Side Effects
A humor classic by one of the funniest writers today, SIDE EFFECTS is a treat for all those who know his work and those just discovering how gifted he is. Included here are such classics as REMEMBERING NEEDLEMAN, THE KUGELMASS EPISODE, a new sory called CONFESSIONS OF A BUGLAR, and more. -
《卡夫卡短篇小说选》是奥地利著名作家卡夫卡短篇小说的辑录,选入卡夫卡的《变形记》、《判决》、《饥饿艺术家》、《中国长城建造时》、《乡村医生》、《夫妇》等经典短篇,以及一些意蕴深刻、风格独特的超短小说,如《一则小寓言》、《算了吧》、《小伯爵的课外课》、《招魂会议》等,这些作品都是卡夫卡天才的见证。卡夫卡笔下描写的都是生活在下层的小人物,他们在这充满矛盾、扭曲变形的世界里惶恐,不安,孤独,迷惘,遭受压迫而不敢反抗,也无力反抗,向往明天又看不到出路;他仿佛在为人类的明天敲起急促的警钟。 -
Stories of Your Life and Others
One of the best short story collections of the last ten years, back in print in a new edition. -
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
Musical comedy Based on the story by James Thurber Characters: 5 male, 6 female, and as many extras as desired. Scenery: Various simple sets (or one basic set). On his fortieth birthday Walter Mitty reflects on his drab, ordinary life. Defeated in his quest for wealth and glory by family responsibilities, a mortgage, and a routine job, he creates elaborate fantasies in which he is the hero. His secret world is so enticing that he often loses sight of the boundary between dream and reality and comically slips into his imagination. An attractive would be chanteuse aptly named Willa de Wisp encourages Walter to leave his wife, shed the burdens of suburban living and really live the secret life. Unfortunately it is as unattainable as it is appealing. At the end of the play Walter discovers that he is happily committed to the real world. "A thoroughly pleasant musical evening."-- Time. -
英国小说一向以长篇为主。二十世纪初,一位以写短篇小说闻名于世的女作家彗星般出现在英国文坛上。在短短十四年的创作生涯中,她写下了八十八篇短篇小说、大量的文学评论、日记、书信、札记以及别具一格的诗。她在短篇小说的创作上做了大胆的探索,赢得“英语世界的契诃夫”之称,曾经产生过并且继续产生着深远的影响。她就是凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德。 本书为“20世纪外国名家精品”系列中的一本,选取了作家不同创作时期的代表作26篇,包括她的众多优秀作品《园会》、《一杯茶》、《苍蝇》、《男爵》、《女掌柜》等。 她写的小说往往与其说是故事,不如说是意境,于平淡中见新奇。 -