《深入藏地》一书真实记录了作者徒步12万公里,历时4年考察西藏的历程。作者的足迹遍布这片神秘土地的各个角落,从大渡河、雅砻江、金沙江、怒江到整个雅鲁藏布江;南到喜马拉雅,东到横断山,北到唐古拉,西到帕米尔;包括四川阿坝、甘孜、云南迪庆,藏东昌都、察隅、洛隅、门阳,东羌塘霍尔,卫地拉萨,吐蕃发祥地,藏地,阿里、西羌塘无人区; 通过了临近的印度、锡金、不丹边境和麦克马洪线,涉足尼泊尔加德满都以北地区。 古老神秘的高原、瑰丽荒凉的风光、传奇动人的故事。作者把个人的生命运动和哲学思考与雪域高原紧紧地结合起来,这是本书有别于中外人士描写西藏极地的重要特点,它是一部突破自我、超载极限、追寻生命意义和人格独立的血泪之作。 -
你懂得如何走路吗?如果你从来没有做过背包客或“驴友”会对这个问题不以为然,而那些有过徒步经验的人才会认为这本书有存在的价值。然而有趣的是:正是那些初次户外徒步的人才更需要读一读这本书。 当人们越来越厌倦了城市生活,愿意抬起腿来走向户外时,很多人自认为走路是与生俱来的能力,无须学习。其实不然,如果你想让你的行程更有趣,让你的行程更安全,让你的行程更物有所值,那么这本书会是你的出行宝典。作者以她多年的户外经验,在如何制定行程,如何准备装备、食物,如何解决住宿,如何保证户外安全和健康等方面给予了很多实用的指导。最重要的是如何享受徒步旅行的乐趣:寻找风景秀美的路线和与同行者愉快相处同等重要,体验各种天气状况和规避坏天气的风险同等重要,行前的资料收集和途中美景的记录同等重要。 -
A Walk in the Woods
Back in America after twenty years in Britain, Bill Bryson decided to reacquaint himself with his native country by walking the 2,100-mile Appalachian Trail, which stretches from Georgia to Maine. The AT offers an astonishing landscape of silent forests and sparkling lakes--and to a writer with the comic genius of Bill Bryson, it also provides endless opportunities to witness the majestic silliness of his fellow human beings. For a start there's the gloriously out-of-shape Stephen Katz, a buddy from Iowa along for the walk. Despite Katz's overwhelming desire to find cozy restaurants, he and Bryson eventually settle into their stride, and while on the trail they meet a bizarre assortment of hilarious characters. But A Walk in the Woods is more than just a laugh-out-loud hike. Bryson's acute eye is a wise witness to this beautiful but fragile trail, and as he tells its fascinating history, he makes a moving plea for the conservation of America's last great wilderness. An adventure, a comedy, and a celebration, A Walk in the Woods is destined to become a modern classic of travel literature. -
旅行的意义是什么,在出发之前你无从得知,而当你上路后,它已不再重要,重要的是,你已经在路上…… 本书通过文字和照片,讲述作者4年来在四川、西藏、云南等地游历亲近自然的经历和感受——在那些荒无人烟的无人区徒步穿行5天;跟同伴走散,在神秘的原始森林里迷路;被鸡蛋大的冰雹袭击;被夜晚山野上空旋转的星群和亮得刺眼的月亮震惊,然后抱着同伴尖叫、哭泣;在黄昏中,伫立在梅里雪山之下,默然仰望和祈祷…… 作者执着于徒步穿越、游走于山水之间。本书通过讲述其亲身的体验告诉我们:旅行不是逃避现实,而是发现另一种人生。你不需要辞职,你不需要打工,你只需要在繁琐的生活中给自己留些许闲暇时光,然后上路。 旅行是为了发现生活的真善美,让内心更有力,去直面复杂的人生。 人有时需要的东西很少,满眼青山即可…… -
《徒步墨脱生死路》内容简介:出发前有网友说:“这是一个疯子领着一群傻子走墨脱。”而他们说:“即使是变成傻子,也都无怨无悔。”六个男人五个女人,来自不同的城市,在机缘巧合下相遇,共同经历十天的徒步之旅,一起翻越雪山,穿越原始森林,从陌生的过窖成为了生命中不可或缺的生死之交。让他们走到一起的,是一场爱心捐赠的旅。西藏墨脱县背崩乡的希望小学,在近乎与世隔绝的环境中成长着,那里的孩子们,过着我们想象不到的艰苦生活。这一行人,带着全国人民捐赠的物资,走进墨脱,给那里的孩子带去学习用品,也带去外面世界的点点滴滴。你可以把《徒步墨脱生死路》看做惊心动魄的探险,也可以看做心灵的孤旅,也可以看做不可思议的浪漫之行。 -
A powerful, blazingly honest memoir: the story of an eleven-hundred-mile solo hike that broke down a young woman reeling from catastrophe—and built her back up again. At twenty-two, Cheryl Strayed thought she had lost everything. In the wake of her mother's death, her family scattered and her own marriage was soon destroyed. Four years later, with nothing more to lose, she made the most impulsive decision of her life: to hike the Pacific Crest Trail from the Mojave Desert through California and Oregon to Washington State—and to do it alone. She had no experience as a long-distance hiker, and the trail was little more than “an idea, vague and outlandish and full of promise.” But it was a promise of piecing back together a life that had come undone. Strayed faces down rattlesnakes and black bears, intense heat and record snowfalls, and both the beauty and loneliness of the trail. Told with great suspense and style, sparkling with warmth and humor, Wild vividly captures the terrors and pleasures of one young woman forging ahead against all odds on a journey that maddened, strengthened, and ultimately healed her.