Asking the Right Questions
The Cambridge Handbook of Thinking and Reasoning
Written by foremost authorities from cognitive psychology, cognitive science, and cognitive neuroscience, the chapters of this reference summarize basic concepts and facts of a major topic, sketch its history, and analyze the progress its research is currently making. The volume also includes work related to developmental, social and clinical psychology, philosophy, economics, artificial intelligence, linguistics, education, law, and medicine. The Cambridge Handbook of Thinking and Reasoning comprises the first comprehensive and authoritative handbook for all core topics within the fields of thinking and reasoning. -
这本《批判的思考》是由美国两位资深教授编著使用了多年,已经出了七版的优秀教材。该书通俗、生动。直观地阐述了批判思考、正确推理和合理论证的基本问题、观点、方法和技巧、从批判思考的重要性和必要性,如何正确地思维和清晰地写作,到有效论证的规则,合理的演绎和归纳推理,并指出各种以修辞手法来掩盖虚假论证的例子,再到道德、法律和美学的论证,让读者了解合理而正确地思维的基本原则、规则、要求、技巧和训练方法。 这套《大学文库》丛书,选译和编辑当代人文社会科学领域的一些经典教科书和教材,为我们高等教育领域的师生提供借鉴。在条件成熟时将推出我国或华文世界作者的原创教材。我们还重点选辑通识教育中一些侧重公益性、实践性和技巧性的教材,如普及型的公民教育、人文艺术教育、心理教育和阅读写作研究方法等方面的教材,以弥补目前质量教材之不足。 -
在《创新的神话》一书中,Scott Berkun认真研究了创新历史,包括来自软件开发和网络时代的实例,揭示了想法是如何成为成功的创新——这些事实可以用于应对当前的挑战。 本书使用了历史上几十个科技、商业和艺术的案例,你将学到如何把你拥有的知识转变为能够改变世界的构相。 -
Pragmatic Thinking and Learning
In this title: together we'll journey together through bits of cognitive and neuroscience, learning and behavioral theory; you'll discover some surprising aspects of how our brains work; and, see how you can beat the system to improve your own learning and thinking skills. In this book you'll learn how to: use the Dreyfus Model of Skill Acquisition to become more expert; leverage the architecture of the brain to strengthen different thinking modes; avoid common 'known bugs' in your mind; learn more deliberately and more effectively; and, manage knowledge more efficiently. Software development happens in your head. Not in an editor, IDE, or design tool. It's time to take a pragmatic approach to thinking and learning, and start to refactor - and redesign - your brain.