《世界大国军事史译著丛书:日本军事史》由2006年12月在日本出版的《日本军事史·战前篇》和2007年2月在日本出版的《日本军事史·战后篇》合并翻译而成。战前篇是主要介绍明治维新至1945年日本战败投降这一“沿着军国主义道路前行”的军事史,包括武士团解体与引进近代军制、实行征兵制和整备中央兵力、天皇制军队的成立、日清战争、日俄战争、转变为帝国主义军队、总体战阶段及其各种矛盾、满洲事变、日中战争、太平洋战争等10章;战后篇主要介绍战后至20世纪80年代这一“以和平主义为国策”的军事史,包括战败与军队解体、重整军备的开始、和约与安保条约及保安队与警备队、自卫队的成立、《安保条约》修改与自卫队的转变、《日韩条约》与日美军事体制的新阶段、高速增长与《四次防》、日美安保体制的新阶段、军备增强之路、从经济大国走向军事大国等10章。作者藤原彰能够正确认识和对待历史,认真反思侵略历史,在历史问题上立场比较公正,书中内容相对客观。《世界大国军事史译著丛书:日本军事史》既有历史纵深,又有一定的横向宽度,脉络清晰,详略得当,对从不同角度认识和研究日本军事史、日本对外侵略史、中日战争史乃至日本近代史都具有很好的参考价值。 -
《技术转移与技术创新历史丛书:德国克虏伯与晚清火炮 贸易与仿制模式下的技术转移》系一部研究19世纪末至20世纪初德国克虏伯技术向中国转移的学术专著。在考察中国社会从传统向现代转型、自强运动、军事变革等宏观问题的同时,重点分析了李鸿章等人主导的晚清军火贸易以及建立在仿制基础上的兵器工业发展的得失成败,以及贸易、仿制与技术转移之间错综复杂的关系。全书从历史背景、军火贸易、书本知识的输入、技术的引进与消化吸收、装备与运用等方丽,综合论述了德国克虏伯与晚清技术转移的过程、路径及影响因素。《技术转移与技术创新历史丛书:德国克虏伯与晚清火炮 贸易与仿制模式下的技术转移》适合科学技术史、军事技术史、中西交流史、科技政策等领域的研究者参考。 -
全书共130万字,从《宋会要辑稿》等一手史料出发,对两宋三衙管军制度的产生与演变,三衙的建置与职能及其与地方军马的关系,三衙所部编制、兵力变动与马政,三衙诸军与宋代战事,三衙管军的地位与任职资格、选任及其素质状况等进行了深入的研究。 -
莫高窟藏经洞出土的敦煌文献大多属于归义军时代,敦煌石窟也保存了这一时期的艺术作品,冯培红著的《敦煌的归义军时代》借用这些资料,揭开了归义军时代的神秘面纱,以敦煌为首府、存续一百八十五年的归义军,是晚唐、五代、宋初河西地区的一个地方政权。实际上,从848年起张议潮就已从吐蕃手中收复了河西诸州及西域东部地区;唐末归义军的统治权一度被索、李等氏攫取;五代初年张承奉建立了西汉金山国与敦煌国,但其余时间则以藩镇的面貌出现,虽然曹氏归义军在五代、北宋被视作外邦。 -
Japan Prepares for Total War
The roots of Japan's aggressive, expansionist foreign policy have often been traced to its concern over acute economic vulnerability. Historian Michael Barnhart tests this assumption by examining the events leading up to World War II in the context of Japan's quest for economic security. Drawing on a wide array of Japanese and American sources, this is the first English-language book on the war's origins to be based on research in archives on both sides of the Pacific. Barnhart focuses on the critical years from 1938 to 1941 as he investigates the development of Japan's drive for national economic self-sufficiency and independence and the way in which this drive shaped its internal and external policies. He also explores American economic pressure on Tokyo and assesses its impact on Japan's foreign policy and domestic economy. He concludes that Japan's internal political dynamics, especially the bitter rivalry between its army and navy, played a far greater role in propelling the nation into war with the United States than did its economic condition or even pressure from Washington. Japan Prepares for Total War sheds new light on prewar Japan and confirms the opinions of those in Washington who advocated economic pressure against Japan. At a time of growing interest in U.S.-Japanese economic relations, this book will be stimulating and provocative reading for scholars and students of international relations and American and Asian history. -
Carnage and Culture
Examining nine landmark battles from ancient to modern times--from Salamis, where outnumbered Greeks devastated the slave army of Xerxes, to Cortes’s conquest of Mexico to the Tet offensive--Victor Davis Hanson explains why the armies of the West have been the most lethal and effective of any fighting forces in the world. Looking beyond popular explanations such as geography or superior technology, Hanson argues that it is in fact Western culture and values–the tradition of dissent, the value placed on inventiveness and adaptation, the concept of citizenship–which have consistently produced superior arms and soldiers. Offering riveting battle narratives and a balanced perspective that avoids simple triumphalism, Carnage and Culture demonstrates how armies cannot be separated from the cultures that produce them and explains why an army produced by a free culture will always have the advantage.