《材料呈现:19和20世纪西方建筑中材料的建造空间空间双重性研究》在国内首次从理论角度阐述了材料的建造和空间意义,并梳理了西方建筑学中的相关研究成果。在森佩尔以外,还重点论述了早期现代主义时期的路斯、柯布西耶和密斯,以及卒姆托、赫尔佐格与德莫隆、安藤忠雄、坂茂、巴埃萨、帕森等当代建筑师。 材料是建筑学的基本问题。建筑中对于材料的呈现也有不同的态度——压抑或是张扬材料的特征,并由此而至对于材料的隐匿或是显现。《材料呈现:19和20世纪西方建筑中材料的建造空间空间双重性研究》突破了以往仅从材料的结构属性或技术角度出发的研究视角,而是从材料的表面属性和空间角度来进行探讨,对于正统建构理论中对于材料结构属性的过度关注,以及由此而来的材料与空间之间的失衡状态作出了批判性的解读,以期获得空间一材料的同时性呈现并达致它们真正意义上的平衡。作者首先以“本性”和“真实性”为两个关键线索总结了西方至19和20世纪之交的材料研究,然后从材料、“面饰”与空间的关系方面集中考察了森佩尔的建筑理论思想,从而得以区别于结构理性主义,把研究的焦点集中到材料的表面属性上,建立材料和空间在知觉意义上的联系。接下来,作者分章节对材料的显现、材料的隐匿以及材料的透明性等一系列问题进行了分析研究,详细考察了材料的建造和空间双重属性。最后从“抽象约减”与“材料回归”两个方面对于这一问题的思考进行深化并做出总结。 -
“建筑远远超过了单个因素的数量和总和。建筑是一门互相依赖的艺术,那些单独的因素在时间、地点、材料、技术、经济和个人才华的天地内相互作用。歌德把建筑称为‘凝固的音乐’。建筑奏响了人类创造性从高音到低音的所有音符,保存着人类文明那些最可爱的旋律。” ——摘自卡罗尔·斯特里克兰本书前言 对于建筑,你想了解的所有那些东西,全都在这本书之中,它囊括了从石器时代到空间时代的那些经典建筑。本书装帧亲切大方,内容富有启示,读来轻松愉悦,附有精美的经典建筑照片和图示。 本书把建筑史从沉闷的教材中解放出来,将其变成了一个精心设计的动态世界,由一些篇幅不长的精致散文和富有启发性的附录构成。 本书囊括了从石器时代到空间时代那些经典建筑,书籍装帧亲切大方,内容富有启示,读来轻松愉悦,附有精美的经典建筑照片和图示。从工程上的突破到文化史,从建筑家生平轶事到相似风格及相异风格的的分析,本书作者和当代建筑名师的欣赏评说,打开了这一领域新的天地。 书中的照片和图解超过250幅,描绘出建筑的基本要素,无论是作为视觉享受还是文本说明,都是一般教材所无法比似的。 -
Theorizing a New Agenda for Architecture
"Theorizing a New Agenda for Architecture: An Anthology of ArchitecturalTheory" collects in a single volume the most significant essays on architectural theory of the last thirty years. A dynamic period of reexamination of the discipline, the postmodern eraproduced widely divergent and radical viewpoints on issues of making, meaning, history, and the city. Among the paradigms presented arearchitectural postmodernism, phenomenology, semiotics, poststructuralism, deconstruction, and feminism. By gathering these influential articles from a vast array of books and journals into a comprehensive anthology, Kate Nesbitt has created a resource of great value. Indispensable to professors and students of architecture and architectural theory, Theorizing a New Agenda also serves practitioners and the general public, as Nesbitt provides an overview, a thematic structure, and a critical introduction to each essay. The list of authors in "Theorizing a New Agenda" reads like a "Who's Who" of contemporary architectural thought: Tadao Ando, Giulio Carlo Argan, Alan Colquhoun, Jacques Derrida, Peter Eisenman, Marco Frascari, Kenneth Frampton, Diane Ghirardo, Vittorio Gregotti, Karsten Harries, Rem Koolhaas, Christian Norberg-Schulz, Aldo Rossi, Colin Rowe, Thomas Schumacher, Ignasi de Sol-Morales Rubi, Bernard Tschumi, Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown, and Anthony Vidler. A bibliography and notes on all the contributors are also included. -
本书的构思和写作是在20世纪50年代后期,那一时期曾经被人们称为喷气机时代、清洁剂时代、第二次工业革命时期,等等。在那个阶段,几乎任何一个标签都会引起人们对某些科学技术变革的关注。因为这些变革极大地影响了人们的生活,在我们整体的命运轨迹中开辟了可选择的全新路径。本书着重研究从19世纪晚期到20世纪二三十年代的西方建筑与设计,重点考察现代主义的兴起、传播与变革,无论是在研究视角、还是研究方法上都进行了大胆的探索,迅速成为西方设计史、建筑史学科研究的一座里程碑,成为研究现代主义建筑与设计的一部经典。 雷纳.班纳姆(ReynerBanham,19221988)是20世纪下半叶西方最重要的研究建筑、设计与流行文化的历史学家、理论家与评论家。1958年毕业于伦敦大学,获博士学位。曾任布法罗州立大学设计研究系主任、加州大学(圣克鲁兹)艺术史系教授、纽约大学美术学院建筑史教授。《第一机械时代的理论与设计》着重研究从19世纪晚期到20世纪二三十年代的西方建筑与设计,重点考察现代主义的兴起、传播与变革,无论是在研究视角、还是研究方法上都进行了大胆的探索,迅速成为西方设计史、建筑史学科研究的一座里程碑,成为研究现代主义建筑与设计的一部经典。雷纳.班纳姆一生著述众多,《第一机械时代的理论与设计》虽然是他的第一本专著,但却始终是他最具学术价值与影响力的代表性著作。该书已经成为现代建筑史课程的必读文本,并普遍认为是论述现代建筑运动的权威著作之一。 导言机械时代 第一部分前期影响:学院与理性主义作者,19001914年 1.学院的传统和基本构成的观念 2.舒瓦西:理性主义与技术 3.学院的延续:加尼尔和佩雷 4.英国:莱塞比与斯各特 5.德国:工业与德意志制造联盟 6.工厂美学 7.阿道夫.卢斯与装饰问题 第二部分意大利:未来主义宣言与方案,19091914年 8.未来主义:成立宣言 9.未来主义:理论与发展 10.圣埃利亚与未来主义建筑 第三部分荷兰:贝尔拉赫的遗产:风格派,19171925年 11.荷兰:贝尔拉赫及对赖特的态度 12.风格派:荷兰阶段 13.表现主义:阿姆斯特丹和柏林 14.风格派:国际阶段 第四部分巴黎:艺术界与勒.柯布西耶 15.建筑与立体主义传统 16.巴黎的进步建筑:19181928年 17.走向新建筑 18.勒.柯布西耶:城镇规划与美学 第五部分柏林,包豪斯,新风格的胜利 19.柏林学派 20.包豪斯 21.德国:百科全书 22.结论:功能主义与技术问题 专有名词与建筑物索引 风格作品与机构团体名称索引 -
Project Japan
By Rem Koolhaas and Hans Ulrich Obrist Having wandered the ruins of Hiroshima, Tokyo and other Japanese cities after WW II, The Metabolists – four architects, a critic, an industrial designer and a graphic designer – showed with the launch of their manifesto Metabolism 1960 how they would employ biological systems (aided by Japan's massive advances in technology) as inspiration for buildings and cities that could change and adapt to the vicissitudes of modern life. Units could be added or removed from buildings like Kisho Kurokawa’s Capsule Tower in Toky o as required; buildings themselves could be added or removed from cities at will in the cell-like master-plans of Fumihiko Maki . Project Japan features a series of vivid, empathetic conversations, replete with surprising connections and occasional clashes between Koolhaas and Obrist and their subjects. The story that unfolds is illuminated, contradicted and validated by commentaries from a broad range their forebearers, associates, critics, and progeny, including Toyo Ito and Charles Jencks. Interspersed with the interviews and commentary are hundreds of never-before-seen images : master-plans from Manchuria to Tokyo, intimate snapshots of the Metabolists at work and play, architectural models, magazine excerpts and astonishing sci-fi urban visions. Presented in a clear chronology from the tabula rasa of a colonized Manchuria in the 1930s; a devastated Japan after the war; to the establishment of Metabolism at the 1960 World Design Conference; to the rise of Kisho Kurokawa as the first celebrity architect; to the apotheosis of the movement at Expo '70 in Osaka. Koolhaas and Obrist unearth a history that casts new light on the key issues that both enervate and motivate architecture today: celebrity and seriousness, sustainability and monumentality, globalization, government participation (and abdication), and the necessity for architecture to reach beyond its traditional boundaries in order to embrace the future. -
A History of Architectural Conservation
A History of Architectural Conservation expands knowledge about the conservation of ancient monuments, works of art and historic buildings. It includes the origins of the interest in conservation within the European context, and the development of the concepts from Antiquity and the Renaissance to the present day. Jokilehto illustrates how this development has influenced international collaboration in the protection and conservation of cultural heritage, and how it has formed the principal concepts and approach to conservation and restoration in today's multi-cultural society. This book is based on archival research of original documents and the study of key restoration examples in countries that have influenced the international conservation movement. Accessible and of great interest to students and the general public it includes conservation trends in Europe, the USA, India, Iran and Japan. * Uses world-wide examples to give a complete overview of the modern approach to conservation and restoration * Provides a thorough explanation of the development of the concepts of conservation from traditional to modern society * Learn from the knowledge of this experienced and well respected author