洞察现实政治之壶奥,痛陈积存千年之流弊 -
本书从中国自身的历史视角出发,通过对中国近两百年革命历程与鸦片战争前中国古代历史关系的考察,辅以对中国社会内部的发展演变作理论上的综合理解,认为近代中国向西方求索借鉴之理想就是中国社会中已丧失的、长期被遗忘的传统。外因是变化的条件,内因是变化的根据,西方对近代中国的冲击与影响,激活、唤醒了中国业已遗失的传统。当今中国正处于重要的转折时期,正努力探索自己的道路,在经历了近百年的时而平缓、时而激进的反传统浪潮之后,认真清理分疏自己民族的优秀文化遗产,结续传统,融会新知,堪称二十一世纪中国文化的重要使命。作者独具一格的思考对此当不无启迪。 -
《古代中国政治制度十六讲》旨在提炼古代中国治国方略的基本法则,概括古代中国政冶制度的总体特征与构成要素,探讨古代中国治理的空间坐标和施政坐标,揭尔古代中国政治制度的变与不变,体悟古代中国治国方略的现代影响,深思中西政治制度差异的历史根源。《古代中国政治制度十六讲》认为古代中国国家治理要解决的六大难题是:(1)如何防止地方力量做人,形成对中央政府的致命挑战?(2)如何防止军事集团把枪口对准统治者自己的胸膛?(3)如何防止外朝官僚集团做大,形成对皇权的威胁与挑战?(4)如何对待皇亲国戚这些“自己人”,是用他们还是不用他们?(5)如何对待社会基层力量,是尊重、利用还是控制它?(6)如何处理中原政权与周边政权的关系,是朝贡、羁縻还是直接洽理?本是作者积14年教学研究之经验编写而成,其特色是将史论融为一体,以演讲的方式,用通俗的语言,把古代中国政治制度的概貌与神韵呈现出来。作者既有古代中国政治制度研究的根基,又把四方政治制度和政治学理论的研究背景,熟练把握各家观点,灵活运用史料,在崭新的理论框架中透视古代中国的治国方略。《古代中国政治制度十六讲》既可作为高校教材,也可作为了解古代中国政治和治国方略的入门书。 -
Rise of the Red Engineers
"Rise of the Red Engineers" explains the tumultuous origins of the class of technocratic officials who rule China today. In a fascinating account, author Joel Andreas chronicles how two mutually hostile groups--the poorly educated peasant revolutionaries who seized power in 1949 and China's old educated elite--coalesced to form a new dominant class. After dispossessing the country's propertied classes, Mao and the Communist Party took radical measures to eliminate class distinctions based on education, aggravating antagonisms between the new political and old cultural elites. Ultimately, however, Mao's attacks on both groups during the Cultural Revolution spurred inter-elite unity, paving the way--after his death--for the consolidation of a new class that combined their political and cultural resources. This story is told through a case study of Tsinghua University, which--as China's premier school of technology--was at the epicenter of these conflicts and became the party's preferred training ground for technocrats, including many of China's current leaders. -
Origins of the Modern Chinese State
What is “Chinese” about China’s modern state? This book proposes that the state we see today has developed over the past two centuries largely as a response to internal challenges emerging from the late empire. Well before the Opium War, Chinese confronted such constitutional questions as: How does the scope of political participation affect state power? How is the state to secure a share of society’s wealth? In response to the changing demands of the age, this agenda has been expressed in changing language. Yet, because the underlying pattern remains recognizable, the modernization of the state in response to foreign aggression can be studied in longer perspective. The author offers three concrete studies to illustrate the constitutional agenda in action: how the early nineteenth-century scholar-activist Wei Yuan confronted the relation between broadened political participation and authoritarian state power; how the reformist proposals of the influential scholar Feng Guifen were received by mainstream bureaucrats during the 1898 reform movement; and how fiscal problems of the late empire formed a backdrop to agricultural collectivization in the 1950s. In each case, the author presents the “modern” constitutional solution as only the most recent answer to old Chinese questions. The book concludes by describing the transformation of the constitutional agenda over the course of the modern period. -
《一本书的历史:胡乔木、胡绳谈〈中国共产党的七十年〉》 中共是如何建构自己历史的? 中共建党、大革命、土地革命、长征、延安整风、七大、三年内战、中华人民共和国建立、反右、大跃进、文化大革命、粉碎四人帮、十一届三中全会…… 这本书详细记录了一部党史诞生的过程。大到重要历史人物、历史事件如何评价和定性,小到一字一词如何使用的斟酌——一次次的讨论,整个过程都收录其中。另外还有主要参与者的日记,以及本书作者所作的旁注等。 这是一本绝对忠于原貌的、极具现场感的、第一手的珍贵记录材料,也是一本佐证文章和注释丰富的综合性著作。看完此书,编者不禁一叹:原来如此!——原来我们往日所熟习的党史观点是这样讨论成形的,具体而微。相信读者诸君读完后亦会大有感慨。