Programming Interactivity
Make cool stuff. If you're a designer or artist without a lot of programming experience, this book will teach you to work with 2D and 3D graphics, sound, physical interaction, and electronic circuitry to create all sorts of interesting and compelling experiences -- online and off. Programming Interactivity explains programming and electrical engineering basics, and introduces three freely available tools created specifically for artists and designers: *Processing, a Java-based programming language and environment for building projects on the desktop, Web, or mobile phones *Arduino, a system that integrates a microcomputer prototyping board, IDE, and programming language for creating your own hardware and controls *OpenFrameworks, a coding framework simplified for designers and artists, using the powerful C++ programming language BTW, you don't have to wait until you finish the book to actually make something. You'll get working code samples you can use right away, along with the background and technical information you need to design, program, build, and troubleshoot your own projects. The cutting edge design techniques and discussions with leading artists and designers will give you the tools and inspiration to let your imagination take flight. -
Learning Processing
Book Description Teaches graphic artists the fundamentals of computer programming within a visual playground! Product Description This book introduces programming concepts in the context of computer graphics and visual art, in a more accessible format than traditional programming textbooks. It uses the open source programming language Processing as the basis for all discussion and examples, focusing on the fundamentals such as variables, conditionals, loops, arrays, and objects in a highly visual manner. The book will also introduce advanced topics such as data mining, networking, image processing, computer vision, and 3D graphics. It will also introduce using Processing for "tangible media"; communicating with microcontrollers to interact with the physical environment. Processing is built on top of the programming language Java, and so is an excellent introduction to Java and object-oriented programming, and will help prepare the student for study of more advanced object-oriented languages such as Java or C++. * Introduces the concepts of computer programming using the programming language Processing developed at the MIT Media Lab * Written for the interactive media designer without any programming experience * Includes source code for many examples, illustrated with examples of what can be done with Processing -
The Fundamentals of Sonic art & Sound design
此书探索了声音艺术的世界,包括研究其历史与发展过程,通过考查知名艺术家的作品和言论以及时下广泛以“声音艺术”为主题的实践活动,来探知当前这些充满多样性的艺术流派的状态。书中也讨论了对科技的运用以及它们对艺术创作的冲击。另外,声音艺术与声音设计基础 还涉及到了在声音记录、表演、装置和展览方面一些激进的新方法,并且探访了声音艺术家和声音设计师们的世界。 -
这不是一本教你如何编程的书,但却是软件工程师不可不读的书。 本书作者Cooper被誉为“VB之父”。他针对基于电脑的产品难学、难用、难以理解的弊病,提出了软件设计应分为两部分:交互设计与编码设计。本书通过大量的商务案例,“透彻地描述了我们面临的挑战,并从方法学上提供了逃离我们自己热心营造的技术牢笼的指南。” 本书观点独特,描述生动,实例丰富,分析深刻,方法具体而且有效,是软件项目经理、 -
现在全新的交互模式正在涌来,人们可以通过简短而又富有表现力的手势动作进行交互,例如通过扫过、轻敲或摇晃,以及一些最基本的可辨识动作,来完成便捷的行为,完全突破了键盘、鼠标和显示器的局限。本书为您展示了如何运用新的交互模式进行创新情境设计的全套方法和流程,内容紧贴设计、教育和科技的最前沿,探讨用户行为、创新设计、数据分析等,呈现了欧美先进的设计和研究思路,为国内教育界和企业界的从业者提供了指导和工作样本。 本书适合高校设计类教师、本科生、硕士生和博士生参考阅读,也适合企业设计和研究部门主管和职员借鉴学习。 -
互動式設計:數位科技改變了現代生活所對應的一切,範疇廣及娛樂乃至工具配備。而對於數位科技商品的設計者而言,他們要創造的標的不再是一個漂亮或實用的有形體,而是一種互動式介面。 在這本書裡,作者比爾‧摩格理吉(Bill Moggridge)不僅帶領讀者近距離接觸40餘位在此領域舉足輕重的設計師,由於作者亦為大獎榮耀加身的知名設計師,曾設計全球首款筆記型電腦(1981年出廠的the GRiD Compass),也是矽谷IDEO設計公司的創始人,透過他的導引,讀者得以更清楚掌握此領域的革新與演進。 尤其書中訪談的對象,包括虛擬實境遊戲(Sims)的發明人威爾‧萊特(Will Wright)、Google的創始人萊立‧佩吉(Larry Page)與佘傑‧兵(Sergey Brin),還有道格‧安傑巴特 (Doug Engelbart)、比爾‧安特金生(Bill Atkinson)以及多位創造並賦予滑鼠及桌上型電腦新生的設計師們,他們的經驗陳述,讓現代科技設計的關鍵發展脈絡清晰地呈現出來。 書中作者與受訪者所探討的問題,包括:為什麼個人電腦會設計一個桌上螢幕?讓Palm的掌上操作功如此成功的秘訣?為什麼Google是網友青睞的搜尋引擎?為什麼在日本有3千萬手機用戶選擇i-mode?此外,作者也分享了自己創作的過程,並以IDEO的成功為例,分析在以人為本的基礎下,人類的需求與渴望如何轉化為全新設計創意,而數位科技的設計模式又是如何發展成型。 除精彩文字敘述,本書並配置了超過700張圖像,以全彩印刷呈現。隨書並附贈一片光碟,摘錄所有訪談內容的精華及互動設計的操作示範。 本書作者摩格理吉所創立的IDEO,不僅是全球最成功的設計公司之一,也是首先將軟體與硬體整合並導入工業設計範疇的企業。他曾應聘為倫敦皇家藝術學院互動設計課程客座教授、在倫敦商業學院授課,也是義大利艾維里(Ivrea)互動設計中心程序委員會的會員之一,目前擔任史丹福大學設計衍生課程(the Joint Program in Design)的諮詢助教(Consulting Associate Professor)。