《SPSS11统计分析教程:基础篇》为《SPSS 11.0统计分析教程》的基础篇,由3部分16章及3个附录组成。主要内容包括:SPSS数据分析实例,数据编辑窗口用法及Transform/Data菜单详解,SPSS编程操作入门,SPSS结果窗口用法和Help菜单详解,常用统计图形的制作和编辑,交互式统计图,报表,描述性统计分析,均数间的比较,非参数统计分析方法,卡方世界及相关分析等。SPSS是世界最为优秀的统计工具之一,深受各行业用户的青睐,SPSS 11.0是其最新版本。 《SPSS11统计分析教程:基础篇》作者从统计专业用户的角度出发,结合自身多年的SPSS使用经验,在以风趣、明快的笔触介绍软件操作的同时,注意将相应的统计学知识融入其中。书中既有深入浅出的软件功能介绍,又有针对实际问题的解决办法,更侧重于对统计新方法、新观点的讲解。 -
在社会科学诸如社会学、心理学、人口学、政治学、经济学以及公共卫生学当中,大量的观测因变量是二分类测量。本书专题介绍了在分析二分类因变量时最常使用的统计分析模型之一——Logistic回归模型。本书深入浅出,理论联系实际,通过例题分析,并结合计算机统计软件的应用,详细介绍、阐述了该模型及其应用。同时,还介绍了如何将Logistic回归模型扩展到序次Logistic回归模型和多项Logit模型,以分析序次变量和多分类名义变量为因变量的数据。本书提供用SAS和SPSS进行具体例题分析的计算机程序及相关数据,并对这两种软件的模型估计结果进行详尽的解释和对比分析。本书的读者对象为社会科学各专业的教师及研究生,以及社会科学专业研究人员。 -
《社会统计学(第4版)》系统地介绍了社会统计学的基本内容:统计描述和统计推论,并以变量的四个层次(定类、定序、定距、定比)为切入点,简明扼要地阐述了单变量和双变量的各种统计技术。《社会统计学(第4版)》的例证材料多取材于社会现象,采用直观、浅显的叙述,将数理统计方法在社会研究中的应用通俗地呈现给读者,是学习、研究社会统计问题的必读课本。 《社会统计学(第4版)》是高等学校的统编教材,是社会学专业的必修课,同时可供文科相关专业师生学习、参考之用。 《社会统计学(第4版)》是第四版,作者新增了多项选择的讨论、概率数值的例题、第二类纳伪概率的计算、Normao P-P图法等内容,并对第三版存在的问题作了统一修改。 -
Super Crunchers
Why would a casino try and stop you from losing? How can a mathematical formula find your future spouse? Would you know if a statistical analysis blackballed you from a job you wanted? Today, number crunching affects your life in ways you might never imagine. In this lively and groundbreaking new book, economist Ian Ayres shows how today's best and brightest organizations are analyzing massive databases at lightening speed to provide greater insights into human behavior. They are the Super Crunchers. From internet sites like Google and Amazon that know your tastes better than you do, to a physician's diagnosis and your child's education, to boardrooms and government agencies, this new breed of decision makers are calling the shots. And they are delivering staggeringly accurate results. How can a football coach evaluate a player without ever seeing him play? Want to know whether the price of an airline ticket will go up or down before you buy? How can a formula outpredict wine experts in determining the best vintages? Super crunchers have the answers. In this brave new world of equation versus expertise, Ayres shows us the benefits and risks, who loses and who wins, and how super crunching can be used to help, not manipulate us. Gone are the days of solely relying on intuition to make decisions. No businessperson, consumer, or student who wants to stay ahead of the curve should make another keystroke without reading Super Crunchers. -
Quantitative Data Analysis
This book is an accessible introduction to quantitative data analysis, concentrating on the key issues facing those new to research, such as how to decide which statistical procedure is suitable, and how to interpret the subsequent results. Each chapter includes illustrative examples and a set of exercises that allows readers to test their understanding of the topic. The book, written for graduate students in the social sciences, public health, and education, offers a practical approach to making sociological sense out of a body of quantitative data. The book also will be useful to more experienced researchers who need a readily accessible handbook on quantitative methods. -
设计好的调查问卷是一项技术含量极高的专业活动,有的学者的终身成就不过是设计了一份高质量的、广为使用的调查问卷。 美國著名調查研究方法專家福勒在這本十多萬字的小册子中,試圖從專業的角度系統地回答問卷設計的所有問題: 什么是一份好的調查問卷,什么是一個好的調查問題? 如何起草调查问题并在经验的层面上加以评估? 如何在撰写问题时选择合适的措辞,以及如何选择问题的格式? 如何撰写用来收集事实资料的问题,以及如何撰写用来测量主观状态的问题? 什么是“好的”和“坏的”调查问题,以及“坏的”调查问题何以导致了有缺陷的答案?如何对问卷问题进行评估? 對社會科學的研究者和調查工作者而言,本書是非常值得反復閱讀的案頭工具書。