本书从疾病的隐喻出发,围绕现代民族国家建设的核心,通过对“废止中医”、“爱国卫生运动”及“合作医疗”等事件的叙述与解读,对疾病如何被政治化并纳入到国家管理序列、卫生的双重规训、合法性建构、再造国民、国家公共性扩展等问题进行了分析,力图从国-民关系格局的变迁中,阐释疾病政治发展的基本逻辑。 -
Spying for the People
Since the end of the Cold War, the operations of secret police informers have come under the media spotlight, and it is now common knowledge that vast internal networks of spies in the Soviet Union and East Germany were directed by the Communist Party. By contrast, very little historical information has been available on the covert operations of the security services in Mao Zedong's China. However, as Michael Schoenhals reveals in this intriguing and sometimes sinister account, public security was a top priority for the founders of the People's Republic, and agents were recruited from all levels of society to provide intelligence and ferret out "counter-revolutionaries." On the basis of hitherto classified archival records, the book tells the story of a vast surveillance and control apparatus through a detailed examination of the cultivation and recruitment of agents, their training, and their operational activities across a twenty year period from 1949 to 1967. These revelations add an entirely new dimension to modern China's troubled social and political history. Although the story may be safely set in the past, the development of human sources to sustain an oppressive domestic order is nothing if not eerily relevant to students of the present. -
本书为“中国社会科学院近代史研究所专刊“2004年总第二辑之一种,由张海鹏先生着意为序热心介绍。全书旨在考察抗战时期处于国共两大政党之间之第三种力量(或称中间势力)的存在状况,是以宽泛的视野、丰富的资料,对其社会基础、阶层构成、党派组织以及在当时形势下它的政治态度、立场倾向、策略主张、行为活动等作了一次全景式的问题论述。笔力所及,既是对以往研究的薄弱部分予以加强与深化,更是对相关问题的独立思考之所见,通览之下,能使人们对于那一时期的中国政治及国共势力消长原因等会是更深刻的了解与认识。 -
《地下陣線:中共在香港的歷史》是首部研究中國共產黨自1921年建黨以來在香港發揮作用的著作。本書記述最近有關中共的事件,其中包括一項香港市民對共產黨所持態度的民意調查結果。附錄中臚列許多與共產黨統戰活動有關的資料,有助讀者深入瞭解中共在香港的歷史。本書適合所有對香港歷史、政治,以及中國現代史感興趣的讀者。 -
解析了香港政治之所以走入當前困局的心理、社會、政治和歷史脈絡,這包括:香港社會對於「一國兩制」方針所存在的觀念偏差和在國家政治認同方面所面臨的困難處境,「港人治港」投入實踐之後所面臨的政治隱憂,以及 在高度自治原則下,作為中國的特殊政治邊陲,香港在管治上面臨的結構性困難。 當五十年不變的期限來臨之際,2047年的香港何去何從,將直接取決於接下來的二三十年間,中央政府與香港社會之間是否能夠重建政治信任。 本書作者畢業於北京大學和哈佛大學,現任教於香港大學,兼具政治學者和中國年輕一代知識菁英的雙重身份,以其理性和敏銳的筆觸,為所有關懷香港未來的人打開全新的政治想像空間。 -
The Political Logic of Economic Reform in China
Over the past decade, China managed to carry out economic reform without political reform while the Soviet Union attempted the opposite strategy. How did China succeed at economic market reform without changing communist rules? Susan Shirk shows that Chinese communsit political institutions are more flexible and less centralized than their Soviet counterparts were. Shirk pioneers a rational choice institutional approache to analyze policy-making in a authoritarian country. She offers an original theoretical framework to make sense of the history of Chinese market reform from 1979 to the present. Drawing upon extensive interviews with high-level Chinese officials, she pieces together detailed histories of economic reform policy-making and shows how the poltiical logic of Chinese communist institutions shaped those decisions. Communist politicians at different levels of the system embraced particularistic economic reform policies that enabled them to claim credit and enhance their careers. Combining theoretical ambition with the flavor of on-the-ground policy-making in Beijing, Shirk makes a major contribution to the study of reform in China and other communist countries.