一九八○年代台灣地區曾屢次出現規模不同的社會運動,但過去一直缺乏對此現象實際且深入的了解。本書不僅提出一些假設,也應用資料、數據、訪談等方法,有系統地去探討台灣地區的社會運動。發現除了政治資源對社會運動風潮的動員影響外,也看出其他的力量在特定的環境條件下,可以具備相當的影響能力。 -
Resisting Dictatorship
Review "Quite often, it seems, a great idea is obvious -- but only after it is introduced by an innovative thinker. That the outcome of repression and resistance is conditioned by the case-specific context of the struggle and that therefore it is the interaction that we must investigate should be obvious to everyone after reading Boudreau's work. A brilliant study of dictatorship, resistance, and democratization..."-Robert Lawless, Journal of Third World Studies "a major study whose greatest strength is its ability to link forms of authoritarian rule (with a particular emphasis on authoritarians' ways of taking power and initial repression of society) with the subsequent development of opposition. For students of Southeast Asian politics and scholars generally interested in regime types, oppostion protest and social movements, this is truly a must read." - Mark R. Thompson, University of Erlangen-Nuernberg Product Description Vince Boudreau's book compares state repression in three post-war dictatorships under Burma's Ne Win, Indonesia's Suharto and the Philippines' Ferdinand Marcos. In each case the dictator faced distinct social challenges and responded with specifically tailored repressive strategies. These strategies shaped the resources, social bases and opposition cultures available to dissidents and in turn influenced the effectiveness of that opposition. The author balances his first-hand research in the countries in question with the social movements literature to consider the long-term interactions between the regimes and their societies in the wake of repression, and the emergence of the democracy movements which followed. This is a thought-provoking book, which offers one of the first truly comparative studies on dictatorship, resistance and democracy in South East Asia. As such, it will be invaluable to students, as well as to those involved in policy making and commentating on the region. -
最壞的年代,最強的公民力量。 「公民行動影音紀錄資料庫」絕對嚴選 ──台灣公民行動的首部入門攻略。 羅世宏 X 劉靜怡 X 何明修 專序推薦 王小棣 X 李惠仁 X 吳朋奉 X 陳信聰 X 張茂桂 阿信(五月天) X 阿達(農村武裝青年) 手牽手挺身支持 向社運夢想家致敬,為台灣公民行動備忘── 你期待這片土地成為什麼樣子? 那些發生在生活之中,與你息息相關的生存議題: 如果你住的房子被納入都市更新徵收計畫? 如果你吃的稻米以科技園區所排廢水灌溉? 如果美麗的海岸線遭建商獨占,開始收費? 如果智慧型電子產品之製造依賴血汗勞動? 台灣重要社會議題,與新時代公民行動的紀錄專書。 選錄土地、環境、勞工、族群、性別等重要議題, 清楚陳述事件行動與年表紀事, 揭露主流媒體忽略之關鍵時刻。 新世紀台灣的公民覺醒運動,已經開始。 -
Passionate Politics
Emotions are back. Once at the center of the study of politics, emotions have receded into the shadows during the past three decades, with no place in the rationalistic, structural, and organizational models that dominate academic political analysis. With this new collection of essays, Jeff Goodwin, James M. Jasper, and Francesca Polletta reverse this trend, reincorporating emotions such as anger, indignation, fear, disgust, joy, and love into research on politics and social protest. The tools of cultural analysis are especially useful for probing the role of emotions in politics, the editors and contributors to "Passionate Politics" argue. Moral outrage, the shame of spoiled collective identities, or the joy of imagining a new and better society, are not automatic responses to events. Rather, they are related to moral institutions, felt obligations and rights, and information about expected effects, all of which are culturally and historically variable. With its look at the history of emotions in social thought, examination of the internal dynamics of protest groups, and exploration of the emotional dynamics that arise from interactions and conflicts among political factions and individuals, "Passionate Politics" will lead the way toward an overdue reconsideration of the role of emotions in social movements and politics generally. Contributors: Rebecca Anne Allahyari Edwin Amenta Collin Barker Mabel Berezin Craig Calhoun Randall Collins Frank Dobbin Jeff Goodwin Deborah B. Gould Julian McAllister Groves James M. Jasper Anne Kane Theodore D. Kemper Sharon Erickson Nepstad Steven Pfaff Francesca Polletta Christian Smith Arlene Stein Nancy Whittier Elisabeth Jean Wood Michael P. Young -
The Blackwell Companion to Social Movements
Review "It's hard to imagine how this volume could be improved. The organizing framework is terrific and the cast of characters is a virtual 'who's who' of social movement scholars. All in all, a wonderful addition to the bookshelf of any social movement analyst." Doug McAdam, Stanford University "A comprehensive survey of the current state of the art in Social Movement Studies, and launch pad for future work. Indispensible." Colin Barker, Manchester Metropolitan University “It’s hard to imagine how this volume could be improved. The organizing framework is terrific and the cast of characters is a virtual ‘who’s who’ of social movement scholars. All in all, a wonderful addition to the bookshelf of any social movement analyst.” Doug McAdam, Stanford University “A comprehensive survey of the current state of the art in Social Movement Studies, and launch pad for future work. Indispensible.” Colin Barker, Manchester Metropolitan University Product Description The Blackwell Companion to Social Movements is a compilation of original, state-of-the-art essays by internationally recognized scholars. Covering a diverse range of topics in the field of social movement studies, this volume offers an illuminating guide to understanding the dynamics and operation of social movements within the modern, global world. The abundance of social movement activity throughout the world, both violent and nonviolent, has made the study of social movements a valuable resource for helping students and scholars to engage and understand their own social world. Issues covered in this one volume include: historical, political, and cultural contexts; leadership; organizational dynamics; social networks and participation; consequences and outcomes; and synthetic overviews of major social movements, including labor, anti-war, women’s, religious, ethnic and national, and environmental movements. This outstanding resource offers the most comprehensive discussion of social movements available. -
本书是由美国政治学家玛格丽特·E.凯克和凯瑟琳·辛金克合著,2000年荣获美国路易斯维尔大学颁发的格劳梅耶奖,是一部颇有理论建树的力作。 本书综合社会运动,国际关系和比较政治等多年学科理论,以建构主义的视角探讨了非政府组织在国际政治中发挥作用的途径及其产生的影响。作者在书中通过对所选择的历史先例以及人权运动、环境保护运动和保护妇女权利运动三方面个案的详尽论述,深入地阐明了自已提出的有关政府组织的理论。本书1998年出版后便声誉鹊起,成为国际关系以及人权、环境保护和妇女问题研究领域的必读著作。