The Formation of National States in Western Europe
Examines what Ardant calls the ‘physiology of state-making’: how the builders of states actually performed, or tried to perform, the extractive, coercive, and coordinative side of their work. This emphasis on mechanisms draws attention away from the forms of states and the broadest ends of state-making toward the implications of alternative public policies. -
The Sources of Social Power
Distinguishing four sources of power - ideological, economic, military and political - this series traces their interrelations throughout human history. This third volume of Michael Mann's analytical history of social power begins with nineteenth-century global empires and continues with a global history of the twentieth century up to 1945. Mann focuses on the interrelated development of capitalism, nation-states and empires. Volume 3 discusses the 'Great Divergence' between the fortunes of the West and the rest of the world; the self-destruction of European and Japanese power in two world wars; the Great Depression; the rise of American and Soviet power; the rivalry between capitalism, socialism and fascism; and the triumph of a reformed and democratic capitalism. -
本书将西方主要的历史社会学者把政治学者的著作进行了整理与归纳,让读者能重新审视西方现代社会的形成和性质。 致谢 主要书名缩写 导言 第一编 反思性历史社会学家 导言 第一章 诺贝特·埃利亚斯 第二章 弗朗兹·博克瑙 第三章 埃里克·沃格林 第四章 刘易斯·芒福德 第一编总结 同与异 第二编 现代怀的眼光 导言 第五章 新教精神(韦伯) 第六章 宫廷社会(埃利亚斯) 第七章 机械的世界观(博克瑙) 第八章 诺斯替反潮(沃格林) 第九章 新型巨权机器(芒福德) 第十章 规训社会(福柯) 第二编总结 作为永久阈限性的现代性 结论 参考文献 人名索引 主题索引 译后记 -
Comparative Historical Analysis in the Social Sciences
The book considers the past accomplishments and future agendas of comparative-historical research in the social sciences. It defines the distinctiveness of this type of research and explores its strengths in explaining important outcomes (e.g. revolutions, social provision, democracy) in the world. It includes sections on substantive research accomplishments, methodology, and theory, and features essays by some of the most important political scientists and sociologists currently working. This review of the accomplishments and future agendas of comparative historical research in the social sciences explores its strengths in explaining important worldwide outcomes (e.g., revolutions, social provision, democracy). It includes sections on substantive research accomplishments, methodology, and theory, and features essays by some of the most important political scientists and sociologists currently working. -
在《社会权力的来源(第4卷全球化1945-2011上下)》中,著者迈克尔·曼描述了意识形态范围扩宽后又变窄的过程、资本家的胜利和苦难、国家之间战争消退并为和平或内战所取代、国家公民权的加强、除一个帝国之外其他所有帝国为民族国家所取代。所有这些都是在不断增加的全球层次上发生的——这是一系列的全球化过程,而且这个过程有时被加强,有时被削弱,但是它们都互不相同。结果,世界的联系更为紧密,虽然并不和谐;而且,现在的世界很接近一个统一的全球体系。这是一个普遍但又多样的全球化过程。 -
Big Structures, Large Processes, Huge Comparisons