《个人平衡计分卡》介绍了一些新的独特的原则,以帮助组织处理上述问题,解决如何不断改善员工投入感和减少员工压力等棘手问题。要想做到这些,管理者应该认识到,组织内部的人是公司业绩改善最关键的因素。他们必须认识到,在未来,人一一而不是成本的节约或者产品的创新,将决定他们是市场的佼佼者还是落后者。 -
不论你的研究生教育、智力和技术才能如何,你的科研职业还不能令人放心。永久性的职位是不多的,而正规的研究生教育很少讲科学生存技巧,这方面好的咨询师又很难找到。这本独特的书讲解了你达到一个完善的长期研究生涯之前,所要面对的事情。本书集中在重要的生存技巧上,提出了把你自己打造成一名科学家的理性方法。它就这样一些方面提供了可靠的忠告:选择论文或博士后导师;在科研实验室、政府实验室和工业研究所之间挑选研究职位;为聘用面试做准备;确定研究项目,等等。此书帮助你做效果很好的口头报告,使人对你的刊物论文发生兴趣,使你申请经费获得成功。每一位站在科学职业门槛上的人,都应该读一读这本书。 -
Your Brain at Work
Meet Emily and Paul, the parents of two young children. Emily is a newly promoted executive in a large corporation, while Paul has his own business as a consultant. Their lives, like all of ours, are filled with a bewildering blizzard of emails, phone calls, yet more emails, meetings, projects, proposals, and plans. For them, just staying ahead of the storm has become a seemingly insurmountable task. In this book, we travel inside the brains of Emily and Paul as they attempt to sort the vast quantities of information they're presented with and figure out how to prioritize, organize, and act on it. Fortunately for Emily and Paul—and for readers of Your Brain at Work —they're in good hands: David Rock knows how the brain works—and more specifically, how it works in a work setting. Your Brain at Work explores: Why your brains feels so taxed, and how to take full advantage of your mental resources Why it's so hard to focus, and how to better manage distractions How to maximize your chance of finding insights that can solve seemingly insurmountable problems How to keep your cool in any situation, so that you can make the best decisions possible How to collaborate with others more effectively Why providing feedback is so difficult, and how to make it easier How to effectively change other people's behavior Rock shows how it's possible not only to survive in today's overwhelming work environment but to succeed in it—and still feel energized at the end of the day, with a sense of accomplishment. -
Crafting Your Research Future
What is it like to be a researcher or a scientist? For young people, including graduate students and junior faculty members in universities, how can they identify good ideas for research? How do they conduct solid research to verify and realize their new ideas? How can they formulate their ideas and research results into high-quality articles, and publish them in highly competitive journals and conferences? What are effective ways to supervise graduate students so that they can establish themselves quickly in their research careers? In this book, Ling and Yang answer these questions in a step-by-step manner with specific and concrete examples from their first-hand research experience. -
《专为中国人写的超右脑开发训练》是国际右脑开发权威七田真博士,将50多年的研究和实践成果,结合中国人的学习特点,专门设计了一套简单易学、操作性强的基础训练,旨在帮助大家从根本上提高记忆力、策划力、判断力、速读能力及语言学习能力。 通过眼部肌肉训练、残像训练,唤醒右脑的照相记忆能力; 通过捂住耳朵大量反复地朗读,引发深层右脑的共振共鸣机能; 通过5分钟短文默写训练,打开右脑自动记忆信息的回路; 通过中英文对照高速视听读训练,锻炼右脑自动处理信息的能力…… 教你全面开发右脑的方法,彻底唤醒沉睡的右脑潜能!