Listening to Music
The only music appreciation text on the market to include listening exercises throughout the book, LISTENING TO MUSIC, Sixth Edition, masterfully develops and refines your listening skills. Acclaimed for unparalleled clarity and accuracy, using Wright will help you study efficiently, do well on your tests and quizzes, and learn to enjoy many kinds of music. Wright covers traditional Western music from medieval to modern as well as popular music and its impact on musical globalization, and music from the Far East, the Near East and Africa, the Caribbean, and Latin America, drawing comparisons between Western and non-Western musical cultures. Learning to listen critically is at the heart of a music appreciation course, and Wright gives you the tools to develop and sharpen your listening skills in three important ways: First, Listening to Music is the only text to include detailed Listening Exercises throughout the book. These exercises, which ask questions just like the ones your instructor is likely to ask in quizzes, will help you focus on important musical elements and episodes and do well in the course. Second, a free "Introduction to Listening" CD is packaged with each copy of the text. This CD plays all of the music discussed in the music fundamentals chapters in Part I of the text to help you get a good start in the first few weeks of class. Third, interactive Active Listening Guides and listening quizzes, with streaming music for most of the selections in the text, are available on the Schirmer Cengage Learning website and multimedia eBook. 点击链接进入中文版: 听音乐音乐欣赏教程(附光盘1张) -
乐评本就不易,但读郑先生的乐评却给人有洋洋洒洒、气势雄绵之感,无论是长篇还是短文;无论是对西洋音乐还是我国的民族民间音乐,文中处处都感受到郑先生深厚的专业功底和精深的艺术见地,读后对人深有启迪。 -
朱秋华:毕业于中央音乐学院音乐学系,任教于北京大学艺术与研究。曾在国内外专业学术刊物上发表论文二十余篇,主要专著有《西方音乐史》、《德彪西》、《中国传统音乐文化》、《中、西传统音乐文化比较》。 作为面向大众读者介绍欣赏传统音乐的最佳途径之一,本书按历史脉络由古至今对西方音乐的发展进行了梳理。贯穿全书的言简意赅的讲述了广阔和多样的音乐视角与思维方式,从而能够更加深刻地理解人类音乐艺术的无穷魅力。 古典音乐和我们存在于同一时空,或许彼此可以成为知音;它又为人类创生出别一世界,引领我们进入幸福喜乐的天堂。这本书是古典音乐初识者、爱好者的轻松的向导,相信它能提供给您一个徜徉古典音乐世界的好机会. -
在这本享誉全球的权威大书里,我们将走进一个精彩、奇异的音乐大世界;这也将是一个无限的音乐欣享之旅。今日的音乐录音制品足以使爱乐者倾倒、入谜和兴奋不已,明日的灿烂无疑将企足可待;音乐这门艺术博大精深,涉及面深而且广不论有财力或没财力、有闲功 夫还是没闲工夫的爱乐者都希望有一份“必读曲目”和“可读曲目”以备查考,而《企鹅激光唱片指南》正好能满足这种需要。 爱德华・格林菲尔德、 罗伯特・莱顿、伊万・马奇 的新版《企鹅激光唱片指南》将向我们唱片收藏者提供一分最佳音乐CD的综合评价,它同以往的音乐评介书书籍有所不同,不是单纯地介绍作曲家及其作品,而是着重介绍演绎者(包括指挥、演奏员、独奏家以及独唱、合唱者)及其演绎过程。《企鹅激光唱片指南》在分析乐曲、评论乐手、诠释其优劣之余,还对音响效果给予适度的关注,这种新的欣赏方式带来的艺术享受或感官刺激所产生的快感也是旧日的爱乐者所无以企及的。 -
The Classical Style
A greatly expanded edition of a masterpiece by a world-class pianist and writer on music.This outstanding book treating the three most beloved composers of the Vienna School is basic to any study of Classicalera music. Drawing on his rich experience and intimate familiarity with the works of these giants, Charles Rosen presents his keen insights in clear and persuasive language.For this expanded edition, now available in paperback for the first time, Rosen has provided a new, 64-page chapter on the later years of Beethoven and the musical conventions he inherited from Haydn and Mozart. The author has also written an extensive new preface in which he responds to other writers who have commented on his ideas. -