The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
When all questions of space, time, matter and the nature of being have been resolved, only one question remains - "Where shall we have dinner?" "The Restaurant at the End of the Universe" provides the ultimate gastronomic experience, and for once there is no morning after to worry about. This is volume two in the Trilogy of five. -
这是一本纯粹的当整个世界给你冷脸子时,嘻嘻哈哈迎向你的书 大张伟在《白水煮一切》中讲述了103个发生在自己和朋友身上的故事,在每个段子后面他还发表了点评式的心得。 -
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Presents America (The Book) Teacher's Edition
For everyone who was too cheap to buy the hardcover, the blockbuster, award-winning #1 New York Times bestseller is now in trade paperback-with a new introduction, fully updated, and with equally unsettling nude photos of the newest Supreme Court justices, and a text corrected by the most reputable college professor we could find/afford.Including:Historical inaccuracies, gross distortions, complete fabrications-corrected by real-life bearded college professor. -
Chinglish offers a humorous and insightful look at misuses of the English language in Chinese street signs, products, and advertising. A long-standing favorite of English speaking tourists and visitors, Chinglish is now quickly becoming a culture relic: in preparation for the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, the Chinese government is determined to wipe out incorrect English usage. -
《精英下乡》内容简介:另类侦探小说,让你笑破肚皮!谁说侦破小说就一定是血腥恐怖、沉重严肃的?德国著名侦探作家莉莉?塔尔笔下的笨警察皮勒迈尔探长,总有层出不穷的幽默故事让你捧腹大笑。全新获奖系列作品,配有画家弗兰齐丝卡?比尔曼精美插图,绝对值得侦探小说迷们珍藏! 《精英下乡》为德国侦探系列皮勒迈尔探长系列的第一部。故事讲述的是德国的两位笨警察————皮勒迈尔探长及其助理鲁道夫,被调到全国最小最破的警察局任职。但他们自认为是最最优秀的刑事警察,打算在新岗位上开展“精英下乡”行动,但结果却是被强盗捉弄,把那里唯一的一辆警车变成了一堆废铁,最后连警察局都成了一片废墟。 -