本书为摄影初学者量身打造,从数码单反相机、镜头、配件的选购知识开始讲起,帮助用户正确认识和选择器材,并通过试拍了解数码单反相机的基本的使用和设置。以7天任务驱动的方式,安排家中、公园、街头、动物园、户外等多种场景进行循序渐进的练习,详细讲解静物、美食、人像、宠物、花卉、树木、街景、动物等多种题材的拍摄技巧,并将测光、对焦、用光、感光度选择及镜头使用等有针对性的拍摄知识融入其中,帮助初学者在短时间内大幅提升实拍水平。 本书涵盖40大必拍实景,浓缩300多个实用拍摄技巧,能够指导摄影爱好者轻松、快速地掌握摄影知识和技巧,拍出更好、更专业的照片! -
Nikon D7000使用详解
内容提要 本书是一本关于Nikon D7000数码单反相机的实用性使用手册,主要内容包括Nikon D7000性能与特点、Nikon D7000的机身与操作特性、D7000与D300和D90主要规格对比、D7000菜单设置详解、D7000镜头选配深入剖析、使用D7000拍出好照片的诀窍、D7000即时取景与高清短片拍摄全面解析、View NX 2照片管理快速指南、Capture NX 2照片编辑技巧等,另外还包括Nikon D7000各种提升拍摄效果的配件介绍。 本书适合于Nikon D7000用户和准备购买Nikon D7000的用户作为参考资料。 序言 做了多年的器材评测工作,我对器材选择的眼光变得越来越挑剔,而尼康近两年推出的四位编号的产品一直让人不够满意,无论是加入翻转液晶屏的D5000,还是加入引导模式的入门级产品D3000,都是在低端配置上做些小花样,显得有些上不得台面。 直到尼康D7000的推出,这一系 列才让人眼前一亮。从配置上看,D7000已经不再是一款“高端入门级”产品,其地位俨然已经高过D90,逼近D300s,成为一款标准的中端产品。除了像素提升到了1620万外,D7000还搭载了全新的对焦和测光系统,支持全高清视频拍摄,并且采用了镁铝合金机身和约100%视野率的取景器。这样一款新型号、高配置,而且颇具价格竞争力的产品,一经面世,就受到众多爱好者的追捧和关注,很多人向我咨询,我一一做了介绍、推荐,但是个人力量渺小,这样一款产品不是三言两语能够说透彻的,值得好好详细介绍,更值得出本书来介绍。恰巧,本书作者拿了本书样稿给我,我翻看了两天,谈谈几个印象。本书翻看下来,图文比例非常合适,读起来很轻松,既适合尼康相机用户了解新机型的特性,也适合摄影爱好者作为器材选购的参考,对于D7000的介绍详细、准确,各种使用心得、技巧涵盖其中。尤其是书中关于镜头推荐的章节,不仅仅适用于D7000,所有尼康中低端数码单反产品,包括D300s、D90、D5000、D60,都可以参考此章节选择镜头。另外,利用Nikon Capture NX 2编辑照片的章节也十分细致,我也从中有所收获。 如果您有意购买D7000,或者考虑把手中的相机升级成D7000,那么不妨提前看看本书,一定会让您的选择更加理性;如果您只是对器材感兴趣,那么本书中丰富实用的内容也绝不会让您失望。 本书的两位作者都是我的挚友,一位是认识十年,也曾合作出版过图书的王永辉老师,他对于图书定位、文字和结构的把握令人信服,他的书通俗易懂,受众非常广泛。而腾飞则是我在《数码摄影》工作时的同事,别看年纪不大,但他对器材的钻研精神令人钦佩,对新技术的理解和把握非常到位。二位作者联手,也是本书品质的最好保障。 -
The Art of Faking It
Review Sacramento Book Review, September 2008 “At times taking shots at low hanging fruit, this humorous guide to being your very own local elitist will probably be used by those very people it attempts to parody.” --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. Product Description In today’s fast-paced society, who has time to keep up with both the current trends and the classics of what is “good” and “popular”? The Art of Faking It guides you—with tongue planted firmly in cheek—through any awkward, intellectual, and/or über-sophisticated social situation, using both panache and pithy nuggets of wisdom to ensure you’ll never be at a loss for the right words and attitudes again. Inside you will find everything you need to know about what everyone is talking about— from ordering the “right” food and drink to holding an intelligent conversation about anything, from classical music and architecture to legitimate theater and the opposite sex. With the timely information and savvy advice in this book, playfully illustrated with New Yorker-esque line drawings, you will be the most scintillating conversationalist in the bunch—whether you are faking it or not! -
Mr.Jones' Rules for the Modern Man
This is a witty, stylish and indispensable guide to being a modern man. It is tough being a man in the twenty-first century. First there are the big dilemmas, like how to get a pay rise and how to suck up to your boss. Then there are the minor irritations: how do you beat jet-lag, and how do you stop your trousers sliding off their hangers? And finally there are all those things you ought to know, but don't: how to jump-start a car, how to buy lingerie, how to stop smoking, how to tie a Windsor Knot, how to behave at a lap-dancing club ...the list is endless. Fear not. In "Mr Jones Rules", the highly respected editor of "GQ" magazine draws on his wealth of experience to give the final answer to these questions and more. It will be the must-have present for every husband, boyfriend and son this Christmas. -
《流离火》是一部动人心弦的、平缓舒雅的、略带感伤的、百分之百都市言情小说。年轻的江亦微七分美丽、三分低调、有着执着的冷与热的真性情,看着云淡风轻,暗自终日逃避。她维持着一个正常人应有的,却只是形式的爱,活脱脱一个“非爱情”主义者,嘴巴里绝对不会蹦出“我爱你”三个字,包括对着她的母亲。 周遭人的变故,一次强过一次猛击着她的心,直到将她打得支离破碎:爱人的放弃、舍友的背叛、好友的自杀、母亲的离世、就连心中唯一的、也是理不清的那根支柱也离她而去。她的宿命本不该如此。绝望后人还要继续活着,她渐渐懂得了自己,懂得了爱的意义。