《PHP基础教程(第3版)》非常通俗易懂地向初学者介绍了PHP语言的基本概念、使用方法和注意事项。全书通过丰富的示例,引领读者逐步掌握这门流行的Web开发语言,使读者能够上手亲自编写适用于常用场景的PHP脚本。《PHP基础教程(第3版)》适合有基本的HTML经验的读者阅读。 点击链接进入新版: Web开发系列:PHP基础教程(第4版) -
本书提供了一个将网络营销与传统营销进行整合的分析和设计框架,称之为“市场空间矩阵”,该框架贯穿本书。利用该框架可以对网络营销战略、营销手段等进行系统的分析、设计和评价。 本书还有一条脉络,即客户关系的四个阶段,这一线索是市场空间矩阵的一个维度。在客户关系的框架下对营销手段(产品、价格、渠道、促销、社区、传播、品牌)进行分析和设计,旨在将客户从认知阶段经过探索/扩展阶段快速推进到承诺阶段。 此外,eBay案例贯穿在每一章,通过说明eBay营销活动的具体做法来阐述网络菪销的概念、方法和手段。 -
《一目了然Web软件显性设计之路》通过深入浅出地讲解与丰富的实际案例,帮助读者理解、掌握显性设计的精髓,可轻松熟练地设计出简单易用的基于Web的软件。. 我们的用户在众多的竞争中选择了我们基于Web的软件,并投入了他们的金钱和宝贵的时间。作为回报,他们希望能满足需求并推动工作而不感到乏味。事实上,用户应该在离开电脑时仍能感到系统会有效、自觉、敏捷地运转!.. 幸运的是,这一切都是可能的,而且并不复杂。我们只需要从显性设计起步,做到以下几点: ·提供用户所需。 ·让初级用户迅速转变为中级用户。 ·尽可能地防止出错,如出错也应友善处理。 ·精简和优化交互与任务流程,让最复杂的软件也能变得清晰可理解。 ·为支持特定行为而设计。 ·持续优化我们的流程与程序。 -
Eloquent JavaScript
Eloquent JavaScript is a guide to JavaScript that focuses on good programming techniques rather than offering a mish-mash of cut-and-paste effects. The author teaches you how to leverage JavaScript's grace and precision to write real browser-based applications. The book begins with the fundamentals of programming—variables, control structures, functions, and data structures—then moves on to more complex topics, like object-oriented programming, regular expressions, and browser events. With clear examples and a focus on elegance, Eloquent JavaScript will have you fluent in the language of the web in no time. -
The "alarming and impassioned"* book on how the Internet is redefining constitutional law, now reissued as the first popular book revised online by its readers (* New York Times ) There's a common belief that cyberspace cannot be regulated-that it is, in its very essence, immune from the government's (or anyone else's) control. Code , first published in 2000, argues that this belief is wrong. It is not in the nature of cyberspace to be unregulable; cyberspace has no "nature." It only has code-the software and hardware that make cyberspace what it is. That code can create a place of freedom-as the original architecture of the Net did-or a place of oppressive control. Under the influence of commerce, cyberpsace is becoming a highly regulable space, where behavior is much more tightly controlled than in real space. But that's not inevitable either. We can-we must-choose what kind of cyberspace we want and what freedoms we will guarantee. These choices are all about architecture: about what kind of code will govern cyberspace, and who will control it. In this realm, code is the most significant form of law, and it is up to lawyers, policymakers, and especially citizens to decide what values that code embodies. Since its original publication, this seminal book has earned the status of a minor classic. This second edition, or Version 2.0, has been prepared through the author's wiki, a web site that allows readers to edit the text, making this the first reader-edited revision of a popular book. -
Interactive Data Visualization for the Web
Create and publish your own interactive data visualization projects on the Web, even if you have no experience with either web development or data visualization. It's easy with this hands-on guide. You'll start with an overview of data visualization concepts and simple web technologies, and then learn how to use D3, a JavaScript library that lets you express data as visual elements in a web page. Interactive Data Visualization for the Web makes these skills available at an introductory level for designers and visual artists without programming experience, journalists interested in the emerging data journalism processes, and others keenly interested in visualization and publicly available data sources. Get a practical introduction to data visualization, accessible for beginners Focus on web-based tools that help you publish your creations quickly to a wide audience Learn about interactivity so you can engage users in exploring your data