About Face
Mann's colorful and detailed narrative, studded with dozens of vivid anecdotes, reveals how ineptly [we] have managed our ties with the world's most populous nation. -- The Washington Post Book World Drawing on hundreds of previously classified documents, scores of interviews, and his own experience, James Mann, former Los Angeles Times Beijing bureau chief, presents the fascinating inside story of contemporary U.S.-China relations. President Nixon and Secretary of State Kissinger began their diplomacy with China in an attempt to find a way out of Vietnam. The remaining Cold War presidents saw China as an ally against the Soviet Union and looked askance at its violations of international principles. With the end of communism and China's continued human rights abuses, the U.S has failed to forge a genuinely new relationship with China. This is the essential story of contemporary U.S./China policy. -
《中国近现代外交史》内容简明扼要,层次清楚,有史实有分析,用材料来支撑论点。这本书不仅可以用于课堂,也可以供其他外事干部和对中国外交感兴趣的读者阅读。全书分为18章完全是从教学安排的角度考虑的。为了便于学习和进一步了解有关历史的详细情况,每章的后面都附有思考题和参考书目,全书后面还附有其他通史类和国别关系类的参考书目。 -
近代史的研究,不少学者由外交入手而论述近代,其实只取其交涉经过,条约谈判,特权攫取,订约阴谋等论域发挥其研判识断。商约谈判与签订之重要,却鲜有人涉及。此类论著,亦属少见。作者积数十年之功,撰成《晚清商约外交》,研讨了晚清七十年间,中国与西方列强在重大政治事件以外所签订的种种通商条约。论述了订约经过与所受列强外交官的强索与愚弄,以及不平等条款的形成,列强特权的扩张,同时亦见出中国官员的怯懦无知,国家利权的侵损。进而则就晚清十年的中外修约,以见中国因应外交的醒觉与挽回利权的努力。 此次中华再版发行,作者思虑再三,重新撰写了《自序》。《自序》详细交代了本书写作的意图,寓意深刻,发人深省。作者开篇指出:“中国今日立足于世界瞬息万变之局,实极其需要重视外交,何况百五十年来,中国之饱受外国欺凌侵犯,以及强取豪夺,今时岂可不用心于了解国际现势,强权动态?……在近代史上我们是积弱之国,百余年来,饱受列强侵凌,故全国上下俱须提高警觉,认真研究,列强侵人之国,其一切阴谋智术,运用手法,必须深入了解掌握,以谋趋避因应之道。……算来晚清七十余年间,中国每年之商税漏卮即可抵得上一次鸦片战争之赔款,亦可谓中国商税漏卮,每年要损失一个鸦片战争之赔款量,真是令人触目惊心。因乃著此书,以为国人提示另一种外交领域,其严重性有过于战败赔款。” 可见,《晚清商约外交》不仅具有很高的学术价值,而且颇具现实意义。 刘白如先生序 自序 绪论 上编 中外商约交涉之滥觞 第一章 中英通商章程之议订及各国之通行 第二章 列强议订商约特权之永久持续规定 第三章 中俄会订陆路通商 第四章 英日外交势力对中国商权之扩张 下编 晚清十年间之中外商约交涉 第一章 中英通商行船条约之议订 第二章 中美通商行船条约之议订 第三章 中日通商行船条约之议订 第四章 中葡通商行船条约之议订 第五章 中德通商行船条约之议订——附中义、中瑞商约 第六章 余论 中西译名对照表 关键词表 参考书目 -
本书自1983年出版后,在美国和加拿大被广泛用作国际关系专业教科书,并被不少著名学者誉为经典。两位作者皆任教于斯坦福大学,克雷格为研究国际事务的杰出的历史学家,乔治则是一位杰出的政治学家。 全书分为两大部分20章。第一部分阐述17世纪至今国际体系的演变,理论思考卓越地体现在历史论说之中;第二部分剖析维持国际体系所涉及的武力和外交问题(包括谈判、威慑、强制性外交、危机处理、结束战争、缓和、武力在外交中的作用、使用武力的伦理道德约束、外交在当代的巨大变化等), 历史实例的娴熟运用非常恰当地支撑了理论构建。 在1995年修订第三版中,作者对一些篇章作了扩充或调整,增加了有关海湾战争、冷战结束、东欧巨变、德国统一、苏联解体等方面的内容,及时反映了1990年代以来改变了的全球政治景观及其对外交政策的影响。 -
全书正文共十九章,分为“无约时期”和“有约时期”两大部分。第1部“无约时期”(120年至1842年),分7章,叙述外人来中国的历史、特权及保护,16世纪初开始的中国闭关政策,外人商务的组合及保护等;第2部“有约时期”(1842年以后),分12章,叙述在华治外法权的由来,治外法权的保护、范围、限制,口岸与租界,游历与护照,外人与外人财产的保护,无约国人民在华的待遇及管理等。 是我国近代外交历史上第一部涉及到外国侨民在中国社会状况研究的专著。 -
On China
For more than twenty years after the Communist Revolution in 1949, China and most of the western world had no diplomats in each others' capitals and no direct way to communicate. Then, in July 1971, Henry Kissinger arrived secretly in Beijing on a mission which quickly led to the reopening of relations between China and the West and changed the course of post-war history. For the past forty years, Kissinger has maintained close relations with successive generations of Chinese leaders, and has probably been more intimately connected with China at the highest level than any other western figure. This book distils his unique experience and long study of the 'Middle Kingdom', examining China's history from the classical era to the present day, and explaining why it has taken the extraordinary course that it has. The book concentrates on the decades since 1949, presenting brilliantly drawn portraits of Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Deng Xiaoping and other Chinese leaders, and reproducing verbatim Kissinger's conversations with each of them. But Kissinger's eye rarely leaves the long continuum of Chinese history: he describes the essence of China's approach to diplomacy, strategy and negotiation, and the remarkable ways in which Communist-era statesmen have drawn on methods honed over millennia. At the end of the book, Kissinger reflects on these attitudes for our own era of economic interdependence and an uncertain future. On China is written with great authority, complete accessibility and with many wider reflections on statecraft and diplomacy distilled from years of experience. At a moment when the rest of the world is thinking about China more than ever before, this timely book offers insights that no other can.