80年代文学新潮丛书之一,选编了刘索拉的《你别无选择》、王朔的《顽主》、陈染的《世纪病》等作品。 -
經典電影《裸體午餐》原著小說 垮世代理論教父在台第一本翻譯著作,《時代週刊》英文百大小說,對後現代音樂藝術文學最具全面影響力的作品。 《裸體午餐》是二十世紀最重要的小說,不僅重新界定文學的定義,也重新界定美國文化。本書描述一個毒癮者漫遊紐約、丹吉爾等各城市的膽寒故事,最後落腳於夢魘般的跨際區荒土。 本書創新的寫作形式、勇於探索禁忌話題,以及筆力萬鈞,直接影響了Thomas Pynchon、J.G..Ballard、William Gibson等褻瀆文學的作家,影響力並擴及音樂、電影等藝術形態,甚至直接衝擊媒體。 《裸體午餐》的完全復原版修正先前法版與美版的錯誤,並將布洛斯的註解穿插於原文中,附錄包括他歷年來針對本書所寫的各式評論,以及初版時刪掉的內容。是研究垮世代文學必備寶典。 -
《嬉皮士:美国主流社会的叛逆一代》主要内容有:嬉皮士的文化和生活、嬉皮士运动史、嬉皮士文化产生的原因、嬉皮士的生活方式、嬉皮士的内心独白。 -
On the Road
Swinging to the rhythms of 1950s underground America, jazz, sex, generosity, chill dawns and drugs, with Sal Paradise and his hero Dean Moriarty, traveller and mystic, the living epitome of beat. On The Road, the most famous of Jack Kerouac's works, is not only the soul of the Beat movement and literature, but one of the most important novels of the century. Like nearly all of Kerouac's writing, On The Road is thinly fictionalised autobiography, filled with a cast made of Kerouac's real life friends, lovers and fellow travellers. Narrated by Sal Paradise, one of Kerouac's alter-egos, this cross-country bohemian odyssey not only influenced writing in the years since its 1957 publication but penetrated into the deepest levels of American thought and culture. --Acton Lane -
Naked Lunch
Since its original publication in Paris in 1959, Naked Lunch has become one of the most important novels of the 20th century. Exerting its influence on the work of authors like Thomas Pynchon, J. G. Ballard, and William Gibson, on the relationship of art and obscenity, and on the shape of music, film, and media generally, it is one of the books that redefined not just literature but American culture. Now, nearly forty years after the book's first U.S. appearance, Burroughs scholar Barry Miles and Burroughs's longtime editor James Grauerholz have given us an edition of the book which includes many editorial corrections to errors present in the existing text, and incorporates Burroughs's notes on the text, several essays he wrote over the years about the book, and, most excitingly, an appendix of twenty percent new material and alternate drafts from the original manuscript, which predates the edition eventually was published by Olympia Press in Paris. For the Burroughs enthusiast and the neophyte, this volume is a valuable and fresh experience of perhaps his most enduring artistic legacy. -
他是心灵率直坦白的典范; 他终生致力于争取言说自由的事业; 他预言并身体力行了其后发生的一切; 他在几乎每一个重大问题上都表达了具有争议性的独立思考; 他的每篇文章如同指引我们的鲜亮路标。 他就是艾伦·金斯伯格——二十世纪美国伟大的诗人、预言家、政治活动家。 这本书是了解艾伦·金斯伯格非凡天才思想的窗口,是研究二十世纪美国文学史、文化史的重要文献。