同理心,是了解、尊重、包容,和珍惜。 它能彌補人與人之間最深層的裂痕──包括父母、夫妻、手足、摯友……甚至是逝去的人或陌生人。 同理心具有強大的感染力,把你的同理心散播出去,它會回報你十倍! 作者亞瑟?喬拉米卡利在大學專攻心裡,卻無法阻止因案遠走異鄉的弟弟大衛,在與他通完電話之後自殺身亡。這個深刻的痛、悔恨與遺憾20多年來始終折磨著亞瑟,他不斷不斷自問,如果當時能夠回答大衛:「我也愛你。」讓弟弟感受到自己值得被愛,是不是就能救弟弟一命。 於是,他投身同理心的研究與臨床工作,拯救自己,也幫助無數人走過陰霾的某個人生階段。 這本書,是亞瑟獻給弟弟的,也是獻給所有人的,愛。 如果,你曾經目睹最親愛的人從眼前消逝,至今仍不能原諒自己……。 如果,你曾經不惜與最親密的人絕裂,痛徹心扉……。 如果,你曾經一次又一次地吶喊:為什麼沒有人了解我……。 如果,你想化解衝突仇恨、避免誤會錯過;如果你想撫平所有的創傷,原諒自己,原諒這輩子最想原諒的人。透過同理心,你的感覺與願望,都會被理解與實現。 因為,同理心是一種開放的「交談」;運用同理心,你會懂得別人的想法與感覺,同時也讓別人懂得你的想法與感覺。如此,平靜的心靈將帶領你從失去信心到充滿希望、從憎恨到寬恕、從畏懼自我的軟弱到相信內在的潛能。 同理心像一條河流,溫柔地引領著你到達一個不可思議的新世界。 -
What Should I Do with My Life?
In What Should I Do with My Life? Po Bronson tells the inspirational true stories of people who have found the most meaningful answers to that great question. With humor, empathy, and insight, Bronson writes of remarkable individuals—from young to old, from those just starting out to those in a second career—who have overcome fear and confusion to find a larger truth about their lives and, in doing so, have been transformed by the experience. What Should I Do with My Life? struck a powerful, resonant chord on publication, causing a multitude of people to rethink their vocations and priorities and start on the path to finding their true place in the world. For this edition, Bronson has added nine new profiles, to further reflect the range and diversity of those who broke away from the chorus to learn the sound of their own voice. -
《当你接受自己人生才真正开始》内容简介:幸福的人是相似的,自以为不幸的却各有各的痛苦。有的人以贫寒的家庭为耻,有的人因为肥胖而自卑,有的人怕水却希望会游泳,有的人痛恨自己意志薄弱……吴九箴说,当你一直讨厌自己,你就会想尽办法去当别人。但是每个人都是不一样的,人如果无法接受自己的独特性,那么再好的灵丹也会变成毒药,内心必然充满冲突和负面能量。这样,你的人生如何能和谐、平静和幸福?“接受自己,接受真相。”《当你接受自己人生才真正开始》在台湾上市后即跃居各大排行榜,半年内狂销5万册。愿《当你接受自己人生才真正开始》也能影响你的选择,带给你平安和幸福! -
“A #GIRLBOSS is in charge of her own life. She gets what she wants because she works for it.” The first thing Sophia Amoruso sold online wasn’t fashion—it was a stolen book. She spent her teens hitchhiking, committing petty theft, and dumpster diving. By twenty-two, she had resigned herself to employment, but was still broke, directionless, and working a mediocre day job she’d taken for the health insurance. It was there that Sophia decided to start selling vintage clothes on eBay. Eight years later, she is the founder, CEO, and creative director of Nasty Gal, a $100 million plus online fashion retailer with more than 350 employees. Sophia’s never been a typical CEO, or a typical anything, and she’s written #GIRLBOSS for outsiders (and insiders) seeking a unique path to success, even when that path is winding as all hell and lined with naysayers. #GIRLBOSS includes Sophia’s story, yet is infinitely bigger than Sophia. It’s deeply personal yet universal. Filled with brazen wake-up calls (“You are not a special snowflake”), cunning and frank observations (“Failure is your invention”), and behind-the-scenes stories from Nasty Gal’s meteoric rise, #GIRLBOSS covers a lot of ground. It proves that being successful isn’t about how popular you were in high school or where you went to college (if you went to college). Rather, success is about trusting your instincts and following your gut, knowing which rules to follow and which to break. A #GIRLBOSS takes her life seriously without taking herself too seriously. She takes chances and takes responsibility on her own terms. . She knows when to throw punches and when to roll with them. When to button up and when to let her freak flag fly. As Sophia writes, “I have three pieces of advice I want you to remember: Don’t ever grow up. Don’t become a bore. Don’t let The Man get to you. OK? Cool. Then let’s do this.” -
Soft Skills
Soft Skills: The software developer's life manual is a unique guide, offering techniques and practices for a more satisfying life as a professional software developer. In it, developer and life coach John Sonmez addresses a wide range of important "soft" topics, from career and productivity to personal finance and investing, and even fitness and relationships, all from a developer-centric viewpoint. -
本书所讲述的这个故事曾经在西方神秘流传了一百年,斯宾塞博士一经写出这个故事并公开出版,在西文引起了巨大轰动。一百年来,几乎所有人相信,如果你能得到一个关于一座玫瑰花园的故事,你就会成功。而现在,几乎所有的人都在传阅这本《珍贵的礼物》,因为它确实说出了玫瑰的秘密。 本书前言 《珍贵的礼物》在美国上市当天即售罄一百万册,全世界的总销量达4000万册,几乎所有的大公司、小公司都将此书推荐给员工阅读。 统计表明:198年圣诞节,80%以上的人们互赠的礼物中包含《珍贵的礼物》。在美国流行一句话:一本《珍贵的礼物》抵得上一个微软公司,可以这么说,如果你接受斯宾塞博士这个礼物,就等于掌握了成功的方法。 相传,谁得到礼物谁就会神秘地成功…… 一个神秘,简单的财富故事,但是谁也不会相信,它改变了近1000万人的命运,由于学习本书法则成功的人士累计创造财富达1356亿美元。而且还在增加中。确实可以说,本书是我读过的最有魔力的书之一。 ——美国《新闻周刊》首席书评家 迪克凯瑞 在本书刚刚出版时,人们以为属于《世界上最伟大的推销员》一类。如果把《世界上最伟大的推销员》比喻为汽车的发动机,本书则是直接上路产生财富的“驾驶手册”。 ——美国大学生蓝球联赛运营商 《谁动了我的奶酪?》改变了人们的思考方法,《珍贵的礼物》则直接改变了人们的实际境遇。 ——AEA高级副总裁 蒂姆本内特 一个人在20——30岁读到这本书,可以马上去行动;一个人在40岁以后读到这本书,可以将自己前半生的经验作一个总结。 ——惠普公司CEO 费奥瑞娜