Modern Architecture
This new account of international modernism explores the complex motivations behind this revolutionary movement and assesses its triumphs and failures. The work of the main architects of the movement such as, Frank Lloyd Wright, Adolf Loos, Le Corbusier, and Mies van der Rohe is re-examined shedding new light on their roles as acknowledged masters. Alan Colquhoun explores the evolution of the movement from Art Nouveau in the 1890s to the megastructures of the 1960s, revealing the often contradictory demands of form, function, social engagement, modernity, and tradition. -
Theory and Design in the First Machine Age
First published in 1960, Theory and Design in the First Machine Age has become required reading in numerous courses on the history of modern architecture and is widely regarded as one of the definitive books on the modern movement. It has influenced a generation of students and critics interested in the formation of attitudes, themes, and forms which were characteristic of artists and architects working primarily in Europe between 1900 and 1930 under the compulsion of new technological developments in the first machine age. -
《没有建筑师的建筑:简明非正统建筑导论》作者伯纳德·鲁道夫斯基冲破了统御我们建筑历史感知的狭隘学术苑囿,讨论了作为普遍存在的建筑艺术现象。通过排除那些会干扰我们考察完整建筑“全景”的地理与社会偏见,他向我们展现了一个迄今无人知晓、也无从发现的世界一瞥——可容纳十万观众的美洲史前剧院区域、供数百万人居住的地下城镇和乡村(囊括学校、办公场所和工厂加以完善),他将这些令人意想不到的奇观揭示在世人眼前。 -
《罗马风建筑:信仰与象征》是著名作家赵鑫珊先生的又一突破性力作。该书以赵鑫珊先生的独特视角,讲述了罗马风建筑艺术的方方面面,包括从罗马风建筑艺术的缘起、特点、发展、影响,到如今世界各地罗马风建筑的分布等等。在此基础上,赵鑫珊先生还深刻阐述了罗马风建筑背后所蕴含的人类文明和人文思想,其独特的见解给人启示、发人生省。《罗马风建筑:信仰与象征》不仅具有赵鑫珊先生众多精辟的个人感悟和体会,而且还配上了几百幅质量上乘、画面精美的彩色照片,图文并茂的形式让整体书稿充满了视觉冲击力和阅读感染力,必能引起读者的关注和喜爱。 -
城境 -- 香港建筑1946-2011
面對保存香港建築面貌的迫切性,薛求理博士開展對本港建築的整理和研究。本書由戰後重建說起,細述戰後社會環境如何影響建築發展,包括興建公共屋鷙和大會堂、市政大廈等公共設施;及後探討建築條例如何改變建築物的設計,例如放寬樓宇高度限制和訂立衛生標準;最後解構全球化在香港建築上的烙印,並以不同建築物凸顯本土建築師的水準,講述他們如何克服香港地少人多、山多平地少的難題,造出達國際水平的作品。 -