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——P. D. 史密斯,《卫报》
1919年的巴黎是世界的首都。举世瞩目的巴黎和会正在这里召开,和谈者都是举足轻重的国际要人,美国总统伍德罗·威尔逊,英国首相劳合·乔治,以及法国总理克雷蒙梭成了和会的“三巨头”。在这里各国政要互做交易、制订条约,创建新国家和组织,甚至一起吃饭,一起去剧院看戏,他们一起上演了近代世界发燕尾服的悲喜剧。从1月到6月的半年中,巴黎一跃成为世界政府,上诉法庭和国会,同时也是人们恐惧和希望的所在。 这是非同寻常的180天,大国在这里展开了一场博弈,它们终结那些破产的帝国,同时创造着全新的国家。书中为我们塑造了和谈者们栩栩如生的形象。他们的个性、理想与偏见表现得淋漓尽致。他们将俄国赶出局,孤立中国,又驳回了阿拉伯人的主张。同时他们还艰难地为犹太人家园等问题而努力。然而和谈者们无奈地失败了,最重要的是,他们没能阻止另一场战争的爆发。 大国政要们试图公正无私,但是他们的目标——让战败国在不被摧毁的前提下进行赔款,满足不可能的民族主义梦想,阻止布尔什维主义的蔓延,同时创建一个在民主与理性基础上的世界新秩序——这一切单靠外交绝对无法实现。他们本想制造和平,可是令人匪夷所思的是,他们制造了另一场更大规模的战争。 本书犹如一部电影,再现了大国政要们极富戏剧色彩的个性和曲折回环的利益之争,因此又深具娱乐性。它为我们描绘了一幅五光十色的景色,让我们看到了当代世界初诞时的草图。 本书是了解当代世界形成和世界新秩序发展历程的一部经典之作。 -
A Mad Catastrophe
The Austro-Hungarian army that marched east and south to confront the Russians and Serbs in the opening campaigns of World War I had a glorious past but a pitiful present. Speaking a mystifying array of languages and lugging outdated weapons, the Austrian troops were hopelessly unprepared for the industrialized warfare that would shortly consume Europe. As prizewinning historian Geoffrey Wawro explains in A Mad Catastrophe, the doomed Austrian conscripts were an unfortunate microcosm of the Austro-Hungarian Empire itself—both equally ripe for destruction. After the assassination of the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand in June 1914, Germany goaded the Empire into a war with Russia and Serbia. With the Germans massing their forces in the west to engage the French and the British, everything—the course of the war and the fate of empires and alliances from Constantinople to London—hinged on the Habsburgs’ ability to crush Serbia and keep the Russians at bay. However, Austria-Hungary had been rotting from within for years, hollowed out by repression, cynicism, and corruption at the highest levels. Commanded by a dying emperor, Franz Joseph I, and a querulous celebrity general, Conrad von Hötzendorf, the Austro-Hungarians managed to bungle everything: their ultimatum to the Serbs, their declarations of war, their mobilization, and the pivotal battles in Galicia and Serbia. By the end of 1914, the Habsburg army lay in ruins and the outcome of the war seemed all but decided. Drawing on deep archival research, Wawro charts the decline of the Empire before the war and reconstructs the great battles in the east and the Balkans in thrilling and tragic detail. A Mad Catastrophe is a riveting account of a neglected face of World War I, revealing how a once-mighty empire collapsed in the trenches of Serbia and the Eastern Front, changing the course of European history. -
编者说明 2014年是个历史“大年”,而且几乎都与战争有关。从5月开始,陆续迎来了诺曼底登陆七十周年,太平天国运动失败(天京陷落)一百五十周年,中日甲午战争爆发一百二十周年,第一次世界大战一百周年。 对于中国来说,甲午当然很重要,《上海书评》不久前也刚刚编选了《甲午一百二十年祭》一书;但相对来说,一战百年似乎就是一个离中国有一点远的事了。不过,我们相信,中国始终是世界的一部分,一战作为本世纪最重要的国际事件之一,全方面的深刻地改变了这个世界,也必然深刻地影响着中国的历史进程。 在我们的这本小书中,会有文章来告诉您一战对中国何以重要,比如说徐国琦先生的《第一次世界大战在中国历史上的地位及影响》,吴芳思先生的《被出卖与被背叛:中国与一战》,但我们更想向您描绘一战的世界图景,读书,格局始终要大一点,就事谈事,就中国谈中国,我们永远也得不出想要知道的答案。 这一点,正如中国外交部年初时说的那样,“2014不是1914,2014更不是1894”。2014为什么不会是1914,2014为什么不能是1914,和当下的世界一起思考这场属于昨日世界的大事件,答案会有的。 《上海书评》编辑部 2014年6月28日 -
大多数一战研究主要围绕两个假设:一战始于1914年“八月的枪声”,结束于1918年11月11日的停战协议;战争源于民族国家,最后演变成整个欧洲的事件。这两个假设数十年占据着历史学关于一战研究的统治地位,基于这两个假设的成果导致了一个明显的结论,而且影响了对战争起因、欧洲文明及随后一系列其他问题的认识。本书从有别于前面两个假设展开。一是在更宽广(包括欧亚非美各洲)和更长久(1911—1923年)的框架中检视一战;二是指出战争不仅是民族国家间的战争,而且是各个帝国之间的战争。这场以各帝国为主的战争动员了数百万士兵,从德意志到土耳其、哈布斯堡、罗马尼亚帝国,同时包括所有协约国,印度、非洲、加拿大、澳大利亚的士兵都受雇于西部前线,特别是来自中国的劳工,他们的参与使得1914-1918年欧洲的冲突变成了世界战争。从中国到中东,从南太平洋到北非,带来了征兵、占领、通货膨胀和经济混乱,当然复杂的多重因素也导致了新机会、新理念、新规划和新希望,这是对战争看法的不同视角。全书对一战时期欧洲主要帝国进行了考察,对欧洲各帝国战时不同的社会动员以及殖民地和宗主国的关系与冲突进行了分析。每一章以问题为导向,同时又是相对独立的案例研究。 -
The Fall of the Ottomans
In 1914 the Ottoman Empire was depleted of men and resources after years of war against Balkan nationalist and Italian forces. But in the aftermath of the assassination in Sarajevo, the powers of Europe were sliding inexorably toward war, and not even the Middle East could escape the vast and enduring consequences of one of the most destructive conflicts in human history. The Great War spelled the end of the Ottomans, unleashing powerful forces that would forever change the face of the Middle East. In The Fall of the Ottomans, award-winning historian Eugene Rogan brings the First World War and its immediate aftermath in the Middle East to vivid life, uncovering the often ignored story of the region’s crucial role in the conflict. Bolstered by German money, arms, and military advisors, the Ottomans took on the Russian, British, and French forces, and tried to provoke Jihad against the Allies in their Muslim colonies. Unlike the static killing fields of the Western Front, the war in the Middle East was fast-moving and unpredictable, with the Turks inflicting decisive defeats on the Entente in Gallipoli, Mesopotamia, and Gaza before the tide of battle turned in the Allies’ favor. The great cities of Baghdad, Jerusalem, and, finally, Damascus fell to invading armies before the Ottomans agreed to an armistice in 1918. The postwar settlement led to the partition of Ottoman lands between the victorious powers, and laid the groundwork for the ongoing conflicts that continue to plague the modern Arab world. A sweeping narrative of battles and political intrigue from Gallipoli to Arabia, The Fall of the Ottomans is essential reading for anyone seeking to understand the Great War and the making of the modern Middle East.