The Master
Like Michael Cunningham in "The Hours, " Colm Toibin captures the extraordinary mind and heart of a great writer. Beautiful and profoundly moving, "The Master" tells the story of a man born into one of America's first intellectual families who leaves his country in the late nineteenth century to live in Paris, Rome, Venice, and London among privileged artists and writers.In stunningly resonant prose, Toibin captures the loneliness and the hope of a master of psychological subtlety whose forays into intimacy inevitably failed those he tried to love. The emotional intensity of this portrait is riveting. -
Westlife - Our Story
The biggest pop band in the world celebrate 10 years at the top -- telling their full story in their own words for the very first time. 40 million albums 14 UK number 1 singles 7 UK number 1 albums Westlife have had more number ones than any other artist apart from The Beatles and Elvis and with songs that have become modern classics like Flying without Wings, they have ensured their place in the annals of pop history. Westlife -- The Autobiography will chart the highs and lows of their phenomenonal career and a unique friendship that has seen them endure as a band for an extraordinary ten years. The book will chronicle the band's story from the grass-roots of Sligo, Ireland to multi-platinum records, celebrity collaborations and chart achievements. But bubbling under this public face is a private and unseen story never before recorded, crammed with candid personal revelations, including of course the departure of Brian McFadden. Westlife have been a staple part of British entertainment for years, yet the public has no idea of the astounding life they have led -- and still live -- behind the headlines and soundbites.Here, for the first time, Westlife will take us into their confidence and reveal their lives and amazing ten year journey as the UK's biggest pop band as never before. -
《叶芝》描述叶芝丰富的一生,他的诗歌创作,他的神秘经历,他在情感上的苦恋与升华,他参与并指导艾比剧场与爱尔兰文学剧场的经过以及从政生涯等。 -
艺术史学家马克斯•默顿回到了他儿时的海滨小村。如今的他,既要逃避人生新的离愁,又同时要面对往昔记忆的折磨。多年前的那个夏天,格雷斯一家仿佛来自另一个世界。马克斯被格雷斯家的双胞胎姐弟克洛伊和迈尔斯深深吸引,很快卷入了他们的生活——既充满诱惑,却又狂躁不安。接下来的故事却困扰了马克斯的余生…… “《海》运用了约翰•班维尔精准而优美的散文体语言,既包含着对人生确实的妥协,也有对记忆和认知的非同寻常的反思。它完全令人信服,又有着深刻的感动与阐述,毫无疑问,是伟大的语言大师最好的作品之一。《海》对悲痛、记忆和冷静的爱进行了精妙的探讨。在班维尔的作品中,你可以清晰地感觉到乔伊斯、贝克特和纳博科夫的影子。” ——英国布克奖评委会 -
海格迪家族是一个生养了十二个子女的大家庭,故事由其中一个素来不羁的儿子黎安的自杀而揭幕。尚存的九个子女为给黎安守灵而聚会在爱尔兰首都都柏林。酗酒并没有直接导致黎安的死亡——尽管是一个诱因——但真正的根源还要追溯到1968年的冬天,在他尚且年幼之时发生在外婆家的可怕经历。女主人公薇罗妮卡是黎安最亲近的妹妹,她短暂地陪伴着逝去的哥哥走完这最后一程,正如当初的不幸遭遇发生的时候她也在场一样。 -
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
Lines may divide us, but hope will unite us ...Nine-year-old Bruno knows nothing of the Final Solution and the Holocaust. He is oblivious to the appalling cruelties being inflicted on the people of Europe by his country. All he knows is that he has been moved from a comfortable home in Berlin to a house in a desolate area where there is nothing to do and no one to play with. Until he meets Shmuel, a boy who lives a strange parallel existence on the other side of the adjoining wire fence and who, like the other people there, wears a uniform of striped pyjamas. Bruno's friendship with Shmuel will take him from innocence to revelation. And in exploring what he is unwittingly a part of, he will inevitably become subsumed by the terrible process.