正如每一位营销人员应该做的那样,《市场营销原理》(第13版)力求为其读者(顾客)创造更多的价值。 作者在延续以往版本之精华的基础上,建立了一个创新性的顾客价值和客户关系框架。该框架涵盖当今市场营销的基本要素,重点提出了五个主要的价值主题: ·为了获得来自顾客的价值回报,首先要为顾客创造价值。 ·建立和管理强势品牌以创造品牌资产。 ·测量和管理市场营销回报。 ·利用市场营销新技术。 ·全球范围内可持续市场营销。 在阐明营销行为蕴涵的理念的同时,全书以大量翔实的案例介绍现代市场营销实践的发展。每一章都收录了众多真实的、最新的业内资讯,力求在强化关键概念的同时,密切联系营销实践。 本书足全球商学院广泛采用的经典教材,也是国内众多高校本科生、MBA学生市场营销学课程的主要教材,还口f以作为研究人员以及企业经营管理者的参考用书。 -
《品牌之源》是美国营销大师阿尔・里斯2004年的又一力作。在该书中,里斯父女提出了以下颇有新意的观点: 要打造一个新品牌,首先应该创建一个新的品类。作者认为,要成为一个品类中的第一品牌,就应该创建一个与原有品类不同的新品类,而不是对原有品类中的产品进行改进。也就是说,要从原有品类中分化出一个新品类。作者提出,要保持一个品牌长久的生命力,就是要使该品牌不断进化;但如果是要建立一个新品牌,则需要分化老品类。 老品类与新品类之间存在一个“泥泞的中间地带”。作者认为,在这个“泥泞的中间地带”中的产品,介于老品类与新品类之间,说得准确点是对老品类的大胆的改进,但却又脱离不了老品类的框架,自成一个新品类。这样的品牌在作者看来是不会获得成功的。要获得成功,就要越过“泥泞的中间地带”,重新开辟一个新品类,脱离老品类,这样才可能打造一个成功的品牌。 应该通过推销品类和扩展市场来打造品牌,不要直接推销品牌。作者认为,只有先推销你创建的新品类,让消费者接受这个品类,那么作为创建该品类的第一品牌,你自然是会受到消费者的青睐的。同样,里斯父女并不认为在一个已有一定市场的品类中打造一个新品牌是明智之举,相反,他们认为要在一个零市场的领域中打造新品牌,这样你就可以成为第一,而市场是靠你慢慢去引领的。这一观点是阿尔・里斯在其各本著作中都一直在强调的。 瑞士军刀式思维行不通。瑞士军刀式思维就是指一个品牌、一个产品融合了多项品类或多种功能。作者认为,融合的产品应以便利为前提(照相手机是为数不多的没有受到作者批评的融合产品),但大多数的产品融合都是会走向失败的。这一观点也正符合了阿尔・里斯一直强调的“定位”和“聚焦”理念,因为融合的产品会使消费者无法将你的品牌和产品明确地归入到某一类别中去。因此,里斯父女在书中提到了“修剪”这个园艺术语。修枝剪叶的威力是巨大的,只有将原有品牌中某些多余的部分修剪掉,你的品牌才能更加茁壮成长,正如树木是通过不断地修剪才能健康成长一样。 -
《不战而胜》作者高建华,北京广播学院工学学士,中欧国际工商管理学院MBA。对外经济贸易大学国际工商管理学院客座教授。 -
The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing
Book Description The world-renowned marketing consultants and bestselling authors of Positioning, Marketing Warfare, and Bottom-Up Marketing offer a compendium of 22 innovative laws for understanding and succeeding in the international marketplace. Illustrations. From Library Journal Ries and Trout, authors of some of the most popular titles in marketing published during the last decade ( Marketing Warfare , LJ 10/15/85; Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind , Warner, 1987; and Bottom-Up Marketing , McGraw, 1989), continue the same breezy style, with lots of anecdotes and insider views of contemporary marketing strategy. The premise behind this book is that in order for marketing strategies to work, they must be in tune with some quintessential force in the marketplace. Just as the laws of physics define the workings of the universe, so do successful marketing programs conform to the "22 Laws." Each law is presented with illustrations of how it works based on actual companies and their marketing strategies. For example, the "Law of Focus" states that the most powerful concept in marketing is "owning" a word in the prospect's mind, such as Crest's owning cavities and Nordstrom's owning service. The book is fun to read, contains solid information, and should be acquired by all public and business school libraries. It will be requested by readers of the authors' earlier titles. - William W. Sannwald, San Diego P.L. Book Dimension length: (cm)20.6 width:(cm)13.5 点击链接进入中文版: 22条商规:美国CEO最怕被竞争对手读到的商界奇书 -
在线阅读本书 Book Description It shook up the world of marketing with all the force of a 20-megaton bomb, and now, two decades later, Positioning is still as fresh and, perhaps, even more relevant, for advertisers in the New Economy. To commemorate the 20th anniversary of the classic book that changed an industry, McGraw-Hill has reunited mavens of marketing Al Ries and Jack Trout to make available to another generation of advertisers the book that forever changed the way advertising is done. The first book to deal with the problems of communicating to a skeptical public, Positioning describes a revolutionary approach to creating a "position" in a prospective customer's mind that reflects a company's own strengths and weaknesses as well as those of its competitors. Writing in their trademark witty, fast-paced style, Ries and Trout explain how to position an industry leader so that it gets into people's minds and stays there, how to position a follower so that it can occupy a space not claimed by the leader, and how to avoid letting a second product ride on the coattails of an established one. "Ries and Trout taught me everything I know about branding, marketing, and product management. When I had the idea of creating a very large thematic community on the Web, I first thought of "Positioning"..." - David Bohnett, Chairman and Founder of GeoCities. A handsome edition of the original 1981 text, this "20th Anniversary Edition" makes available to business and marketing professionals - including tens of thousands of Ries and Trout groupies, worldwide - the work that forever changed the way marketing strategy is done. This new edition features commentary from the authors that offers fresh insight into why "positioning" a product in a prospective customer's mind is still the most important strategy in business, and includes numerous examples of campaigns that followed, or didn't follow, Ries and Trout's thinking. Book Dimension Height (mm) 208 Width (mm) 188 -
在诸多的国外市场营销名著中,概念准确、层次清晰、逻辑严密的论著,当首推菲利普・科特勒的《市场营销管理》。这本由营销大师和三位亚洲学者合著的《市场营销管理》(亚洲版)具有以下特点:(1)内容新颖。反映了90年代以来世界营销学界的最新成果,并对21世纪市场营销的远景蓝图进行了描绘。(2)学术性强。从内容到方法都给读者(尤其是 教学科研工作者)以科学理论的指导,对于建立具有中国特色的市场营销理论将起到重要的推动作用。(3)具有很高的应用价值。大量的亚洲市场营销案例,详细的亚洲市场营销环境描述,不仅给企业界人士以亲切感、新鲜感,而且对指导中国企业进入周边国家和地区的市场树立和改善中国企业的形象,进而提高中国产品的国际市场占有率,都具有重要的实践意义,为此,世界各国将《市场营销管理》一书奉为营销科学的“圣经”。