burden: to somehow prevent the return of the legendary Voidbringers and the civilization-ending Desolation that will follow. The secrets she needs can be found at the Shattered Plains, but just arriving there proves more difficult than she could have imagined. Meanwhile, at the heart of the Shattered Plains, the Parshendi are making an epochal decision. Hard pressed by years of Alethi attacks, their numbers ever shrinking, they are convinced by their war leader, Eshonai, to risk everything on a desperate gamble with the very supernatural forces they once fled. The possible consequences for Parshendi and humans alike, indeed, for Roshar itself, are as dangerous as they are incalculable. The doors of the Stormlight Archive first opened to us with The Way of Kings. Read that book – now available in all formats – and then Words of Radiance, and you can be part of the adventure every dazzling step of the way. -
《蛮王柯南:一个男人的欲望、权力、征服与温柔》讲述了一个男人的故事,正如诸多人所言: 男人征服了世界;女人征服了男人,从而征服了世界。 女人可以征服男人,前提是男人允许被征服。 没有了女人,男人的存在便失去了价值;但是没有了男人,女人的存在也不再完整。 -
为了复活龙皓晨,采儿带领着光之晨曦的伙伴们披荆斩棘,终于登上了永恒之塔的第六层。通往最高一层的通天之路开启,采儿就那么背着龙皓晨,在那看不到尽头的阶梯上前进、前进…… -
Comic 哈比人
故事,由一枚足以掌控天下的魔戒展開…… 《魔戒》三部曲大導演彼得‧傑克森新作 全球矚目奇幻大片《哈比人》三部曲 電影原著小說《The Hobbit》經典漫畫版 比爾博‧巴金斯是一個哈比人,溫和善良、與世無爭的他,原本安安穩穩地住在舒適的地洞裡,喜歡開懷大笑,享受美酒和佳肴。直到有一天,一個意外的訪客出現在家門口──頂頂有名的傳奇巫師甘道夫。就這樣,比爾博被迫捲入一連串不可思議、驚險萬分、令人眼界大開的冒險旅途。 比爾博一行人穿過漫無邊際的幽暗密林,先後逃過食人妖、半獸人、巨大蜘蛛、座狼的襲擊,在幽暗陰溼的地底洞穴裡,從奸滑的咕魯手中偷走了珍貴的「魔戒」……。 當惡龍居住的孤山就在眼前,比爾博是否能如甘道夫所言,為自己寫下流傳後世的冒險故事?而這個小小的哈比人,竟揭開了後來浩瀚磅礡的奇幻史詩《魔戒》三部曲? 《Comic哈比人》由托爾金原著濃縮改編而成,生動的對話讓角色躍然紙上,寫實的漫畫完整呈現奇幻場景。現在,就讓我們趕緊追上比爾博的冒險腳步吧! -
陰陽師 7-天后 --[台版:東立]
近來京城落雷事件頻傳,皇上擔心即將舉行的和歌競賽被菅原道真怨靈破壞,遂請晴明到宮裡坐鎮。令一方面,真葛與菅原以和歌競賽為賭注,相約下棋。而和歌創作者壬生忠見,竟在比賽輸了之後,厭食而亡,成為遊魂… -
River of Stars
In his critically acclaimed novel Under Heaven , Guy Gavriel Kay told a vivid and powerful story inspired by China’s Tang Dynasty. Now, the international bestselling and multiple award-winning author revisits that invented setting four centuries later with an epic of prideful emperors, battling courtiers, bandits and soldiers, nomadic invasions, and a woman battling in her own way, to find a new place for women in the world – a world inspired this time by the glittering, decadent Song Dynasty. Ren Daiyan was still just a boy when he took the lives of seven men while guarding an imperial magistrate of Kitai. That moment on a lonely road changed his life—in entirely unexpected ways, sending him into the forests of Kitai among the outlaws. From there he emerges years later—and his life changes again, dramatically, as he circles towards the court and emperor, while war approaches Kitai from the north. Lin Shan is the daughter of a scholar, his beloved only child. Educated by him in ways young women never are, gifted as a songwriter and calligrapher, she finds herself living a life suspended between two worlds. Her intelligence captivates an emperor—and alienates women at the court. But when her father’s life is endangered by the savage politics of the day, Shan must act in ways no woman ever has. In an empire divided by bitter factions circling an exquisitely cultured emperor who loves his gardens and his art far more than the burdens of governing, dramatic events on the northern steppe alter the balance of power in the world, leading to events no one could have foretold, under the river of stars.