
Al Ries,Jack Trout


marketing 市场营销 定位 管理 營銷 positioning 营销



在线阅读本书 Book Description It shook up the world of marketing with all the force of a 20-megaton bomb, and now, two decades later, Positioning is still as fresh and, perhaps, even more relevant, for advertisers in the New Economy. To commemorate the 20th anniversary of the classic book that changed an industry, McGraw-Hill has reunited mavens of marketing Al Ries and Jack Trout to make available to another generation of advertisers the book that forever changed the way advertising is done. The first book to deal with the problems of communicating to a skeptical public, Positioning describes a revolutionary approach to creating a "position" in a prospective customer's mind that reflects a company's own strengths and weaknesses as well as those of its competitors. Writing in their trademark witty, fast-paced style, Ries and Trout explain how to position an industry leader so that it gets into people's minds and stays there, how to position a follower so that it can occupy a space not claimed by the leader, and how to avoid letting a second product ride on the coattails of an established one. "Ries and Trout taught me everything I know about branding, marketing, and product management. When I had the idea of creating a very large thematic community on the Web, I first thought of "Positioning"..." - David Bohnett, Chairman and Founder of GeoCities. A handsome edition of the original 1981 text, this "20th Anniversary Edition" makes available to business and marketing professionals - including tens of thousands of Ries and Trout groupies, worldwide - the work that forever changed the way marketing strategy is done. This new edition features commentary from the authors that offers fresh insight into why "positioning" a product in a prospective customer's mind is still the most important strategy in business, and includes numerous examples of campaigns that followed, or didn't follow, Ries and Trout's thinking. Book Dimension Height (mm) 208 Width (mm) 188



  • helenalam的评论
    But nothing sets you freer than planning regularly and positioning yourself - correctly, by knowing how to sensibly set an upper bar, hopefully tentative, for yourself. Goodnight from the kid with an aching stomach and a warm palm of her mother's.[月亮]
  • 汐佶的评论
  • 许孟波的评论
  • 创业加油站的评论
    【创业公司制定价格策略需要考虑哪些因素?】定价策略至少是由三个变量决定的:产品(Product)、渠道(Placement)、定位(positioning)。加上价格(Price),这就是著名的营销学大师、美国密歇根大学教授杰罗姆·麦卡锡提出的注明的 4Ps 理论中的 4P。4Ps 理论也被称为营销组合。当创业公司制定价格
  • 武侠不是小说的评论
    #好书推荐# 当今市场上谁都逃不掉主动被动的“全球化”,企业如何才能做到生存和盈利?找准自己的定位,明确自身的战略,把握消费者的选择,为什么买你产品?为什么信赖你?为什么只选你不选别人?从定位中找寻答案吧!《定位》positioning!
  • 烂漫--樱花的评论
    声明顺序相关的属性声明应当归为一组,并按照下面的顺序排列:PositioningBox modelTypographicVisual由于定位(positioning)可以从正常的文档流中移除元素,并且还能覆盖盒模型(box model)相关的样式,... 网页链接
  • 学者箴言的评论
    也谈相对论与GPS的关系——兼论讨论此关系时常见的认识误区好长时间没谈相对论问题网页链接 此文来自科学网马青平博客,转载请注明出处。近来浏览科学网,发现前段时间曾热烈讨论过相对论与全球定位系统(Global Positioning System,GPS)的关系。反相者黄秀清老师的《真相与真理:爱的谎
  • 离经么不么的评论
    我赶完了千字的targeting &positioning瞎编了一个customer profile还做了一张positioning strategy……但是我却写不出一个conclusion……上帝啊conclusion怎么写啊……我组员都写了啥啊 澳大利亚·悉尼
  • 舒舒爱曼曼米米爱联联的评论
    三万步达成[眼泪][眼泪][眼泪]帮sensewhere把整条南京路沿途各大商家的数据都采集了一个遍[酷][酷][酷],欢迎小伙伴们使用嵌入sensewhere indoor positioning的腾讯地图!!![哈哈][哈哈][哈哈]sensewhere, leading the indoor positioning technique in the world!!!@爆米花恋
  • 振远重晶石的评论
    天道未必酬勤,深度思考决定人生,接受,是变好的开始; 精准定位positioning\专业profession\坚持persistence《宁愿睡地板,也要做老板。温州言商》 广州·黄边