玫瑰门,ISBN:9787539909851,作者:铁凝著 -
许多妇女在思想观念误区的束缚下艰难地生活着。乌特.艾尔哈特要用这本书为妇女姐妹们扫清前进道路上的障碍。艾尔哈特通过本书告诉女读者们,妇女们为什么不能有一个充实的生活,为什么不能自己决定自己的生活,在很大程度上是妇女自己的心理机制、自我束缚和内心的恐惧感决定的。如何摆脱自我约束的观念模式,艾尔哈特为女读者们指出了一条独立自主的道路: 我们需要的不是抱怨 我们需要的是解决问题。 -
The Woman Warrior
A Chinese American woman tells of the Chinese myths, family stories and events of her California childhood that have shaped her identity. -
A Room Of One's Own And Three Guineas
In A Room of One's Own, Virginia Woolf imagines that Shakespeare had a sister: a sister equal to Shakespeare in talent, equal in genius, but whose legacy is radically different.This imaginary woman never writes a word and dies by her own hand, her genius unexpressed. But if only she had found the means to create, urges Woolf, she would have reached the same heights as her immortal sibling. In this classic essay,Virginia Woolf takes on the establishment, using her gift of language to dissect the world around her and give a voice to those who have none. Her message is simple: A woman must have a fixed income and a room of her own in order to have the freedom to create. -
林白的《一个人的战争》中女性躯体与欲望的写作引起爆炸性的轰动和极具震撼力的效果。她在艺术上的卓越的勇气,她的奇妙的女性语言生成方式,她所表现出来的女人对性的另一种不为人知更不能为人所道的隐秘经验。从对性感及其性感区域的精确描摹,来阐述一个女性成长过程中的自我意识。这肯定是一本最独特的《一个人的战争》,最精美、最完整、最让人感叹。 《一个人的战争》直接写出了女性感官的爱,刻画出了女性对肉体的感觉与迷恋,营造出了至为热烈而坦荡的个人经验世界……因此,该书无疑是一个具有革命意义的女性文本。 -