Henri Cartier-Bresson
In 1955, Henri Cartier-Bresson published "The Europeans", a portrait of the continent documenting a landscape shadowed by the war. In this book, the photographer brings together images spanning the years from the late 1920s to the early 1970s. He has travelled across Europe, from the Scandinavian shield to the Irish bogs, in order to capture what it means to be European. Beyond nationalism and the particular characteristics of each culture and nation, he has found evidence of a greater identity, a likeness shared by the people and the landscape. His photographs seek to speak of the same daily ceremony, of the ongoing business of living for people across Europe, whether Polish priests in alb or cassock, or Abruzzi peasants shrouded in the black of their cloaks and hats. -
《灰色的隐喻:摄影的时间、机会与决定性瞬间》从美学的角度阐释了与摄影相关的时间、机会和决定性瞬间,结合东、西方文化与美学(如李白《月下独酌》与布列松纪实摄影、金刚经与决定性瞬间),解读众位名家的摄影理论,引领读者进入摄影艺术中的美学、哲学、禅学方面的思考和探讨,摒弃浮躁,理解摄影的本质,进而用心拍出令人赞叹的作品。 《灰色的隐喻:摄影的时间、机会与决定性瞬间》旁征博引,通过解读诸多摄影大师的理论及优秀作品,将对东、西方美学及关键性瞬间的探究贯穿于全书,适合希望提升自身摄影美学素养和作品层次的摄影师阅读,同时也适合对摄影美学理论感兴趣的摄影爱好者阅读。 在摄影中,机会与瞬间密不可分,而直觉是这两者的催化剂。那什么是直觉呢?这唯有拍摄者自己才知道,因为这是一种感应。正如布列松所言:“在所有的表现形式中,唯独摄影可以捕捉到瞬间,摄影师总是在找寻他自己认知的那个纤细、无可替代的瞬间,而捕捉瞬间的这个特点也就成了相机最独特的标志。作家可以天马行空地写作,对作家而言,时间的顺序不会构成任何的障碍,然而对摄影师而言,瞬间一旦消失,它便永远地消失了。” -
卡提耶-布列松: 世紀一瞬間
唯一繁體中文攝影大師卡提耶-布列松傳記 他用50mm鏡頭拍攝 他是大師中的大師 攝影史上永遠不可能忽略的人物 二十世紀是個動盪的時代,也是影像閱讀的新世紀。被譽為「現代新聞攝影之父」的卡提耶-布列松(亦之前台灣攝影界慣稱的布列松)為這個時代的影像樹立標竿,透過他的萊卡相機和50mm鏡頭,拍攝了西班牙共和黨人的悲劇命運、二戰勝利後巴黎的解放、甘地遇刺前幾小時的容顏,以及中國共產黨的勝利,卡提耶-布列松見證了時代的重大變革。 卡提耶-布列松是任何攝影者都無法忽略的大師。冷戰時代,他是第一位進入蘇聯採訪的攝影師,也是第一位在羅浮宮展出攝影作品的攝影師。他的攝影理論「決定性瞬間」更是影響一代又一代的攝影師。 雖然出生於家教良好的資產階級家庭,但卡提耶-布列松最痛恨的卻是金錢。父親希望他繼承家族紡織企業,他卻拿起相機在世界各地拍攝。在許多人對卡提耶-布列松的回憶中,他是個害羞腼腆的人,但穿梭在人群中拍攝時,他又是個大膽又完全忘我的攝影大師。 卡提耶-布列松早年的志願是當一名畫家,習畫多年,即使後來成為一名新聞攝影師,卡提耶-布列松的作品依然講究嚴謹的構圖。在教會學校時期,卡提耶-布列松總是和他的環境格格不入,沉迷於閱讀被視為叛經離道的小說和詩歌,完全被現代派詩人波特萊爾所征服。繪畫和詩歌是卡提耶-布列松攝影的兩大元素,完美的構圖、詩人的敏銳,以及時代見證,造就了雋永的作品。 一九四七年,卡提耶-布列松和好友戰地攝影家卡帕等五人成立了馬格蘭攝影通訊社,推動攝影記者擁有底片著作權,可以自由販售作品,讓攝影師獨立於雜誌、報社,從此改變了攝影記者的職業生態。至今,馬格蘭攝影通訊社依然是新聞攝影的權威機構。 卡提耶-布列松很少談論自己的作品,又是個很注重隱私的人,因此他的生平和創作根源一直不為世人所熟知。由於本書作者和卡提耶-布列松長時間接觸,卡提耶-布列松漸漸變得無話不談,甚至開放他的檔案室供作者參觀。本書詳盡回顧了卡提耶-布列松一生的重要轉捩點,讓你一探這位世紀大師的內心深處和創作歷程:他遇到了什麼人?他從繪畫和詩歌中得到什麼啟發?這些經典照片背後又有什麼拍攝故事? 書中收錄多張卡提耶-布列松經典作品,在解讀大師的同時,看到一個世紀的重大瞬間。 -
Henri Cartier-Bresson: The Man, the Image and the World: A Retrospective
Henri Cartier-Bresson is one of the finest image makers of our time. Born in 1908, he studied painting before embarking on a career in photography in the early 1930s. In 1940 he was captured by the Germans and spent three years in prisoner-of-war camps before escaping to join the Paris underground. With Robert Capa, David Seymour, and others, he founded the photographic agency Magnum in 1947. Since then his work has taken him all over the worldfrom Europe to India, Burma, Pakistan, China, Japan, Indonesia, Bali, Russia, the Middle East, Cuba, Mexico, the United States, and Canada. This new collection of work by Cartier-Bresson, created on the occasion of his ninety-fifth birthday, provides the ultimate retrospective look at a lifetime's achievement. It includes the first photographs taken by him, some of which have never been published, rarely seen work from all periods of his life, classic photographs that have become icons of the medium, and a generous selection of drawings, paintings, and film stills. The book also features personal souvenirs of Cartier-Bresson's youth, his family, and the founding of Magnum. Cartier-Bresson's extraordinary images are shaped by an eye and a mind legendary for their intelligent empathy and for going to the heart of the matter. This definitive collection of a master photographer's work will be an essential book for anyone interested in photographyindeed, for anyone interested in the people, places, and events of the past century. An exhibition of work by Henri Cartier-Bresson opens in Paris in 2003 and will be seen in the United States in 2004-2005. 630 illustrations in color and duotone. -
本书首次出版,重现了在巴黎举办的亨利·卡蒂埃-布列松基金会的展览。97幅人像作品贯穿了卡蒂埃-布列松摄影生涯中的70年,书中不仅收录了卡蒂埃-布列松一生的经典之作,同时还有大量从未公开出版过的珍贵名人影像:埃兹拉·庞德、安德烈·布勒东、马丁·路德·金、马塞尔·杜尚、塞缪尔·贝克特、杜鲁门·卡波特、苏珊·桑塔格、卡尔·荣格、威廉·福克纳、玛丽莲·梦露以及亨利·马蒂斯等。 书中的97幅照片每一幅都充分体现了卡蒂埃-布列松在拍摄瞬间试图表达的想法: “我在寻找一种内心的寂静,我试图去展示人物的个性而非外在。” 他的影像再次浮现于此——朴实而平静自然——也正因如此,亨利·卡蒂埃-布列松“决定性瞬间”的美学观念再次在书中得到印证。