《麦田里的守望者》是塞林格唯一的一部长篇,15虽然只有十几万字,它却在美国社会上和文学界产生过巨大影响。1951年,这部小说一问世,立即引起轰动。主人公的经历和思想在青少年中引起强烈共鸣,受到读者,特别是大中学生的热烈欢迎。他们纷纷模仿主人公霍尔顿的装束打扮,讲“霍尔顿式”的语言,因为这部小说道出了他们的心声,反映了他们的理想、苦闷和愿望。家长们和文学界也对这本书展开厂争论。有认为它能使青少年增加对生活的认识,对丑恶的现实提高警惕,促使他们去选择一条自爱的道路;成年人通过这本书也可增进对青少年的理解。可是也有人认为这是一本坏书,主人公读书不用功,还抽烟、酗酒,搞女人,满口粗活,张口就“他妈的”,因此应该禁止。经过30多年来时间的考验,证明它不愧为美国当代文学中的“现代经典小说”之一。现在大多数中学和高等学校已把它列为必读的课外读物,正如有的评论家说的那样,它“几乎大大地影响了好几代美国青年”。 本书以主人公霍尔顿自叙的语气讲述自己被学校开除后在纽约城游荡将近两昼夜的经历和心灵感受。它不仅生动细致地描绘了一个不安现状的中产阶级子弟的苦闷仿徨、孤独愤世的精神世界,一个青春期少年矛盾百出的心理特征,也批判了成人社会的虚伪和做作。霍尔顿是个性洛复杂而又矛盾的青少年的典型。他有一颗纯洁善良、追求美好生活和崇高理想的童心。他对那些热衷于谈女人和酒的人十分反感,对校长的虚伪势利非常厌恶,看到墙上的下流字眼便愤愤擦去,遇到修女为受难者募捐就慷慨解囊。他对妹妹菲芯真诚爱护,百般照顾。为了保护孩子,不让他们掉下悬崖,他还渴望终生做一个“麦田里的守望者”,发出“救救孩子”般的呼声。可是,愤世嫉俗思想引起的消极反抗,还有那敏感、好奇、焦躁、不安,想发泄、易冲动的青春期心理,又使得他不肯读书,不求上进,追求刺激,玩世不恭;他抽烟、酗酒、打架、调情,甚至找妓女玩。他觉得老师、父母要他读书上进,无非是要他“出人头地……以便将来可以买辆混帐凯迪拉克”。他认为成人社会里没有一个人可信,全是“假仁假义的伪君子”,连他敬佩的唯一的一位老师,后来也发现可能是个同性恋者,而且还用“一个不成熟男子的标志是他愿意为某种事业英勇地死去,一个成熟男子的标志是他愿意为某种事业卑贱地活着”那一套来教导他。他看不惯现实社会中的那种世态人情,他渴望的是朴实和真诚,但遇到的全是虚伪和欺骗,而他又无力改变这种现状,只好苦闷、彷徨、放纵,最后甚至想逃离这个现实世界,到穷乡僻壤去装成一个又聋又哑的人。二次大战后,美国在社会异化、政治高压和保守文化三股力量的高压下,形成了“沉寂的十年”,而首先起来反抗的是“垮掉的一代”,本书主人公霍尔顿实际上也是个“垮掉分子”,是最早出现的“反英雄”,只是他还没有放纵和混乱到他们那样的程度罢了。 《麦田里的守望者》之所以能产生如此重大的影响,很重要的一点还由于作者创造了一种新颖的艺术风格。全书通过第一人称,以一个青少年的口吻叙述了自己的所思所想、所见所闻和行为举止,也以一个青少年的眼光批判了成人世界的虚伪面目和欺骗行径。作者以细腻深刻的笔法剖析了主人公的复杂心理,不仅抓住了他的理想与现实冲突这一心理加以分析,而且也紧紧抓住了青少年青春期的心理特点来表现主人公的善良纯真和荒诞放纵。小说中既用了“生活流”,也用了“意识流”,两者得到了巧妙的结合。在语言的运用上,本书也独创一格。全书用青少年的口吻平铺直叙,不避琐碎,不讳隐私,使用了大量的口语和俚语,生动活泼,平易近人,达到了如闻其声、如见其人的效果,增加了作品的感染力,使读者更能激起共鸣和思索,激起联想和反响。 -
本书以一种宗教赞美诗的形式, 注满深情的诗行, 纪念他的已故的美丽而疯狂的母亲, 本书是在我国首次出版的金斯柏格的选集。 -
On the Road
"On the Road" chronicles Jack Kerouac's years traveling the North American continent with his friend Neal Cassady, "a sideburned hero of the snowy West." As "Sal Paradise" and "Dean Moriarty," the two roam the country in a quest for self-knowledge and experience. Kerouac's love of America, his compassion for humanity, and his sense of language as jazz combine to make "On the Road" an inspirational work of lasting importance. Chronicles Jack Kerouac's years traveling the North American continent with his friend Neal Cassady, "a sideburned hero of the snowy West." On the Road, Jack Kerouac's whirling, swirling celebration of the generation we call Beat, was first published in 1957, by The Viking Press in the States, and André Deutsch in the UK. To celebrate its fiftieth birthday, we're publishing the unexpurgated scroll for the first time, in a beautiful hardback edition that is absolutely exquisite. Legend has it that Kerouac wrote the novel in a fury of movement: fuelled by caffeine and cigarettes, he typed this magisterial work on a series of pieces of paper, taped together to make a rudimentary `scroll', flowing down the page, unstoppable, rather like the energetic road trip he and his friend, Neal Cassady, took across America, and that he documents in the novel. For the first time, you can finally read exactly what Kerouac wrote - the edition we all know and love was strongly edited, to excise the more racy bits that were deemed to be too strong meat for the `50s crowd. References to sex and drugs - though not entirely expunged - were toned down and tempered. The text was chopped up into neat paragraphs, to be easy on the eye. But now you can read the full, out-of-breath paean to the heady joys of living with the wind in your hair and only a dollar in your pocket. In the New York Times, Luc Sante writes that `The novel that "On the Road" became was inarguably the book that young people needed in 1957, but the sparse and unassuming scroll is the living version for our time.' Too right. If you haven't read the scroll yet, I envy you hugely. -
这本书收入作者历年来有关BG研究的论文以及其他关于英美文学、文化、翻译理论的文章,涉及马克·吐温、海明威、马尔卡姆·考利、约翰·契弗、罗伯特·潘·沃伦、约翰·厄普代克、纳博科夫、约瑟夫·海勒等重要作家和诗人,但以BG为主。作者从历史和现实、文学、文化等角度,多方面地考察了这一具有世界性影响,而且至今不衰的重要思潮,联系到BG,尤其是其代表作家艾伦·金斯伯格的作品在中国的译介与接受,力图正本清源,澄清长期以来BG在中国的误读。观点鲜明,文笔犀利;附录收录了若干国外BG重要研究论文,提供了有关BG研究的新动态。 -
《后垮掉派诗选》(Selected Poems of Post—Beat Poets)收入美国23 位后垮掉派诗人风格迥异、极具个性化的160余首诗篇,其中有的富于哲理,有的看似平淡却耐人寻味,有的狂放恣肆,有的细腻入微,有的色彩斑斓。内容涉及社会、自然、情感,拓展了W.C.威廉斯和金斯堡“一切皆可入诗”和“最初的思绪,最好的思绪”诗学观,为华人世界读者开启了一览美国非主流“另类文学”尤其是“民间诗歌”的窗口。 这批已经趋于成熟的诗人的作品在精神寻求、个人经验的表达、探索新的生活方式、捍卫社会正义以及寻求语言和媒体多元结合的可能性等方面与垮掉派作家的主张一脉相承。作为一个新的诗歌流派,后垮掉派方兴未艾。 -
Howl and Other Poems
"Allen Ginsberg's Howl & Other Poems was originally published by City Lights Books in the fall of 1956. Subsequently seized by U.S. Customs and the San Francisco police, it was the subject of a long court trial at which a series of poets and professors persuaded the court that the book was not obscene. Allen Ginsberg was born June 3, 1926, the son of Naomi Ginsberg, Russian emigre, and Louis Ginsberg, lyric poet and schoolteacher, in Paterson, New Jersey. To these facts Ginsberg adds: "High school in Paterson till 17, Columbia College, merchant marine, Texas and Denver copyboy, Times Square, amigos in jail, dishwashing, book reviews, Mexico City, market research, Satori in Harlem, Yucatan and Chiapas 1954, West Coast 3 years. Later Arctic Sea trip, Tangier, Venice, Amsterdam, Paris, read at Oxford Harvard Columbia Chicago, quit, wrote Kaddish 1959, made tape to leave behind & fade in Orient awhile. Carl Solomon to whom Howl is addressed, is a intuitive Bronx dadaist and prose-poet.""