About Face 2.0
First published seven years ago-just before the World Wide Web exploded into dominance in the software world-About Face rapidly became a bestseller. While the ideas and principles in the original book remain as relevant as ever, the examples in About Face 2.0 are updated to reflect the evolution of the Web. Interaction Design professionals are constantly seeking to ensure that software and software-enabled products are developed with the end-user's goals in mind, that is, to make them more powerful and enjoyable for people who use them. About Face 2.0 ensures that these objectives are met with the utmost ease and efficiency. Alan Cooper (Palo Alto, CA) has spent a decade making high-tech products easier to use and less expensive to build-a practice known as "Interaction Design." Cooper is now the leader in this growing field. Mr. Cooper is also the author of two bestselling books that are widely considered indispensable texts. About Face: The Essentials of User Interface Design, intro-duced the first comprehensive set of practical design principles. The Inmates Are Running the Asylum explains how talented people and companies continually create aggravating high-tech products that fail to meet customer expectations. Robert Reimann has spent the past 15 years pushing the boundaries of digital products as a designer, writer, lecturer, and consultant. He has led dozens of interaction design projects in domains including e-commerce, portals, desktop productivity, authoring environments, medical and scientific instrumentation, wireless, and handheld devices for startups and Fortune 500 clients alike. Joining Cooper in 1996, Reimann led the development and refinement of many goal-directed design methods described in About Face 2.0. He has lectured on these methods at major universities and to international industry audiences. He is a member of the advisory board of the UC Berkeley Institute of Design. -
设计调研是设计专业学生和设计师在信息时代需要掌握的一项基本技能,因此本书全方位地就这一主题开展讨论。首先定性地介绍了常用的数据采集方法,如观察法、访谈法、问卷法、头脑风暴法、自我陈述法、实验法等,然后阐述常用的调研分析方法,如数量对比分析、知觉图、鱼骨图、卡片归纳法、情景法、人物角色法、故事板、可用性测试、A/B测试、用户点击行为分析、流量、转化率、跳出率和网站数据分析。最后本书介绍了设计调研的一般流程,以及如何从设计调研到设计洞察,并且提供了两个不同设计方向的教学案例:网站设计调研的案例来自阿里巴巴集团,是关于一个淘宝产品——淘宝指数的产生和迭代过程;环境艺术设计的案例来自上海交通大学,是关于闵行公园的场地调研与设计案例。 《设计调研》是一个团队协同的成果。作者来自各大高校和企业活跃在设计第一线的设计师,比如SAP、三星、阿里巴巴、腾讯、搜狐网、大众点评网、上海交通大学、南京艺术学院等。本书各章节的大量案例引用了高校课堂作业和企业的实际产品,它们与时下的设计理念紧密结合。 《设计调研》可以作为高等教育设计学科的专业教材,也可以为各类设计的从业人员提供参考。 -
本书是伊藤直树通过教育对话的方式,由浅到深的介绍了他所认为的交互设计常识,并通过对大量已有成功案例的分析,把常识与实践进行有机结合,广告的表现形式已从“告知”、“灌输”阶段进入了“交互”阶段,从接受者的角度实现“结构”与表现形式的完美结合。 但如何进行商品、企业、消费者直接的沟通? 如何实现广告接受者的共鸣? 如何运用媒体进行最大程度的“交互”? 伊藤直树在《传播的法则》一书中结合经典设计案例和教学实践,为您一一解答。 -
移动应用的交互设计对于移动产品的体验来说有着决定性的作用。作者首先从人-机-环的角度出发来阐述移动应用的设计,并建立了移动应用设计的基本原则;其次,根据移动端的情境、移动设备的特征,以及触摸的交互方式,作者总结了移动导航和移动框架设计的主要形式,并给出了移动导航设计的原则和思路。为了能帮助设计师们做出一个生动有趣的移动应用,本书还详细介绍了移动动画的设计方法,以及基于移动特性的细节和创新设计,为设计师们提供了一个很好的参考。同时,根据作者的移动应用设计经验,介绍了一些常用设计工具,希望对新入行的设计师们有所帮助。最后,本书作者提出了一个关于“流”的交互设计方法,丰富了移动应用的设计方法。 本书适合对移动设计感兴趣、想进入此领域的设计师们做入门指引,亦可给正在移动产品领域从事设计的设计师们以借鉴。 -
Don't Make Me Think
People won't use your web site if they can't find their way around it. Whether you call it usability, ease-of-use, or just good design, companies staking their fortunes and their futures on their Web sites are starting to recognize that it's a bottom-line issue. In Don't Make Me Think, usability expert Steve Krug distills his years of experience and observation into clear, practical--and often amusing--common sense advice for the people in the trenches (the designers, programmers, writers, editors, and Webmasters), the people who tell them what to do (project managers, business planners, and marketing people), and even the people who sign the checks. Krug's clearly explained, easily absorbed principles will help you sleep better at night knowing that all the hard work going into your site is producing something that people will actually want to use. -
市面上已经有很多专业的用户体验书籍,但解决用户体验设计师在职场中遇到的众多现实问题的图书并不多见。本书从用户体验设计师的角度出发,系统地介绍了其职业生涯中的学习方法、思维方式、工作流程等,覆盖了用户体验设计基础知识、设计师的角色和职业困惑、工作流程、需求分析、设计规划和设计标准、项目跟进和成果检验、设计师职业修养以及需要具备的意识等,力图帮助设计师解决在项目中遇到的一些常见问题,找到自己的职业成长之路。 本书由资深的一线用户体验设计师编写,书中融入了宝贵的职业经验和专业思考,对于交互设计师、视觉设计师、用户研究员等具有一定参考价值和借鉴意义;同时,本书也适用于产品经理、运营、开发等用户体验相关人员以及相关专业的学生阅读思考。