超人无意间吸收了过量的太阳能量,虽然他因此变得前所未有的强大,但饱和的细胞却将他一步步推向死亡! 在生命最后的日子里,超人会经历怎样的冒险?心仪已久的露易丝会如何接受他的告白?未来的超人联盟是否存在?超人真的是氪星的唯一幸存者吗?毒太阳究竟是什么…… 这一切又跟阴险的卢瑟有什么关系? 获奖 2006年埃斯纳奖(Eisner Award)最佳新漫画系列得主。 2006年老鹰奖(Eagle Award)最受欢迎漫画封面得主。 2007年埃斯纳奖(Eisner Award)最佳连载漫画得主。 2007年老鹰奖(Eagle Award)最受欢迎彩色漫画(美国区)得主。 2008年哈维奖(Harvey Award)最佳艺术家、最佳单集得主。 2009年埃斯纳奖(Eisner Award)最佳连载漫画得主。 《时代》杂志将这本书评为2007年十大最佳漫画之一。 -
La fievre d'Urbicande (Les Cites obscures)
Le Sommeil Du Monstre
Bilal早期的作品多為短篇,《諸神混亂》是他醞釀多年,集數年功力於大成的首部獨挑大樑長篇作品,1980年在法國推出後隨即引起矚目,隔年轉載於美國最猛的地下漫畫雜誌《重金屬Heavy Metal》,同樣一炮而紅,幾乎是甫推出就躋身科幻漫畫的經典名作之林,從此奠定了Bilal的地位。 《諸神混亂》的故事設定在2023年的未來巴黎,艾菲爾鐵塔上空,出現了不明的金字塔飛行器,一些埃及神祇因為沒有燃料而被困在此地,而野心勃勃的巴黎領導人,妄想藉這機會和這些神祇交易,實現自己的長生不死的願望。同時,一位因叛逃而被冰凍在外太空長達三十年的軍人尼可波勒,陰錯陽差的掉回地面,被叛逃在外的埃及太陽神盯上,想借用他的身體來完成自己的復仇大業…同為叛逃者的兩人,一個是只想過普通生活的人類尼可波勒,一個卻是傲慢自大的太陽神,即使在百般不願意下,尼可波勒還得接受自己身體被太陽神附身的無奈,並且面對30年來周遭環境人事已非的沈重… 《諸神混亂》是Bilal的尼可波勒三部曲的首部曲,是一部政治味相當濃厚的科幻漫畫,故事雖然設定在未來,但是卻諷刺了三、四○年代受法西斯主義與納粹主義箝制的社會以及獨裁者。尼可波勒二部曲《女人陷阱》將在2003年改編成電影上映,由Bilal自編自導;而三部曲《寒冷赤道》,則獲頒法國1992年年度好書獎。 -
A fascinating but disturbing study of one of Americas greatest horror writers, the intense LOVECRAFT examines the bizarre life of author and recluse, Howard Phillips Lovecraft. Since his early childhood in the late 1800s Lovecraft was haunted with dark visions of demons and death. Trapped in a world of macabre creatures and grotesque thoughts, the writer found escape only by weaving his living nightmares into fictional blood curling horror stories. An uncensored tour into a troubled mind, this beautifully painted hardcover edition traces the toils of a man considered both mentally ill and genius as he stumbles across the fine line between reality and insanity. -
The Day I Swapped My Dad for Two Goldfish
"I'll swap you my dad," I said. "Oh-oh," said my little sister. What if you wanted your best friend's two goldfish so much that you'd swap anything for them, even your father? What if your mother came home and found out what you'd done? "The Day I Swapped My Dad for Two Goldfish "is a hilarious adventure and was the first book for younger readers from the acclaimed author and illustrator of the "New York Times" best-sellers "The Wolves in the Walls" and "Coraline." Chosen as one of "Newsweek" magazine's Best Children's Books of the Year, "The Day I Swapped My Dad for Two Goldfish" is beloved by readers of all ages. This new edition features brand-new jacket art and an afterword by the author on the origins of this unique and wonderfully funny story.