Real World Haskell
This easy-to-use, fast-moving tutorial introduces you to functional programming with Haskell. Learn how to use Haskell in a variety of practical ways, whether it's for short, script-like programs or large and demanding applications. Written for experienced programmers, Real World Haskell takes you through the basics of functional programming at a brisk pace, and helps you increase your understanding of Haskell in real-world issues like I/O, performance, dealing with data, concurrency, and more as you move through each chapter. With this book, you will: Understand the difference between procedural and functional programming Learn about Haskell's compiler, interpreter, values, simple functions, and types Find your way around Haskell's library -- and write your own Use monads to express I/O operations and changes in state Interact with databases, parse files and data, and handle errors Discover how to use Haskell for systems programming Learn concurrency and parallel programming with Haskell You'll find plenty of hands-on exercises, along with examples of real Haskell programs that you can modify, compile, and run. If you've never used a functional language before, and want to understand why Haskell is now coming into its own as a practical language in so many major organizations, Real World Haskell is the place to start. -
《算法竞赛入门经典:训练指南》是《算法竞赛入门经典》的重要补充,旨在补充原书中没有涉及或者讲解得不够详细的内容,从而构建一个较完整的知识体系,并且用大量有针对性的题目,让抽象复杂的算法和数学具体化、实用化。《算法竞赛入门经典:训练指南》共6章,分别为算法设计基础、数学基础、实用数据结构、几何问题、图论算法与模型和更多算法专题,全书通过近200道例题深入浅出地介绍了上述领域的各个知识点、经典思维方式以及程序实现的常见方法和技巧,并在章末和附录中给出了丰富的分类习题,供读者查漏补缺和强化学习效果。 -
Hacker's Delight
In Hacker's Delight, Second Edition, Hank Warren once again compiles an irresistible collection of programming hacks: timesaving techniques, algorithms, and tricks that help programmers build more elegant and efficient software, while also gaining deeper insights into their craft. Warren's hacks are eminently practical, but they're also intrinsically interesting, and sometimes unexpected, much like the solution to a great puzzle. They are, in a word, a delight to any programmer who is excited by the opportunity to improve. Extensive additions in this edition include * A new chapter on cyclic redundancy checking (CRC), including routines for the commonly used CRC-32 code * A new chapter on error correcting codes (ECC), including routines for the Hamming code * More coverage of integer division by constants, including methods using only shifts and adds * Computing remainders without computing a quotient * More coverage of population count and counting leading zeros * Array population count * New algorithms for compress and expand * An LRU algorithm * Floating-point to/from integer conversions * Approximate floating-point reciprocal square root routine * A gallery of graphs of discrete functions * Now with exercises and answers -
一本老少咸宜的编程入门奇书!一册在手,你完全可以带着自己的孩子,跟随Sande父子组合在轻松的氛围中熟悉那些编程概念,如内存、循环、输入和输出、数据结构和图形用户界面等。这些知识一点儿也不高深,听起来备感亲切,书中言语幽默风趣而不失真义,让学习过程充满乐趣。细心的作者还配上了孩子们都喜欢的可爱漫画和经过运行测试的程序示例,教你用最易编写和最易理解的Python语言,写出你梦想中的游戏程序。 “Hello, World!我来了!”编程乐趣无穷,起点就在脚下,请引导你的孩子走进这奇妙的世界。无论是中小学生还是其他初学者,都可以跟随本书学习Python编程,并过渡到任何其他语言,重要的是你将学会思考问题和解决问题的方法。 -
《程序员实用算法》重点关注的是实用、立即可用的代码,并且广泛讨论了可移植性和特定于实现的细节。《程序员实用算法》作者介绍了一些有用但很少被讨论的算法,它们可用于语音查找、日期和时间例程(直到公元1年)、B树和索引文件、数据压缩、任意精度的算术、校验和与数据验证,并且还最全面地介绍了查找例程、排序算法和数据结构。 《程序员实用算法》结构清晰,示例丰富,可作为广大程序员的参考用书。 -
本书是计算机科学方面的经典名著《编程珠玑》的姊妹篇,讲述了对于程序员有共性的知识。书中涵盖了程序员操纵程序的技术、程序员取舍的技巧、输入和输出设计以及算法示例,这些内容结合成一个有机的整体,如一串串珠玑展示给程序员。本书适合各级程序员阅读参考。... 【媒体评论】 “《编程珠玑》第1版是对我职业生涯早期影响最大的书之一,其中的许多真知灼见多年之后仍然使我受益匪浅。Jon在第2版中对素材进行了大量更新,许多新内容让我耳目一新。”. ——Steve McConnell,软件工程大师,IEEE Software前主编,《代码大全》作者 “对每一位遇到的程序员,我都会毫不迟疑地建议他阅读并不断重读这部经典之作。”... ——Slashdot