三十年來,第一本整合神經科學與認知心理學的革命性巨著! 在一九八○年代之前,神經科學與認知心理學這兩個領域之間幾乎沒有互動,直到裂腦研究先驅葛詹尼加與認知心理學大師米勒,在共赴餐宴的計程車上的一番對談,才促成了認知神經科學的誕生,葛詹尼加因而被譽為「認知神經科學之父」,認知神經科學更成為二十一世紀的顯學。 葛詹尼加對認知神經科學的發展功不可沒,他創建了認知神經科學研究所與學會,並創辦《認知神經科學期刊》,而其學術著作的里程碑——《認知神經科學》(The Cognitive Neurosciences),更是此領域的權威教科書。葛詹尼加不僅是知名的臨床及基礎科學研究者,還出版了多種大眾科普書籍,本書即是他的最新力作。紐約時報評價說:「對腦科學研究來說,葛詹尼加所做的研究堪比史蒂芬.霍金的研究之於宇宙論。」 大師親授的科普課,完整解析所有關於人類的研究! 人類很特別,常常能不費吹灰之力地解決問題,當我們手上拿著大包小包走到家門前,馬上就知道怎麼伸出小指勾住門把開門。人類的心智活動也很旺盛:我們有同情心、道德感,懂得抽象思考,能把幻想和現實分開;還能抑制衝動,延遲滿足時間。除此之外,人類懂得創造美的事物,甚至還會透過科技把性和繁殖分開! 既然我們和其他動物都是由同樣的化學物質組成的,也有同樣的生理反應,為何人類如此獨特? 葛詹尼加從年少時就不停地思考,「人」這個奇妙的物種如何被塑造;而在成為世界首屈一指的腦科學家後,他更能以專業的眼光,看待大腦在這個過程中扮演的角色。為了徹底了解「身為人類」所代表的科學意涵,他統整了神經科學、演化學、認知心理學、遺傳工程、人類學、動物行為學和語言學近十年的最新研究,融合社會科學的田野調查,探討各種令人困惑的問題: ◎ 人類的大腦很特別嗎?腦袋越大就越聰明? ◎ 我們為什麼那麼愛社交?講八卦攸關生存和演化? ◎ 動物有道德感嗎?只有人類有亂倫禁忌? ◎ 人類是唯一的藝術家嗎?猩猩也懂得欣賞夕陽之美? ◎ 意識是怎麼一回事?動物會思考自己知道的事嗎? 人類研究散落在各種不同領域,本書是葛詹尼加用大師的眼光為我們整理、至今為止最完整的人類研究,讓研究者和一般科普讀者,都能津津有味地讀下去。他在書中展現了幽默的筆法,從人類的生理構造、社交行為、道德、同理心,一路剖析至語言、藝術、直覺、意識等層面,結合各領域的文獻,挖掘人類的獨特之處。 跟著大師的思考脈絡,你會驚歎於人類的奧妙,更將明白「生而為人」所代表的重大意義! -
脑神经影像解剖是医学影像的重要组成部分,本书是参考国内、外神经解剖学专著和相关研究资料的基础上,利用先进的医学成像技术,本着局剖解部与功能相结合的思路组织、编排的。全书共分十六章,约13万字,插图650余幅,其中部分为局部彩色解剖图,通过磁共振不同平面的断层图像及三维重建图像,对脑沟、脑回、脑叶、脑神经以及相关脑结构做了尽可能详细的描述,包括了位置、结构、走行及毗邻等诸多方面,同时阐述了脑结构的功能及损伤先后常见的临床表现。本书图注中的解剖学名词采取中英文对照的形式,以使读者从中受到启发和获益。 本书主要的阅读对象为从事医学影像工作的临床医师,也可作为医学院校在校学生以及临床相关学科的专业人员,特别是神经内、外科医师工作和学习的参考书。 -
Pink Brain, Blue Brain
In the past decade, we've heard a lot about the innate differences between males and females. So we've come to accept that boys can't focus in a classroom and girls are obsessed with relationships: "That's just the way they're built.""" In "Pink Brain Blue Brain," neuroscientist Lise Eliot turns that thinking on its head. Calling on years of exhaustive research and her own work in the field of neuroplasticity, Eliot argues that infant brains are so malleable that small differences at birth become amplified over time, as parents and teachers--and the culture at large--unwittingly reinforce gender stereotypes. Children themselves exacerbate the differences by playing to their modest strengths. They constantly exercise those "ball-throwing" or "doll-cuddling" circuits, rarely straying from their comfort zones. But this, says Eliot, is just what they need to do. And she offers parents and teachers concrete ways to help. Presenting the latest science from birth to puberty, she zeroes in on the precise differences between boys and girls, erasing harmful stereotypes. Boys are not, in fact, "better at math" but at certain kinds of spatial reasoning. Girls are not naturally more empathetic; they're allowed to express their feelings. By appreciating "how" sex differences emerge--rather than assuming them to be fixed biological facts--we can help all children reach their fullest potential, close the troubling gaps between boys and girls, and ultimately end the gender wars that currently divide us. -
千百年来,眼睛扫视书页,并唤起脑中的整个阅读过程,这种看似简单实则非常复杂的脑机制一直是一个难解之谜。我们对阅读的行为已经习以为常,而忘记了它是一项非常惊人的成就。白纸上的一个个黑色符号是如何引发一系列的声音以及意义的呢?我们的大脑皮层是上百万年演化的结果,我们原本的生存环境中并不存在书写与阅读,但灵长类的脑又是如何演化出识别单词和符号的能力的呢? 法国科学院院士、著名认知神经科学家斯坦尼斯拉斯?迪昂根据他在人脑阅读方面卓有成效的研究,破解了这个谜团,向我们展示了人脑神奇阅读能力是如何形成的。迪昂在大量实证研究的基础上,全新地看待脑阅读机制与文化的思想深刻地改变了我们对教育和学习的观点,史无前例地引领着我们探索人类的能力。 -
Foreword by Daniel Goleman, author of Emotional Intelligence This groundbreaking book, from one of the global innovators in the integration of brain science with psychotherapy, offers an extraordinary guide to the practice of “mindsight,” the potent skill that is the basis for both emotional and social intelligence. From anxiety to depression and feelings of shame and inadequacy, from mood swings to addictions, OCD, and traumatic memories, most of us have a mental “trap” that causes recurring conflict in our lives and relationships. Daniel J. Siegel, M.D., a clinical professor of psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine and co-director of the UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center, shows us how to use mindsight to escape these traps. Through his synthesis of a broad range of scientific research with applications to everyday life, Dr. Siegel has developed novel approaches that have helped hundreds of patients free themselves from obstacles blocking their happiness. By cultivating mindsight, all of us can effect positive, lasting changes in our brains—and our lives. A book as inspiring as it is profound, Mindsight can help us master our emotions, heal our relationships, and reach our fullest potential. -
Theoretical Neuroscience
Theoretical neuroscience provides a quantitative basis for describing what nervous systems do, determining how they function, and uncovering the general principles by which they operate. This text introduces the basic mathematical and computational methods of theoretical neuroscience and presents applications in a variety of areas including vision, sensory-motor integration, development, learning, and memory.The book is divided into three parts. Part I discusses the relationship between sensory stimuli and neural responses, focusing on the representation of information by the spiking activity of neurons. Part II discusses the modeling of neurons and neural circuits on the basis of cellular and synaptic biophysics. Part III analyzes the role of plasticity in development and learning. An appendix covers the mathematical methods used, and exercises are available on the book's Web site.