Dignity plays a central role in current thinking about law and human rights, but there is sharp disagreement about its meaning. Combining conceptual precision with a broad historical background, Michael Rosen puts these controversies in context and offers a novel, constructive proposal. Drawing on law, politics, religion, and culture, as well as philosophy, Rosen shows how modern conceptions of dignity inherit several distinct strands of meaning. This is why users of the word nowadays often talk past one another. The idea of dignity as the foundation for the universal entitlement to human rights represented the coming together after the Second World War of two extremely powerful traditions: Christian theology and Kantian philosophy. Not only is this idea of dignity as an "inner transcendental kernel" behind human rights problematic, Rosen argues, it has drawn attention away from a different, very important, sense of dignity: the right to be treated with dignity, that is, with proper respect. At the heart of the argument stands the giant figure of Immanuel Kant. Challenging current orthodoxy, Rosen's interpretation presents Kant as a philosopher whose ethical thought is governed, above all, by the requirement of showing respect toward a kernel of value that each of us carries, indestructibly, within ourselves. Finally, Rosen asks (and answers) a surprisingly puzzling question: why do we still have a duty to treat the dead with dignity if they will not benefit from our respect? -
《中国之为中国:正统与异端之辩》内容简介:所谓完全的正统性,政治上的统治性、文化上的正当性,二者缺一不可。 封建时代的古中国,讲求世子承袭、血脉正统,使得“攘夷”成为此后数代汉族政权抵御外族入侵时的经典口号。是以自齐桓公举“尊王攘夷”的大旗,确立周王室的权威正统,至满清入关多年,仍被斥为夷。然华夏亦以文化同一为正宗,有夷狄能忠孝仁义者,则进之曰夏,是以上述满清虽曾被视为夷,但因其能被教化而行华夏文化之精髓,终得政权统治之久安。家国天下,忠孝仁义,是为正统之精义。 自近代以来,随着世界寰宇取代古之黄帝天下,在抵御列强入侵的过程中,“中华民族”以及具备真正民族国家含义的新“中国”逐步形成,五十六个民族亦成“一家”,之前的“夷夏”之别不复存在。然而在世界而言,论及普世价值必称西式的民主、自由、平等,从此意义上说,“新中国”亟需重建自身的文化话语,在政治正统之外,亦以文化正统立于全球。 本辑即收录专题文章及相关典籍,探讨“中国”正统的变化与发展。 《思想史研究》系列丛书第九辑。收录海内外学者的七篇专题文章,或从政治,或从学术,如经、史、儒的关系、古代"中国"观念的演变等话题,讨论古往今来思想史之正统问题。 -
The Legitimacy of the Modern Age
In this book, Hans Blumenberg disputes the view that the modern idea of progress represents a secularization of religious belief in some divine intervention (the coming of the Messiah, the end of the world) which consummates human history from outside. Drawing from sources ranging from Aristotle and Augustine to Nietzsche, Marx, Freud, and Kuhn - with an impressive number of stops between - he argues that progress always implies a process at work within history, a process that ultimately expresses human choices, human self-assertion, and man's responsibility for his own fate.Hans Blumenberg has been associated with Kiel University in Hamburg since 1947. The book is included in the series Studies in Contemporary German Social Thought. -
安德鲁·文森特的《现代政治意识形态》是一部系统、深入探讨现当代西方政治思潮的学术专著,也是在英美大学较有影响的一本教科书。该书出版于1992年,曾在1993、1994、1995、1997、1998、2000、2001年多次再版发行,几乎每年都要重印,可见其受欢迎的程度。此书以流派为中心,分别对现当代西方流行的八大社会政治思潮,即自由主义、保守主义、社会主义、无政府主义、法西斯主义、女权主义、生态主义和民族主义作了综合评析,其目的是“揭开所有在过去两个世纪中影响人类生活的偶像的秘密”。这本书对我们较系统而专门地了解与研究现当代西方政治思潮有重要的参考价值。 -
该书是艾兰教授历年作学术研究,写作有关中国历史、思想、文化和考古方面的论文选集。其中有不少曾在中国的一些学术刊物上发表。书中凡于论文后面注明的,都是他在中国由其他译者翻译发表的;未注明的,则是译者首次翻译过来。该书中的论文,所引文大部分出自《四部丛刊》。 -