“香妃”的故事流传甚广,不仅见于野史、小说,还搬上了舞台,更有甚者,上世纪40年代的工具书中亦有“香妃”的条目,说法与野史、小说大同小异。乾隆皇帝的确有一位维吾尔族妃子,那就是容妃,本书讲述的就是容妃真实的故事,与流传的“香妃故事”相去甚远。作者从阿帕克和卓墓开始,给我们展现了当年伊斯兰宗教贵族的争斗,南疆政局的动荡,准噶尔部对南疆的兼并,以及清政府平定叛乱的场面,由此介绍了容妃家族的历史以及为什么能入选进宫。作者还讲到了“香妃故事”流传的始末,并一一将故事和史实剥离开来还我们一个真实的容妃。 -
本书是在赵维玺的博士学位论文基础上修改而成。记述了以左宗棠为首的湘军集团镇压西北回民起义后,从政治、军事、经济、文化、社会风化等方面,对当地的战后恢复与重建。作者花费几年时间于历史档案和私人文集、日记、年谱、函牍中搜集材料,并对当年的战场和回民移居地考察,不发空论。书中详细阐述了湘军集团在甘宁青地区实施的移民政策,如调控汉回等民族矛盾和伊斯兰新老教关系,析置和重组地方政权,修建道路交通和军事防御设施,陕甘分闱和修复书院祠庙,清丈田亩和推广桑棉,振兴盐茶和兴修水利,《救荒六十策》与恤婺、保节、禁烟等善后举措,全方位长时段展现了其善后全貌,并探究其成败得失,对了解湘军集团在西北的政治活动及其社会作用和历史意义具有一定的参考价值。特别是对民族与宗教问题的处理过程的探析,为处理当代西北民族宗教问题亦提供了有益的借鉴。 -
《NO!我不是大清正史》是第一部。《NO!我不是大清正史》的人物,无论是大英雄熊廷弼、袁崇焕、努尔哈赤,皇太极等人,抑或是大汉奸吴三桂,不论是具有悲剧性格的崇祯皇帝,还是雄猜强悍的多尔衮,都一改往日严肃、刻板的面目,泼皮似的调侃使其人物形象陡然生动起来。虽然书中屡次描写烽火连天、千军万马厮杀的惨烈场面,然而不动声色冷幽默的叙述方式,却让读者在爆笑、狂笑、讪笑、奸笑、淫笑、狞笑之余倍感沉重。 -
Empire at the Margins
Focusing on the Ming (1368-1644) and (especially) the Qing (1364-1912) eras, this book analyzes crucial moments in the formation of cultural, regional, and religious identities. The contributors examine the role of the state in a variety of environments on China's "peripheries," paying attention to shifts in law, trade, social stratification, and cultural dialogue. They find that local communities were critical participants in the shaping of their own identities and consciousness as well as the character and behavior of the state. At certain times the state was institutionally definitive, but it could also be symbolic and contingent. They demonstrate how the imperial discourse is many-faceted, rather than a monolithic agent of cultural assimilation. -
Emperor Qianlong
This new entry in the Longman Library of World Biography series offers an intimate and provocative account of the Manchu emperor Qianlong (1711-1799), one of the world,s great empire-builders, who helped build the foundation of the modern Chinese nation. During the 64 years of Qianlong,s rule, China,s population more than doubled, its territory increased by one-third, its cities flourished, and its manufactures - tea, silk, porcelain - were principal items of international commerce. Based on original Chinese and Manchu-language sources, and drawing on the latest scholarship, this is the biography of the man who, in presiding over imperial China,s last golden epoch, created the geographic and demographic framework of modern China. This accessible account describes the personal struggles and public drama surrounding one of the major political figures of the early modern age, with special consideration given to the emperor,s efforts to rise above ethnic divisions and to encompass the political and religious traditions of Han Chinese, Mongols, Tibetans, Turks, and other peoples of his realm. In addition to becoming familiar with one of the most remarkable figures in world history, readers will find that learning about Emperor Qianlong will add greatly to their appreciation of China,s place in the world of the eighteenth century and will deepen their understanding of China,s place in the world today. -