很长时间以来,艺术家对自己的艺术作品及行为不解释、不负责,而这种不负责任的行为并非没有造成一定的后果,这正是《艺术家的责任》一书要讨论的问题。现代艺术先锋派从哪里获得了豁免权,乃至于让它远离评判,摆脱“有用性”的逻辑,甚或避免向共同体投入的义务?艺术家难道是不负任何责任的人吗? 这种豁免权与先锋派一个世纪以来被赋予的特权有关,因为先锋派曾被认为代表了进步与革命。让•克莱尔用富有历史性的分析表明,先锋派不仅以极左与极右的政治乌托邦为原型打造自己,反过来也为其提供了基本信条。先锋派和此类乌托邦同样具有暴力性,同样仇恨传统文化,且自60年代以来最终将反人道主义确立为行动的纲领。 本书重新勾勒了一种堕落的历史谱系。有关当代艺术的本质及其评判标准,争论甚至是论战,历时已久。在一个“去责任化的世界”,艺术家是否应该比寻常人承担更多的责任?作者强调 “我”与“他者”的“面对面”伦理关系,这或许能够引发我们的深思。 -
After the End of Art
Over a decade ago, Arthur Danto announced that art ended in the sixties. Ever since this declaration, he has been at the forefront of a radical critique of the nature of art in our time. "After the End of Art" presents Danto's first full-scale reformulation of his original insight, showing how, with the eclipse of abstract expressionism, art has deviated irrevocably from the narrative course that Vasari helped define for it in the Renaissance. Moreover, he leads the way to a new type of criticism that can help us understand art in a posthistorical age where, for example, an artist can produce a work in the style of Rembrandt to create a visual pun, and where traditional theories cannot explain the difference between Andy Warhol's Brillo Box and the product found in the grocery store.Here we are engaged in a series of insightful and entertaining conversations on the most relevant aesthetic and philosophical issues of art, conducted by an especially acute observer of the art scene today. Originally delivered as the prestigious "Mellon Lectures on the Fine Arts", these writings cover art history, pop art, 'people's art,' the future role of museums, and the critical contributions of Clement Greenberg - who helped make sense of modernism for viewers over two generations ago through an aesthetics-based criticism. Tracing art history from a mimetic tradition (the idea that art was a progressively more adequate representation of reality) through the modern era of manifestos (when art was defined by the artist's philosophy), Danto shows that it wasn't until the invention of Pop art that the historical understanding of the means and ends of art was nullified.Even modernist art, which tried to break with the past by questioning the ways of producing art, hinged on a narrative. Traditional notions of aesthetics can no longer apply to contemporary art, argues Danto. Instead he focuses on a philosophy of art criticism that can deal with perhaps the most perplexing feature of contemporary art: that everything is possible. -
《视觉的思想:“现象学与艺术”国际学术研讨会论文集》是“现象学与艺术”国际学术研讨会(2002年10月18日至1O月21日,中国杭州)的论文集,收录了会议的大部分论文(另有七篇文章构成一组,收入《中国现象学与哲学评论》第六辑,将由上海译文出版社出版)。本次会议由中国美术学院、浙江大学、中国现象学哲学专业委员会共同举办,由中国美术学院艺术现象学研究中心和浙江大学德国文化研究所承办。来自中、德、法、日等国家和地区的近五十位哲学家、艺术家、艺术评论家参加了会议。代表主体是中国学者,会议工作语言是汉语。 与以往的现象学哲学会议或者一般哲学会议相比较,本次会议有如下两个显著的特点。 其一,这是国内第一次较大规模的艺术家与哲学家的聚会。如通常所见,艺术家倾向感性,哲学家趋于理性,虽然在今天的思想视野里这个说法已经大成问题了,但从这两类人的举止行状、思想方式、表达风格上看,这个差别恐怕仍旧是存在的。我作为本次会议的学术策划人和组织者,事先一直怀着一种担心,恐怕两方面弄得不可开交。但后来的事实证明,我的这种担忧是多余的——这两类人还是可以交流的,也表明艺术与哲学之间存在着对话的可能性。 其二,本次会议是在杭州市印象画廊里举行的。在一个地下的画廊里搞一个艺术一哲学的学术会议,以后会不会有我不敢说,但至少在我们这里是前所未有的。会议主办者在画廊里做了一个名为“大地上——具象表现绘画艺术展”的展览。华裔法籍著名艺术家司徒立先生甚至专门从巴黎弄来了一批法国艺术家的作品予以展出,加上中国美术学院具象表现绘画工作室的几位艺术家的一些作品,形成一个规模不小的画展。置身于绘画艺术的背景里讨论艺术现象学的问题,味道自然有点特别。 因为有了上面两点,本次会议就可以说是一次成功的大会,也是一次有趣的大会。据我所知,本次会议所收论文的数量在历届现象学年会中也是名列前茅的。 -
Art Power
Art has its own power in the world, and is as much a force in the power play of global politics today as it once was in the arena of cold war politics. Art, argues distinguished theoretician Boris Groys, is hardly a powerless commodity subject to the art market's fiats of inclusion and exclusion. In Art Power, Groys examines modern and contemporary art according to its ideological function. Art, Groys writes, is produced and brought before the public in two ways—as a commodity and as a tool of political propaganda. In the contemporary art scene, very little attention is paid to the latter function; the official and unofficial art of the former Soviet Union and other former Socialist states, for example, is largely excluded from the field of institutionally recognized art, usually on moral grounds (although, Groys points out, criticism of the morality of the market never leads to calls for a similar exclusion of art produced under market conditions). Arguing for the inclusion of politically motivated art in contemporary art discourse, Groys considers art produced under totalitarianism, Socialism, and post-Communism. He also considers today’s mainstream Western art—which he finds behaving more and more according to the norms of ideological propaganda: produced and exhibited for the masses at international exhibitions, biennials, and festivals. Contemporary art, Groys argues, demonstrates its power by appropriating the iconoclastic gestures directed against itself—by positioning itself simultaneously as an image and as a critique of the image. In Art Power, Groys examines this fundamental appropriation that produces the paradoxical object of the modern artwork. -
《图像学研究--文艺复兴时期艺术的人文主题》(主编冯俊)是《上海三联人文经典书库》之一,书中包括了皮耶罗两组绘画中的人类早期历史、盲目的丘比特、时间老人、佛罗伦萨与意大利北部的新柏拉图主义运动、新柏拉图主义运动与米开朗琪罗等内容。 本书适合从事相关研究工作的人员参考阅读。 -