本书分为七个部分。第一部分是作者任耶鲁校长时确立的长期和近期目标。第二部分为每年作者对新生的讲话,每次讲话作者都鼓励这些天才的年轻人最大限度地利用他们在校学习的机会。第三部分描述了大学如何通过通识教育、掌握科学知识、投资于所在社区,以及扩展我们的全球视野而为社会作出贡献。第四部分 收录了作者每年对毕业生的告别辞,呼吁他们将所学用于助益他人,贡献于社会、国家及世界。 在本书第五部分,讨论了过去十年中耶鲁用以改善自身的一些战略。还收录了一系列更为个性个的言论,赞颂作者所推重的学院、教师和传统。在第七部分,作者回到了自己作为经济学教授的本行。述美国工业的竟争力。 -
6-CD Set for Wright's Listening to Music, 5th and Listening to Western Music
More than any other music appreciation text, LISTENING TO MUSIC, 5th Edition, helps students to develop and refine their listening skills. Wright covers traditional Western music from medieval to modern and integrates non-Western music throughout the text where appropriate, drawing comparisons between Western and non-Western musical cultures. Concluding chapters discuss popular music and its impact on musical globalization. Musical examples from each historical period are discussed within their social context, giving students a broad sense not only of the construction of a piece, but also of its historical and cultural meaning. This chronological text offers instructors and students particular help in developing listening skills in three ways: First, a free "Introduction to Listening" CD comes packaged with each student copy of the text. This CD plays all of the music discussed in the music fundamentals chapters in Part I of the text, providing numerous demonstrations and quizzes, as well as an audio guide called "Instruments of the Orchestra." Second, Wright's text is the only one to provide Listening Exercises built into the book; a total of 47 Exercises delve deeply into the core repertory. Third, computer-enhanced Active Listening Guides and listening quizzes for all of the music in the text are available at no extra cost from the Thomson Schirmer website to further challenge and test your students. Get the whole lessons on http://oyc.yale.edu/music/listening-to-music/. -
我们日复一日地学习、成长,为民族的未来积聚力量,这力量不是社会地位的高低,不是金钱积累的多少,而是向善的心力。善是什么?是你将在这本书里看到的美德——尊重、敬业、宽容、信任、诚实、乐观、分享……心灵的力量从每一个向善的当下开始积累。当你从书架上取下这本书,对收银台的塑料袋说“不”的时候,周围的环境开始变好;当你为这本书付钱的时候,一些穷苦的孩子会因为你的付出而有机会接受更好的教育,因为我们将把这本书的部分收益捐出以发展教育。当你翻开书,专注地阅读思考的时候,为这本书付出的所有努力因为分享而有了价值。 http://www.anibook.cn/ProductDetail_Y2008M08_PBA97878008085000001.html -
本书详细介绍了骷髅会的发起背景,创始人,入会条件,各精英会员在政界、商界所产生的重要影响,并通过对骷髅会极为诡异的入会仪式的介绍,揭开美国耶鲁大学这个被称为国际黑手党的神秘面纱 -
本书收录了耶鲁大学公开课中最热门的五门课程——《金融市场》、《哲学?死亡》、《欧洲文明》、《全球人口增长问题》、《有关食物的心理学、生物学和政治学》。涉及了经济、哲学、文化、社会等问题。书中既保留了耶鲁课堂的原汁原味,又尽量去除部分不相关的口头语言,以文字的形式,将这些宝贵的资源囊括书中,再现了耶鲁大学的讲堂。即使你不是真正地坐在耶鲁课堂里、也没有在电脑前看到视频中老师的激情解说,本书同样可以给你一种身临其境的感受。希望让没有机会走进耶鲁大学的读者,可以足不出户的?受世界名校的课程精髓;可以通过这个智慧财富大讲堂,提升自我竞争力,赢取更成功的人生。 另据字幕组YYeTs人人影视表示:陕西师范大学出版社的《耶鲁大学公开课》一书抄袭本字幕组字幕并以此谋利。书中内容乃从本字幕组网站免费下载外挂字幕所得。本字幕组制作公开课字幕遵循耶鲁官网不用于商业的准则并一律免费发放外挂字幕及视频,不曾想竟被他人谋利。 -
Gray's comprehensive and thought-provoking introductory text explores Psychology's major theories, and the evidence that supports and refutes them. Each edition incorporates an exceptional amount of contemporary research, encouraging students to probe for the purposes and biological origins of behavior - the 'whys' and 'hows' of Human Psychology. An engaging, readable writing style and updated pedagogy make the science of Psychology, and its interactions with Biology, accessible and meaningful.