《奥瑟罗》主要内容:奥瑟罗是威尼斯公国一员勇将。他与元的女儿苔丝狄梦娜相爱。但由于他是黑人,婚事未被允许。两人只好私下订婚。但奥瑟罗手下的旗官伊阿古一心想除掉奥瑟罗,他先向元老告密,却促成了婚事。他又挑拨离间,说另一名副将将凯西奥与苔丝狄梦娜有暖昧关系,并伪造了证物。奥瑟罗信以为真,在愤怒中掐死了妻子。事后知道真相,悔恨自杀,倒在苔丝狄梦娜身边。 -
经典权威,集莎学研究之大成,是学习者、研究者、收藏者的必备之选!以金钱为主题,以阴谋为线索,以法庭辩论为高潮,结果又在轻松喜庆的气氛中落幕,这就是《威尼斯商人》!一个如此著名,又如此峰回路转的故事。 好心的商人安东尼奥为了朋友的婚事,向刻薄的夏洛克借钱。因一场意外,安东尼奥未能如期归还债款,便要遭受割肉之罚,幸亏机智的鲍西娅鼎力相救,他才化险为夷。 本书为“莎士比亚作品解读丛书”之一,全英文版。 -
The Tempest
The Tempest is the most lyrical, profound and fascinating of Shakespeare's late comedies. Prospero, long exiled from Italy with his daughter Miranda, seeks to use his magical powers to defeat his former enemies. Eventually, having proved merciful, he divests himself of that magic, his 'art', and prepares to return to the mainland. The Tempest has often been regarded as Shakespeare's 'farewell to the stage' before his retirement. -
As You Like It
John Dover Wilson's New Shakespeare, published between 1921 and 1966, became the classic Cambridge edition of Shakespeare's plays and poems until the 1980s. The series, long since out-of-print, is now reissued. Each work contains a lengthy and lively introduction, main text, and substantial notes and glossary. -
In a period of ten years, Shakespeare wrote a series of tragedies that established him, by universal consent, in the front rank of the world?s dramatists. Critics have praised either Hamlet or King Lear as the greatest of these; Ernst Honigmann, in the most significant edition of the play for a generation, asks: why not Othello? The third of the mature tragedies, it contains, as Honigmann persuasively demonstrates, perhaps the best plot, two of Shakespeare?s most original characters, the most powerful scene in any of the plays and poetry second to none. Honigmann?s cogent and closely argued introduction outlines the reasons both for a reluctance to recognize the greatness of Othello and for the case against the play. This edition sheds new light on the text of the play as we have come to know it, and on our knowledge of its early history. Honigmann examines the major critical issues, the play in performance and the relationship between reading it and seeing it. He also explores topics such as its date, sources and the conundrum of ?double time?. 'Honigmann's extensive knowledge illuminates this play at every turn, making this the best edition of Othello now available.' Brian Vickers, Review of English Studies -
《裘力斯・凯撒》是莎士比亚以古罗马史为根据的名 剧。此剧借古喻今,深入探讨了英国伊丽莎白一世时代 专制集权、贵族民主和群众情绪三者之间的错综矛盾关 系。剧中有历史,有政治,有辩论术,有文采,因此是 英国历来青少年的必读教材。中学生往往排演此戏;受 过教育的成年人无不背诵过其中安东尼和勃鲁托斯雄辩 的演说。本书是该剧完整的原文,配以简要、准确、充 分的英汉文注释,可供大学外国文学系高年级学生或研 究生作教材用,也可供高等英语自学者和文学翻译工作 者阅读和欣赏。本剧写于十六世纪末,文字离现代英语 较远,但它是莎士比亚剧作中词汇量最少和最易读的一 种。借助于注释,具有一定英语训练的读者不难阅读和 欣赏。