《群体性事件研究》讲述了:国内学界对社会矛盾,纠纷与冲突类问题的研究,由来已久。来自20世纪90年代初以来,随着自乡村,继而到城镇以信访和群体性事件为主要表征的社会冲突日益频发,这一领域正吸引着日益增多的研究者的关注。 本“中国社会稳定研究书系”包括“中国社会稳定研究论丛”与“中国誉体性事件案例报告”两个系列:“研究论丛”既含结集出版的论文集,也有单独成篇的学术专著,以集中展示学界的相关研究。 -
20世纪最伟大的经济史家波兰尼所著《大转型》是现代西方的一本经典著作,描述了欧洲文明从前工业世界到工业化时代的大转变,以及伴随这个过程而发生的观念、意识形态、社会和经济政策上的转换,预言了自由市场经济自身逻辑的深刻悲剧性,及其必将带来的灾难性后果。本书作者通过事例分析,介绍了《大转型》及波兰尼的主要观点:第一,自我调节的市场从未真正存在,其缺陷将给人类世界带来毁灭性灾难;第二,市场力量的扩张或早或晚会引发旨在保护人与自然的“反向运动”,其具体表现为保护性立法和政府干预。作者并以中国现当代的发展状况印证波兰尼的观点,认为在1990年代短暂经历了“市场社会”的梦魇之后,中国已出现蓬勃的“反向运动”,并正在催生一个“社会市场”。 作者王绍光是香港中文大学政治与公共行政系主任、讲座讲授,清华大学公共管理学院长江讲座教授。国际学术刊物China Review主编。 关于“经典通识讲稿”:近年来,以甘阳为代表的一批学人着力推动中国大学通识教育,尤重“研读中外经典文本”,旨在重新树立认真读书、自由思考的风气,以抵抗整个社会以至大学校园的浮躁之气和急功近利心态。“经典通识讲稿”秉此理念,特邀各学科著名学者,以深入讲解中外经典文本的方式,引领读者进入对思想文化中根本问题的思考。 -
本书号称是一本从全球视野看待中国崛起的发展模式的普及性读物,主要分为三个部分:“中国为什么没有榜样”、“美国为什么不是发展的标杆”、“中国如何实现崛起的目标”。从对美国及西方的现实批判切入而否定美国,对中美发展走势做了深层剖析而指出中国特色的独特优势,旨在劝导国人擦亮眼,坚定走中国特色道路的信心。作者的言辞激切彰显冷静思考,是一部标新立异的普及性读物。 -
Mao's Invisible Hand
Observers have been predicting the demise of China’s political system since Mao Zedong’s death over thirty years ago. The Chinese Communist state, however, seems to have become increasingly adept at responding to challenges ranging from leadership succession and popular unrest to administrative reorganization, legal institutionalization, and global economic integration. What political techniques and procedures have Chinese policymakers employed to manage the unsettling impact of the fastest sustained economic expansion in world history? As the authors of these essays demonstrate, China’s political system allows for more diverse and flexible input than would be predicted from its formal structures. Many contemporary methods of governance have their roots in techniques of policy generation and implementation dating to the revolution and early PRC—techniques that emphasize continual experimentation. China’s long revolution had given rise to this guerrilla-style decisionmaking as a way of dealing creatively with pervasive uncertainty. Thus, even in a post-revolutionary PRC, the invisible hand of Chairman Mao—tamed, tweaked, and transformed—plays an important role in China’s adaptive governance. -
《孔飞力中国学研究》主要环绕孔飞力撰写的学术著作展开研究。基本思路是:从方法论上,遵循史学史与史学理论研究的一般方法,分析孔飞力中国近代史研究的基本历程。其二,运用科学的辩证思维方法,历史与逻辑、分析与综合、归纳与演绎相结合,力图在阐述孔飞力各个阶段成果的基础上,概括孔飞力的中国史观、中国史研究特色、方法,评价其学术地位和影响。其三,借鉴运用多学科的研究方法。由于孔飞力的历史研究借鉴了社会学、政治学、人类学、心理学等多门社会科学的研究方法,因此,运用相关的社会科学的方法和理论去研究是必要的。 -
China's Security State
China's Security State describes the creation, evolution, and development of Chinese security and intelligence agencies as well as their role in influencing Chinese Communist Party politics throughout the party's history. Xuezhi Guo investigates patterns of leadership politics from the vantage point of security and intelligence organization and operation by providing new evidence and offering alternative interpretations of major events throughout Chinese Communist Party history. This analysis promotes a better understanding of the CCP's mechanisms for control over both Party members and the general population. This study specifies some of the broader implications for theory and research that can help clarify the nature of Chinese politics and potential future developments in the country's security and intelligence services. 1 The first book that provides a comprehensive analysis of Chinese security and intelligence apparatuses and services 2 Further promotes our understanding of the Chinese Communist Party's mechanisms for control over both party members and the general population 3 Draws from a wide range of sources published in different periods, providing new evidence and alternative explanations to major events throughout the history of the Chinese Communist Party