Hard Drive
The true story behind the rise of a tyrannical genius, how he transformed an industry, and why everyone is out to get him.In this fascinating exposé, two investigative reporters trace the hugely successful career of Microsoft founder Bill Gates. Part entrepreneur, part enfant terrible, Gates has become the most powerful -- and feared -- player in the computer industry, and arguably the richest man in America. In Hard Drive, investigative reporters Wallace and Erickson follow Gates from his days as an unkempt thirteen-year-old computer hacker to his present-day status as a ruthless billionaire CEO. More than simply a "revenge of the nerds" story though, this is a balanced analysis of a business triumph, and a stunningly driven personality. The authors have spoken to everyone who knows anything about Bill Gates and Microsoft -- from childhood friends to employees and business rivals who reveal the heights, and limits, of his wizardry. From Gates's singular accomplishments to his equally extraordinary brattiness, arrogance, and hostility (the atmosphere is so intense at Microsoft that stressed-out programmers have been known to ease the tension of their eighty-hour workweeks by exploding homemade bombs), this is a uniquely revealing glimpse of the person who has emerged as the undisputed king of a notoriously brutal industry. -
译自The soul of a new machine -
也许,除了伟大的乔布斯,每一位奋力改变世界的硅谷英雄,都值得我们肃然起敬。苹果与谷歌十年博弈,关于这场移动平台战争的报道早已铺天盖地,而这是第一次,我们能听到幕后工程师的真实声音。两大科技巨人用智能手机和平板电脑颠覆了电脑产业。它们位处变革的中心,凭借各自的经营哲学、魅力领袖和商业敏感度,把竞争变成了残酷对决。商业记者沃格尔斯坦报道这场对抗已逾十载,在《移动风暴》中,他带领我们来到一间间办公室和会议室,两家公司的价值信条在那里转化成冷冰冰的生意;在这本书中,我们会从另一面理解商界神坛上的苹果前CEO史蒂夫•乔布斯,谷歌执行董事长埃里克•施密特;也会了解在最终彻底改变人际沟通方式的高科技产品诞生的背后,种种交易、诉讼和抗辩的内幕。平台战争通常只有一个结果——赢家通吃,输家则生存堪虞。面对数以千亿计的收益,苹果与谷歌将战至最后,不死不休。《移动风暴》不仅探讨何种设备将取代我们的手机和笔记本电脑,更要揭示这些设备中的内容终将为谁所控,以及这些内容来自何方——而这些,关乎硅谷、纽约和好莱坞乃至全世界媒体和传播业的未来。 -
《巨人归来:中国最著名的失败者史玉柱的巨人传奇》介绍了许多关于史玉柱的著作或是评述中,史玉柱总是有着两个完全不同的形象:要么是冒进的、遭遇失败并且最终还会失败的倒霉蛋;要么就是智慧的化身、应用财富的英雄。其实,那都是表象,史玉柱不过是中国改革开放30年来,印刻着中国时代烙印的普通创业者中的一员罢了。如大家所知道的一样,史玉柱曾从4000元起家成为富豪榜第八,风云一时;之后,史玉柱又随着巨人集团的轰然倒塌负债多达2个多亿,成为“中国首负”;现在,他又以惊人的致富速度,凭借着500亿身价摘得“IT首富”。无疑,剖析这样一个极具传奇色彩的平民创业者,对创业者、成功者、失败者、研究者、学习者都将会带来一笔宝贵的社会财富。《巨人归来:中国最著名的失败者史玉柱的巨人传奇》将以一个专业商业观察者的角度,从市场、竞争对手、人才战略、管理制度、企业文化、投资理念六个方面全景式地剖析造就这个传奇背后的财富法则,并为你拾起史玉柱4000元到500亿坎坷征途中令人深思的成功细节。 -
《打造Facebook》新书发布会,王淮与读者面对面,活动链接:http://www.douban.com/event/18166913/ 这本书的书名——《打造Facebook:亲历Facebook爆发的5年》很嚣张,谁有资格可以说这句话呢,当然,扎克伯格最有资格,但他不会亲自来告诉你,至少从目前的情况来看,近几年都不大可能。而且,这不是一个人的公司。里面的每一人,尤其是工程师,既是公司文化的承受者,同时 也在不断的改造着公司的文化。我想强调的是团队,是团队的力量打造了Facebook。而让团队凝聚在一起并充满战斗力的,即其文化。这种文化,包括一些做事的方式,为什么这么做的原因,和对这些做法和原因的认同。写这本《打造Facebook:亲历Facebook爆发的5年》,是想剖析Facebook文化的精髓,还有这里面的思考过程和前后的变化,详细解释当中最有价值和最值得学习的那几点。尤其作为早期员工,我们奠定了这些文化的基础。 -
Idea Man
By his early thirties, Paul Allen was a world-famous billionaire-and that was just the beginning. In 2007 and 2008, Time named Paul Allen, the cofounder of Microsoft, one of the hundred most influential people in the world. Since he made his fortune, his impact has been felt in science, technology, business, medicine, sports, music, and philanthropy. His passion, curiosity, and intellectual rigor-combined with the resources to launch and support new initiatives-have literally changed the world. In 2009 Allen discovered that he had lymphoma, lending urgency to his desire to share his story for the first time. In this long-awaited memoir, Allen explains how he has solved problems, what he's learned from his many endeavors-both the triumphs and the failures-and his compelling vision for the future. He reflects candidly on an extraordinary life. The book also features previously untold stories about everything from the true origins of Microsoft to Allen's role in the dawn of private space travel (with SpaceShipOne) and in discoveries at the frontiers of brain science. With honesty, humor, and insight, Allen tells the story of a life of ideas made real.