这本是丁一晨毕业后沉淀许久才开始动笔画的。关于大学,关于友情,关于亲情,丁一晨以其独特的视角,给人温暖和爆笑的双重体会。部分画稿在微博上发表后随即登上热门话题榜。本书95%的内容未在网络发表,350万粉丝都在期待的实力创作。 特别策划丁小点手绘日记的单元,虽是黑白画稿,但尽显画工实力,巡回签售时无数粉丝求之而不得。催泪弹“小老头”的故事,也收录其中,丁一晨借此寄托对姥爷的思念,弥补姥爷最后的遗憾。 -
《幽默小品集》包括老舍先生的祭子路岳母文、一天、昼寝的风潮、当幽默变成油抹、天下太平、不远千里而来、吃莲花的、买彩票、有声电影、科学救命、特大的新年、新年的二重性格、个人计划、记懒人、新年醉话、抬头见喜、写信、辞工、不食无劳、为被拒迁入使馆区、八百余人上外交总长文、一些印象等六十余篇幽默小说。 -
《名著中的悬案》主要内容:名著中的悬疑:三国的宏大,西游的妖娆,都堪称东方文化的典藏。这些“大师”的称号是久经考验的,可不像现在,连卖饼的都敢给自家店门上来块“炊饼大师”的招牌。 既然是大师,当然是年高德劭,风骨过人之士,大师还需要狗腿子吗? -
The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Seconds before the Earth is demolished to make way for a galactic freeway, Arthur Dent is plucked off the planet by his friend Ford Prefect, a researcher for the revised edition of The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy who, for the last fifteen years, has been posing as an out of work actor. Together this dynamic pair begin their journey through space aided by quotes from The Hitch Hiker's Guide "A towel is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have" and a galaxy-full of fellow travellers: Zaphod Beeblebroxthe two-headed, three-armed ex-hippie and totally out to lunch president of the galaxy; Trillian, Zaphod's girlfriend (formally Tricia McMillan), whom Arthur tried to pick up at a cocktail party once upon a time zone; Marvin, a paranoid, brilliant and chronically depressed robot;and Veet Voojagig, a former graduate student who is obsessed with the disappearance of all the ball-point pens he has bought over the years. -
《幽默三国之魔鬼训练营》中作者发挥丰富想象,结合现实生活故事,巧妙设计情节,在保留人物角色原有的特定性格之外,又赋予了人物新的个性素质。如曹操依然会时不时地作上一首诗;周瑜依然会时不时地嫉妒一下诸葛亮;诸葛亮依然会时不时地发明一些新玩意……忠厚的鲁肃、鲁莽的张飞、不服老的黄忠,甚至大乔小乔等三国人物都来了一次全新的形象展示,是一顿丰盛的幽默大餐! -
Notes from a Big Country
From perfectly formed potatoes to adulterous US presidents, and from domestic upsets to millennial fever, Bill Bryson just cannot resist airing his opinions and standing up for his (mostly) law-abiding fellow American citizens. But of course after twenty years in England, he is now back on the other side of the pond, and is obviously having a little trouble finding his true American self again. After vigorous exercise on the Appalachian Trail comes this edited collection of Bryson’s most splenetic comic pieces culled from his humorous regular column in the Mail on Sunday.