穿越浩瀚的文化时空,借助东方之光的朗照,一路巡游:东西两种文明由陌生、误解、会通乃至互补、交融的图景扑面而来;一幅幅中法智者邂逅、抚摩、亲近或是拒绝的场景历历在目。源远流长的中法文化交流星光璀璨。静心聆听权威学者对中法文化文学关系的恺切之论,我们的视野被霍然照亮,两种运行着的文明就这样被烛照、“打通”。 本书作者继《法国作家与中国》后,再次以大量翔实的原文资料为基础,勾勒出法国作家在价值层面上对中国文化的交流、误解乃至膜拜,为你步人中法文化交流与对话的历史时空,提供了更为详细和生动的导游图。在今天这个文化冲突硝烟弥漫的世界,这些苦心孤诣的文化对话与交流的文字,大有深意…… -
What Is World Literature?
World literature was long defined in North America as an established canon of European masterpieces, but an emerging global perspective has challenged both this European focus and the very category of "the masterpiece." The first book to look broadly at the contemporary scope and purposes of world literature, What Is World Literature? probes the uses and abuses of world literature in a rapidly changing world. In case studies ranging from the Sumerians to the Aztecs and from medieval mysticism to postmodern metafiction, David Damrosch looks at the ways works change as they move from national to global contexts. Presenting world literature not as a canon of texts but as a mode of circulation and of reading, Damrosch argues that world literature is work that gains in translation. When it is effectively presented, a work of world literature moves into an elliptical space created between the source and receiving cultures, shaped by both but circumscribed by neither alone. Established classics and new discoveries alike participate in this mode of circulation, but they can be seriously mishandled in the process. From the rediscovered Epic of Gilgamesh in the nineteenth century to Rigoberta Menchú's writing today, foreign works have often been distorted by the immediate needs of their own editors and translators. Eloquently written, argued largely by example, and replete with insightful close readings, this book is both an essay in definition and a series of cautionary tales. -
本书提出了比较文学学科特征与研究范围的新观点,即比较文学的学科特征在于主体间性,比较文学的研究范围主要指涉异质文学的事实材料间性关系、异质文学的美学价值间性关系、不同诗学的间性关系、文学与其他学科的间性关系、文学与其他文化理论的间性关系五种关系。在教材中大力增加文学与其他学科互渗关系比较的内容让不同学科的知识在学生的知识结构中有机地集成,使学生成为既“专”又“博”,既“博”又“专”,具有整体性和综合性知识体系的复合型人才。另一方面,由“授之以鱼”转变为“授之以渔”,在教材中注重对学生实践性能力的培养。由此将教学时空延伸到了课外,真正实现了课内外的优势互补和理论与实践的有机结合。 -
《镜像后的文化冲突与文化认同:英美文学中的中国形象》在对英美的中国观进行总体梳理、分析的基础上,具体探讨了“乌托邦文学”、“散文作品”、“美国边疆故事”、“中国城小说”、“犯罪小说”、“侦探小说”、“异国恋情小说”、“社会写实作品”中的中国人或华人移民形象。指出隐藏在中国形象背后的,是英美社会集体对中国的欲望和想象。 -
In this book are 33 pieces of collected speeches,conference presentations,lectures and reports all written over seas by the author during the past twenty years Under the broad title of comparative literature and comparative culture,these pieces fall naturally into five categories,namely Comparative Literture Theory and the Development of Chinese Comparative listerature Studies on Transcultural Theory,Comparative Poetics,Relationships between Chinese and Western Literatures and Studies on Feminist Literature.All the works in thes book reveal the author's deep understanding of the literature and culture of her own and those of other countries.In addition,they also reflect her major achievements in the field of comparative literature and comparative culture. -