
Rainer Zerbst


建筑 Gaudi 高迪 艺术 西班牙 建筑-规划-建史-设计艺术



The complete works of the great Antoni Gaudi (TASCHEN's 25th anniversary special edition) Anyone who visits Barcelona today will come across the works of Antoni Gaudi - the architect who has attracted art-lovers from all over the world to Spain, it was here, in the capital of Catalonia, that the famous master of architecture produced nearly all of his works, including villas for the well-to-do bourgeoisle, the expansive Guell Park (which today is open to the public), and the famous church designed in honour of the Holy Family - a project which was begun over 100 years ago and has yet to be completed. Antoni Gaudi's life was full of contradictions. As a young man he joined the Catalonian nationalist movement and was critical of the church; toward the end of his life he devoted himself completely to the construction of one single church. As a young man Gaudi had a liking for the glamour of social life and the looks of a dandy; in old age, on the other hand, he lived a spartan life. Gaudi never married and devoted his life entirely to his art: architecture. His works have been acclaimed as "soothing oases in a desert of functional buildings," as "precious gems in the uniform grey of rows of houses," and the master himself was acclaimed as the "Dante of architecture". This book provides a sweeping study of his entire career, presenting his complete works via texts and illustrations.



  • 相征的评论
    收拾行李,翻出這本在蔦屋書店買到的「BRUTUS CASA」井上雄彥的Gaudi特刊,好好讀下。
  • xamxidin7的评论
    “皇马乱入权力的游戏 C罗变阿多阻挡异鬼西蒙尼”分享自秒拍用户 @Kevin_Gaudi 的作品,一起来看秒拍视频(使用#秒拍#录制)
  • 抱抱堂的评论
    #中国爆给力# #抱抱堂看奥运# 距离2016#里约奥运会# 还有12天,内马尔宁泽涛pk演技 奥运新歌出炉, 分享自秒拍用户 @Kevin_Gaudi 的作品,一起来看~秒拍视频(使用#秒拍#录制)
  • 芸msilcyky的评论
    去巴特约之家~身边带着的小朋友[猪头]迪仔~@eve祝小怂 一直在说那是他的家~Gaudi设计了每个人梦想中的温馨之地~走进去都觉得心里暖暖的沐浴在海洋和精灵的世界~每一个细节都透露着Gaudi对追求设计的精确极致~最精彩的的还是看了一部投影动画~巴特约之家我们的家[害羞][愛你] 西班牙·Casa B...
  • Cao_Yichuan的评论
    1.2.3 巴塞罗那,是属于Antoni Gaudi的,走过米拉之家、巴特罗之家和圣家堂,不得不感叹Gaudi的才华,他的灵感源于自然,他的作品就仿佛没有经过任何的雕琢,一切是如此的浑然天成。4.5 托莱多和马德里。6.这几天貌似把这一年的海鲜都吃了,还去了西班牙历史最悠久的米其林2星的饭店。
  • sabrinababy的评论
    CASA BITLLO GAUDI, 高迪的每一个作品都令人惊叹!曲线之美被他运用的淋漓尽致[强][强][强]最后一张是建筑隔壁另外一个同时期建筑大师的作品,以直线擅长的做法在当时也是一部分人所追捧的。虽然也是不失水准之作,但是毫无疑问我依然疯狂的爱上了高迪的作品[强][强][强] 西班牙·巴塞罗那
  • 东临西退的评论
    Casa Batlló | 巴特罗之家 | Antoni Gaudi 一切都是自然原始,天然怡生。面对庭院的外窗由下到上依次缩小,以此应对阳光照射,外墙颜色也由此逐渐减淡。严谨遵循人体工程学的门把,让人一旦触摸就不舍放下。让人不禁了解到这所有一切都是有预谋的,而偏偏你知道,却还要情不自禁的被它所折服、赞叹。
  • 大象ele的评论
    “没有不可能!汤神三分球100投79中实录”分享自秒拍用户 @Kevin_Gaudi 的作品,一起来看~秒拍视频(使用#秒拍#录制)
  • Wedding-MC洋逸的评论
    Gaudi's Style~[doge][doge] 西班牙·巴塞罗那
  • 門興小馬駒的评论
    今年的室友挑戰叫做Tegernsee-Gaudi,第一組上場的是Kramer&Strobl。挑戰內容第一關是猜巴伐利亞字的意思,共五道題,猜對一題可幫第二關加10秒鐘的時間。第二關是擠牛乳,九十秒加上第一關得到的時間。主持人找了口音很重的大叔,聽的克拉默滿臉問號 XD 擠牛乳竟然是弄隻假乳牛擠清水 [哈哈]