Nobuyoshi Araki: Self Life Death
•Arguably Japan’s greatest living photographer – and certainly its most controversial – Nobuyoshi Araki (b.1940) consistently challenges artistic and social conventions in postwar Japan by referencing the country’s rich history of restraint, commercialism and eroticism •This new abridged edition includes all of Araki’s major bodies of work, such as Sentimental Journey (1971), Winter Journey (1991) and Erotos (1993) •Araki’s prolific 48 year career is represented through his finest and most iconic images all in a lavishly produced, large-format book •Araki’s writings, widely admired in Japan, are also included, providing a unique opportunity for the English reader to discover the artist and his motivations •In this affordable and accessible format, a new audience of photography students and enthusiasts will be able to own the definitive work on this influential photographer -
Moriyama Shinjuku Araki
Two celebrated masters of Japanese photography with very different individual visions return to a part of Tokyo which has played a central part in their work, Shinjuku. The photographs which resulted from their series of visits are compiled in this beautifully produced exhibition catalogue, overflowing with full page reproductions, essays and observations and a delightful conversation between Moriyama and Araki. -
Araki Gold
Il volume presenta una selezione di oltre 200 opere fra le più importanti e significative del fotografo giapponese, uno degli artisti internazionalmente più acclamati e discussi. Il libro ripercorre la carriera di Araki dagli anni Sessanta sino ad oggi, con particolare attenzione alla recente produzione di cui verrà data ampia esposizione. La serie Tokyo Diary 2003-2007, raccolta di emblematiche fotografie (una per giorno), una nuova serie di nudi e di eleganti ritratti femminili, e alcune "storie" ambientate nel Giappone tradizionale. Accanto a questi lavori seriali spiccano i ritratti e le fotografie di strada degli anni Sessanta e Settanta, dove Araki "registra" la società giapponese nel suo momento forse più vorticoso di crescita economica. Forte rilievo assumono le nuove composizioni di fiori e i classici bondage che l'hanno reso famoso in tutto il mondo. -
センチメンタルな旅・冬の旅 (ハードカバー)
僕の大好きだった人はこの写真集を見て泣きました。 僕もなんだかセンチメンタルになっちゃって 一緒に泣いてしまった。 そんな思い出の一品。 一緒にいよう 二人で泣いたあとそう言ったんだけど。 結局それは叶わなかった。 懐かしい僕の恋の終わりの一品。 写真集が文学足りうると初めて思った写真集。奥様の陽子さんとの新婚旅行と その20年程度後の 陽子さんが一人で辿った死への旅を一冊に仕立て上げた白黒写真集。新婚旅行の陽子さんが 全く無表情である一方 不治の病と闘う陽子さんの見せる笑顔が対照的。この表情の違いの中に それまでの夫婦生活を深読み出来ると思う。そうして 陽子さんの死への旅に それを写真に撮るという形でしか参加出来ない荒木さんの哀しみは 数多く挿入されている東京の風景写真に見事に表されている。壮絶な作家魂と言っても過言ではないと思う。夫婦純愛小説と言うと陳腐だが そういう本です。何度見ても心打たれる。