《尼加拉:十九世纪巴厘剧场国家》由格尔兹编著,《尼拉:十九世纪巴厘剧场国家》不仅具有自身的风格,也代表了具有同类特征的人类学认识论文化批评,格尔兹的关注点在于批评政治和国家的理念……它以一种繁美的手法,分析巴厘人的生活,描述了传统政治的戏剧性象征形式,通过描述分析,格尔兹试图阐明的一种为西方人所忽略和政治关系,为此他特别强调了展示性和表演性的政治模式,在西方,政治象征符号庆典,国徽以及宗教通常被当作意识形态来处理。 -
由华裔人类学家许烺光撰写的《祖荫下》出版后在西方学术界引起了巨大的反响 ,书中以西镇“民家人”的家与亲属制度作为代表 ,分析整个中国情况的做法也由此受到了广泛的争议。对西镇的重访发现经历了 50多年变迁的西镇仍然生活在“祖荫下” ,他们在七月祭祖的同时 ,会在正二月间祭 拜当地的保护神———本主。他们的认同也存在着编撰家谱所呈现出的“汉人族源认同”与强烈的“白族认同”两个方面 ,是一种“双重认同”。“祖荫下”生活着的是一群不能仅仅用“汉人”来理解的多元文化群体 -
在莫斯对“礼物”的分析中,根本问题是要探究人是如何与物以及通过物而与他人彼此互相关联的。通过对丰富的民族志资料的旁征博引,莫斯提出了以“整体性呈赠”为特征的“礼物经济”的概念,并与现代的、非人格化的商品交换体系相比较,提出了一个三阶段式的演进图式,并进而探讨了物权与契约等经济概念的源起及本质。 -
Watching the English
In WATCHING THE ENGLISH anthropologist Kate Fox takes a revealing look at the quirks, habits and foibles of the English people. She puts the English national character under her anthropological microscope, and finds a strange and fascinating culture, governed by complex sets of unspoken rules and byzantine codes of behaviour. The rules of weather-speak. The ironic-gnome rule. The reflex apology rule. The paranoid-pantomime rule. Class indicators and class anxiety tests. The money-talk taboo and many more ...Through a mixture of anthropological analysis and her own unorthodox experiments (using herself as a reluctant guinea-pig), Kate Fox discovers what these unwritten behaviour codes tell us about Englishness. -
Writing Culture
Tristes Tropiques
First published in 1955, Claude Levi-Strauss's accounts of his researches among the peoples of the Amazon is a fascinating study and influential in understanding the organization of human society. He writes of myths and superstitions, modern cities and ancient villages, and each page is packed with anecdotes and observations. Photos & illus.