《最新日本设计模板:版面设计》着重对海报、DH、POP、书籍等印刷品的设计和运用进行解说,因为“版面设计”存在于人们生活的方方面面,哪十自是非常简单的文章中,也同样离不开版面设计。例如,名片设计看起来很简单,但是,是横排还是竖排,名字放在哪里,地址又放在哪里,字体需要多少、大小……这一切都是必须思考和重视的。再以比较复杂的海报设计为例,要注意的方面就更多了,比如图片如何放置,广告语是横排还是竖排,从顶端开始往下排还是从底部开始往上排,或者是从左往右排,等等。即使决定从右边开始排起,那么上下左右页边距应该是多少,文字的颜色又将怎样处理,对于版面设计者来说,这些都是在版面设计中不可回避的问题,也是必须注意的事项,直接影响到最终的印刷效果。特别是最近,海报、杂志、POP等方面的设计越来越漂亮,这都是与版面设计的进步密不可分的,当然这也是社会对于设计师的要求。 -
Change by Design
This book introduces design thinking, the collaborative process by which the designer’s sensibilities and methods are employed to match people’s needs with what is technically feasible and a viable business strategy. In short, design thinking converts need into demand. It’s a human-centered approach to problem solving that helps people and organizations become more innovative and creative. Design thinking is not just applicable to so-called creative industries or people who work in the design field. It’s an approach that has been used by organizations such as Kaiser Permanente to increase the quality of patient care by re-examining the ways that their nurses manage shift change or Kraft to rethink supply chain management. This book is for creative business leaders who seek to infuse design thinking into every level of an organization, product, or service to drive new alternatives for business and society. -
本書集結了田中一光先生,在日本各報章雜誌媒體等,曾經發表過最精華的文章.全書共分為三大篇章,第一設計的發想,第二設計的方法,第三設計的原點.田中透過生活,工作上敏銳細緻的觀察與感受,用帶點詼諧且優美的文字,在其文章裡隱約闡述了田中一生的設計觀,設計思想以及設計的社會責任. 台灣繁體中文版,特別邀請 原研哉 設計大師為此書寫序文,並邀集台港陸三地平面設計師寫推薦文以及一篇三位知名華人設計師的對談錄. -
本书是一本西方国家图案图集。书中集结了当代最有天赋的50为设计师的手绘图案设计作品,并且展示了他们如何将这些手绘图案创新性地使用于不同的地方。 -
Studio Culture
"Bridging between design, geopolitics, architecture, and branding, Metahaven's "Uncorporate Identity" defies easy categorization as a monograph. The book is organized as a sequence of five chapters, dealing with data havens and statehood, post-communist architecture, visual legacies of the war on terror, tourist brands and border control, and social networks restructuring soft power, branding and governance internationally. With each chapter comprised of case studies, notes and essays, it explores visual identity in a networked and multi-polar world. "Uncorporate Identity" is conceived and edited by Metahaven (Daniel van der Velden and Vinca Kruk) with Marina Vishmidt, and has contributions by Boris Groys, David Singh Grewal, Vladimir Kolossov, Keller Easterling, Dieter Lesage, China Mieville, Chantal Mouffe, Pier Vittorio Aureli, Bruno Besana, Michael Taussig, Regula Stampfli, Mihnea Mircan, Florian Schneider, Marina Vishmidt, and others."