ARCHITECT MONOGRAPH 丛书介绍的都是世界著名的建筑师与建筑师事务所的作品。这套丛书每一册均包含一篇由国际知名建筑评论家所作的评论,或建筑大师所作的绪论。所选入的建筑作品代表了建筑师职业生涯不同时期的杰出成就,同时收录了部分正在建造中的作品。建筑表现形式有设计过程图、平面图、渲染图和彩色照版,很多是大幅照片。 高迪如梦似幻的作品是永恒的、超越时间的。在他去世后的差不多80年里,这位才华横溢的加泰罗尼亚艺术家仍然为当代建筑师和现代雕塑家、画家、摄影师以及诗人们提供借鉴,并且依然是他们灵感的源泉。《高迪》是献给这位建筑师和创造者的。本书对于那些想及时了解高迪和寻求有关高迪的新信息、新观点的读者来说是不可缺少的。同时本书也是为了那些熟悉高迪留下的财富以及想去重新发现这位艺术家与他的作品的人们。四百多幅特别制作的图片引导读者去领略高迪令人赞叹的全部设计,包括那些从未建成的作品。本书展现了高迪才气焕发的心灵所创造出的美景,这美景使我们不断地回想起这位天才。 本书目录 高迪现象 高迪—自然、技术与艺术 高迪的一生 建成作品 未建成作品 年表 参考文献 -
《安东尼•高迪》具有极高的使用价值和参考价值,对于读者来说,是一本不可多得的参考书。它不仅向读者展示了安东尼•高迪的设计作品和创意,还配以精美的彩色图片和手绘图,还可以从西方著名的建筑评论家的笔下去了解各个设计的精髓,从而更深刻的理解大师们的作品。 -
Gaudi was a master of twentieth century architecture with his organic multicoloured and positively bizarre designs. his works celebrated individuality aestheticism as well as practicality and pure artistic innovation. taschen has brought us yet another essential 2-volume box set charting not only the evolution of gaudi's works but also how they represented transformations in the way people thought and manifested their visions. -
《高迪:富于幻想的建筑师》作者安东尼·高迪(AntonioGaudi)-科尔内特1852年6月25日诞生于离巴塞罗那不远的加泰罗尼亚小城雷乌斯。高迪的建筑被认为是20世纪世界最有原创精神、最重要的建筑,是现代建筑艺术的代表。东方伊斯兰风格、新哥特主义以及现代主义、自然主义等诸多元素都被他“高迪化”后,统一在了他的建筑中。高迪崇尚大自然,自然是他灵感的泉眼,他从不挖空心思地去“发明”什么特别的形式,只想着仿效大自然,像自然那样去建筑,他说:“只有疯子才会试图去描绘世界上不存在的东西!”因此,在高迪的建筑中,绝少运用死板的直线,因为高迪认为自然界没有直线存在,如果有,也是一大堆曲线转换而成的。高迪是个疯狂的建筑师,他把巴塞罗那当作自己挥洒的舞台,尽情地放纵他一个个天才的设想,为巴塞罗那,更是为世界留下了格尔公园、米拉之家、巴特略之家、圣家堂等18件不朽的建筑杰作。 -
The complete works of the great Antoni Gaudi (TASCHEN's 25th anniversary special edition) Anyone who visits Barcelona today will come across the works of Antoni Gaudi - the architect who has attracted art-lovers from all over the world to Spain, it was here, in the capital of Catalonia, that the famous master of architecture produced nearly all of his works, including villas for the well-to-do bourgeoisle, the expansive Guell Park (which today is open to the public), and the famous church designed in honour of the Holy Family - a project which was begun over 100 years ago and has yet to be completed. Antoni Gaudi's life was full of contradictions. As a young man he joined the Catalonian nationalist movement and was critical of the church; toward the end of his life he devoted himself completely to the construction of one single church. As a young man Gaudi had a liking for the glamour of social life and the looks of a dandy; in old age, on the other hand, he lived a spartan life. Gaudi never married and devoted his life entirely to his art: architecture. His works have been acclaimed as "soothing oases in a desert of functional buildings," as "precious gems in the uniform grey of rows of houses," and the master himself was acclaimed as the "Dante of architecture". This book provides a sweeping study of his entire career, presenting his complete works via texts and illustrations.