Writing Philosophy Papers
Discover an all-in-one guide to writing with Seech's WRITING PHILOSOPHY PAPERS, 5e. Written specifically for philosophy students, this unique book leads you through every aspect of writing philosophy papers and is an invaluable tool for any philosophy class that includes writing assignments. The book guides you through every step of creating and organizing a compelling philosophy essay--from the conception of a thesis and basic mechanics of writing through conducting effective research and accurately citing sources. You even learn tips for formulating an articulate, intelligent argument. Sample essays in the back of the book are provided for your reference. Specifics on the organization, style, and reasoning behind each primary type of philosophy papers prepare you to complete compare-and-contrast, research, and summary and explanatory papers. A new chapter on Internet research (Chapter 7) discusses source accountability and use of the Internet encyclopedia Wikipedia. New discussions on plagiarism in a digital age and word processing today further equip you for success. WRITING PHILOSOPHY PAPERS, 5e, serves as a valuable, ongoing reference for any current or future philosophy class. -
Philosophical Writing
Substantially updated and revised, the third edition of "Philosophical Writing" is designed to help those with little or no experience in philosophy to think and write successfully. This book traces the evolution of a good philosophical essay from draft stage to completion. It now includes new examples of the structures of a philosophical essay, new examples of rough drafts, tips on how to study for a test and a new section on how to utilize the internet effectively. It is written with clarity and wit by a bestselling author. -
The Economist Style Guide
Rare is the style guide that a person--even a word person--would want to read cover to cover. But The Economist Style Guide, designed, as the book says, to promote good writing, is so witty and rigorous as to be irresistible. The book consists of three parts. The first is the Economist's style book, which acts as a position paper of sorts in favor of clear, concise, correct usage. The big no-noes listed in the book's introduction are: "Do not be stuffy.... Do not be hectoring or arrogant.... Do not be too pleased with yourself.... Do not be too chatty.... Do not be too didactic.... [And] do not be sloppy." Before even getting to the letter B, we are reminded that aggravate "means make worse, not irritate or annoy"; that an alibi "is the proven fact of being elsewhere, not a false explanation"; and that anarchy "means the complete absence of law or government. It may be harmonious or chaotic." Part 2 of the book describes many of the spelling, grammar, and usage differences between British and American English. While many Briticisms are familiar to most Americans and vice versa, there are some words--such as homely, bomb, and table--that take on quite different meanings altogether when they cross the Atlantic. And part 3 offers a handy reference to such information as common business abbreviations, accountancy ratios, the Beaufort Scale, commodity-trade classifications, currencies, laws, measures, and stock-market indices. The U.S. reader should be aware (but not scared off by the fact) that some of the style issues addressed are specifically British. --Jane Steinberg --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. -
《怎样写演讲稿》主要针对在校各年级大学生和具有中等以上水平的广大英语写作爱好者。专门为使用者打牢英语写作基础,掌握英语写作技巧,提高英语写作水平而设计,着力解决英语写作中的重点、难点和易忽视的问题。《怎样写演讲稿》自成体系,囊括各种常用体裁,写作风格趋于一致,阐释详尽。不仅为写作者详细讲析英语写作必备的基本知识、技能技巧,综述英语写作历史及其特点,界定和区分各种文体,而且还充分进解并展示了从写前准备到起草,从修改到定稿以及校对等整个写作过程。 -
最优秀的商务写作有着自己特有的规则。它必须做到读起来亲切却不絮叨,专业却不沉闷,有针对性却不专横。本书将向你解说这些规则,告诉你如何在这些规则的指导下写出明确、有力而直接的电子邮件、书信和报告书——并能节约1/3的写作时间! 本书具有很强的实用性,书中的模型简单易行,并且经过了实践的检验,配合一系列练习,向你逐一介绍如何针对每个读者进行写作,如何传递信息,如何激发动力等内容。任意翻开一页,你都能发现写作的玄机所在: 说服并影响决策者的报告书; 一语中的电子邮件和书信; 鼓励互动的互联网页; 激发学习热情的培训资料; 一目了然的电子邮件主题 每天,你写的东西和写作方式都会影响到你的职业成败。本书为你提供了大量技巧、规则和指导,帮助你处理好每一段商务写作,使之读起来紧急、明确,达到你的预期效果。 -
茱莉亚.卡麦隆继畅销书《创作,是心灵疗愈的旅程》之后, 又一精彩的经典作品。 我希望这本书能帮助治疗遍体鳞伤的写作者、鼓舞心存畏惧的写作者,以及怂恿站在河边想要把脚趾头伸进水里的写作者。─茱莉亚.卡麦隆 亲爱的茱莉亚: 是你鼓励我提笔写作,虽然我觉得妳疯了,但我还是写了。随信附上我刚出版的童书。 亲爱的茱莉亚: 教书教了三十年之后,我终于找到自己写作的初衷了。我热爱写作!但愿我没让自己等那麽久。请告诉其他学生要相信妳,并从此时此刻开始写作。 曾经,书写是每个人的本能,就像呼吸一般。随着时间推移,我们受困在世人对作家狭隘的定义中,陷入对写作的负面迷思里,认为当作家注定是孤独的、一辈子穷困潦倒、我们写的文字没有人要看、出版的书没有人会买。于是我们在写作之路上走得跌跌撞撞、茫然迷惑、信心尽失,最后遍体鳞伤,渐渐忘了写作最原始的本质──写作不是为了给谁看;不是为了得到掌声;不是为了名利双收;不是为了得到「作家」的头衔。我们写作,纯粹是享受为写而写的喜悦,让脑中的想法跃然纸上,透过文字跟自己对话。 本书作者茱莉亚.卡麦隆从自己的写作经验出发,带领读者省思写作的真谛是什麽?我们不需等到有时间、有灵感、有舒适的房间、合适的题材,才能好好坐下来写作,这只是逃避写作的藉口。对于写作,你大可如天真的孩子般,脑海里有任何奇思妙想,提起笔就写,想到什麽写什麽。你的文字不需经过旁人的指点过目,你就是文字的主人,你的灵感独一无二。一段时间后你会有惊人的发现:那些你所写下的只字片语,竟是如此动人!那一个又一个你所创造的文字异想世界,精彩得让你流连忘返!恭喜你,你重新找回文字的疗愈力量。 写作就是这麽一回事,抛开「我想写,但是……」的疑虑和不安,旁人多事的提醒纠正,写得快乐比写得好更重要。写,就对了! 作者简介 茱莉亚.卡麦隆(Julia Cameron) 茱莉亚.卡麦隆兼具小说家、剧作家、作曲家、诗人等多重身分,在电影及电视圈颇负盛名。至今已出版数十本着作,写作题材广泛,包括诗集、小说和非小说类。 《创意,是心灵疗愈的旅程》(2010年橡树林出版)是卡麦隆最受欢迎、最经典,以讨论创意为主题的畅销书。但在此之前,她曾投注十年时间不断写作,却在创作之路上走得跌跌撞撞、茫然迷惑、信心尽失,最后只得仰赖酒精来支撑自己的意志力。尽管如此,卡麦隆仍不曾放弃,她凭着对艺术的热爱,重新回归创作最本然的初衷,不断向内省视自己的心,终于找到将灵感化为真实作品的方法,并获得百万读者的正面肯定。 卡麦隆开设了名为「艺术家之路」课程,成功带领许多在创作之路上遭遇瓶颈的作家、演员、舞者、导演、作曲家等等,和内在的自我对话,重新开启了创意的泉源。甚至许多向往艺术工作却不知该如何开始的人,在运用了书中的方法后,也大胆的在艺术之路上尽情挥灑自己的想法。她在创作方面的畅销代表作有《创作,是心灵疗愈的旅程》、《潜能寻宝游戏》及《写,就对了!》。 译者简介 赖许刈 英国格拉斯哥大学创意写作硕士(M. Phil in Creative Writing)。编书也译书的文字工作者,编辑作品多为欧美小说,翻译作品则涵盖各种类型。