Training the Body for China
Anthropologist Susan Brownell, heptathlon gold medallist in the 1986 National College Games of the People's Republic of China, draws on her direct experience of Chinese athletics to provide an insight into the culture of sports and the body in China. The book introduces the notion of "body culture" to analyze Olympic sports as one element in a whole set of Chinese body practices: the "old people's disco dancing" craze; the popularity of bodybuilding (following reluctant official acceptance of the bikini); mass calisthenics; martial arts; military discipline; and more. Translating official and dissident materials into English and drawing on performance theory and histories of the body, the text uses the culture of the body as a focal point to explore the tensions between local and global organizations, the traditional and the modern, and men and women. The author's intimate knowledge of Chinese social and cultural life and the wide range of historic examples utilized aim to provide a novel perspective on how gender, the body and the nation are interlinked in Chinese culture. -
Chinese Visions of Family and State, 1915-1953
At the dawn of the twentieth century, China's sovereignty was fragile at best. In the face of international pressure and domestic upheaval, young urban radicals--desperate for reforms that would save their nation--clamored for change, championing Western-inspired family reform and promoting free marriage choice and economic and emotional independence. But what came to be known as the New Culture Movement had the unwitting effect of fostering totalitarianism. In this wide-reaching, engrossing book, Susan Glosser examines how the link between family order and national salvation affected state-building and explores its lasting consequences. Glosser effectively argues that the replacement of the authoritarian, patriarchal, extended family structure with an egalitarian, conjugal family was a way for the nation to preserve crucial elements of its traditional culture. Her comprehensive research shows that in the end, family reform paved the way for the Chinese Communist Party to establish a deeply intrusive state that undermined the legitimacy of individual rights. -
《中国女性主义思想史中的妇女问题》一书作者以“词语误用”作为研究方法,从“女性”和“妇女”关键词入手,解读并梳理了从19世纪末到20世纪90年代的中国女性主体的思想史。作者阐述了各种理论和概念范畴,论述了中国启蒙知识分子对妇女整体不断发展的描述,涵盖了优生学、社会性别、性意识、精神分析思想、文学批评、道德伦理以及革命政治意识形态等诸多方面,以一定的深度和广度阐述中国女性主义理论所关注的性别平等问题。 -
内容简介 社会分层与社会流动一直是社会学的主要分支之一,也是经验研究方法运用得比较成熟的领域。《市场转型与社会分层:美国学者分析中国》(三联书店,1996)翻译、收录了1996年以前关于中国社会分层研究的有代表性的文章,受到了国内学者的极大欢迎。《社会分层与流动--国外学者对中国研究的新进展》是其后续之作,选译了1996年以来发表在美国主流社会学三大学刊《美国社会学评论》、《美国社会学杂志》和《社会力》上的关于中国社会分层与社会流动研究的12篇经典论文,提供了国际分析与比较的视角。 作者简介 边燕杰, 曾为香港科技大学讲座教授,社会科学部主任,调查研究中心主任。现为美国明尼苏达大学社会学系教授。 研究领域包括社会分层与流动。社会网络与社会资本,经济社会学,调查研究方法,著有《中国城市的工作与不平等》(英文, 1994), 主编《市场转型与社会分层》(2001),《华人社会的调查研究》(2001),《社会调查实践:论中国经验与分析》(2004)。自2003年起, 与中国人民大学李路路教授合作并主持“中国综合社会调查”(Chinese General Social Survey)的长期项目。 吴晓刚, 毕业于美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA), 现任香港科技大学社会科学部助理教授. 他的研究领域为社会分层与流动,劳动力市场与经济社会学,定量研究方法。目前的研究兴趣为改革时期中国的教育不平等的形成机制。他是2006—2007年美国国家教育学院斯宾塞博士后研究基金的获得者。 李路路, 中国人民大学社会学系教授. 系主任, 中国人民大学社会学理论与方法研究中心研究员, 上海高校社会学e研究院研究员,主要研究方向为社会分层与流动,组织研究。 -
The Impact of Buddhism on Chinese Material Culture