由美国经济学会主办的《美国经济评论》创刊于1911 年,距今100多年,是知名的经济学期刊之一。
本书是《美国经济评论》为纪念创刊100周年,特邀阿罗(K.J. Arrow )等六位著名经济学家,成立 “20 佳论文”评选委员会,由委员会在该刊100 年来刊登的数千篇文章中,甄选出对经济学发展与实践产生深远、重大影响,且富有创造性的20 篇论文。
膺选论文名重一时,代表了每一时期经济学的高学术水平, 同时整体再现了百年来在经济学领域艰辛跋涉、不断探索的历史发展轨迹,反映了美国主流经济学的基本走向。
Big Debt Crises
"Ray Dalio's excellent study provides an innovative way of thinking about debt crises and the policy response." - Ben Bernanke
"Ray Dalio's book is must reading for anyone who aspires to prevent or manage through the next financial crisis." - Larry Summers
"A terrific piece of work from one of the world's top investors who has devoted his life to understanding markets and demonstrated that understanding by navigating the 2008 financial crisis well." - Hank Paulson
"An outstanding history of financial crises, including the devastating crisis of 2008, with a very valuable framework for understanding why the engine of the financial system occasionally breaks down, and what types of policy actions by central banks and governments are necessary to resolve systemic financial crises. This should serve as a play book for future policy makers, with practical guidance about what to do and what not to do." - Tim Geithner
On the 10th anniversary of the 2008 financial crisis, one of the world's most successful investors, Ray Dalio, shares his unique template for how debt crises work and principles for dealing with them well. This template allowed his firm, Bridgewater Associates, to anticipate events and navigate them well while others struggled badly.
As he explained in his #1 New York Times Bestseller, Principles: Life & Work, Dalio believes that most everything happens over and over again through time so that by studying their patterns one can understand the cause-effect relationships behind them and develop principles for dealing with them well. In this 3-part research series, he does that for big debt crises and shares his template in the hopes reducing the chances of big debt crises happening and helping them be better managed in the future.
The template comes in three parts provided in three books: 1) The Archetypal Big Debt Cycle (which explains the template), 2) 3 Detailed Cases (which examines in depth the 2008 financial crisis, the 1930's Great Depression, and the 1920's inflationary depression of Germany's Weimar Republic), and 3) Compendium of 48 Cases (which is a compendium of charts and brief descriptions of the worst debt crises of the last 100 years). Whether you're an investor, a policy maker, or are simply interested, the unconventional perspective of one of the few people who navigated the crises successfully, A Template for Understanding Big Debt Crises will help you understand the economy and markets in revealing new ways.
无论是经济发展还是个人生活,在我们的生活中,关于房子的话题始终是一个热门话题,房产税、学区房、限购等话题,都是很多人日常生活中的热门话题,对于土地和房子,我们有着很多人所不能理解的执念。本书作者徐远是北京大学的老师,长期关注中国经济和金融的发展,做各种城市调研和企业研究,对于房子有着自己独特的看法。本书分为“房产配置, 远近高低各不同”“多维勾勒房市轮廓”“对标发达城市, 拨开中国房价迷雾”“房价的经济学透视”“短问快答,解开买房的 共同疑惑”五篇内容,可以说主要涵盖了我们关于房子讨论的热门问题。有理论,有实战,有答疑,相信对于我们对房子这件事的理解和把握,会有比较好的帮助,帮助我们读懂房产的财富逻辑。